public class Date212 {
private int month;
private int day;
private int year;
public Date212(String d){
String temp;
temp = d.substring(4,6);
int theMonth = Integer.parseInt(temp);
temp = d.substring(6,8);
int theDay = Integer.parseInt(temp);
temp = d.substring(0,4);
int theYear = Integer.parseInt(temp);
setDate212(theYear, theMonth, theDay);
public void setDate212(int y, int m, int d){
year = y;
month = m;
day = d;
public int getMonth(){
return month;
public int getDay(){
return day;
public int getYear(){
return year;
public int compareTo(Date212 other){
if(this.toString().compareTo( ((Date212)other).toString()) < 0)
return -1; //This temp is smaller
else if(this.toString().compareTo( ((Date212)other).toString()) > 0){
return 1; //This temp is bigger
return 0; //Must be equal
public String toString(){
String s = Integer.toString(year) + "/" + Integer.toString(month) + "/" + Integer.toString(day);
return s;
public class ListNode
protected Date212 data;
protected ListNode next;
public ListNode(Date212 d)
data = d;
next = null;
} // constructor
} // class ShortNode
public class LinkedList {
/** First node in linked list - dummy node */
private ListNode first = new ListNode(null);
/** Last node in linked list */
private ListNode last = first;
/** Number of data items in the list. */
private int length = 0;
* Gets the number of data values currently stored in this LinkedList.
* @return the number of elements in the list.
public int getLength() {
return length;
* Appends a String data element to this LinkedList.
* @param data
* the data element to be appended.
public void append(Date212 d) {
ListNode n = new ListNode(d);
last.next = n;
last = n;
} // method append(String)
* Prepends (adds to the beginning) a String data element to this
* LinkedList.
* @param data
* the data element to be prepended.
public void insert(Date212 d) {
ListNode n = new ListNode(d);
if (length == 0) //If your list is empty
last = n;
first.next = n;
n.next = null;
else //There is element
ListNode p = first.next; //Start with the first element
for(int i = 0; i<length; i++){
if(p.data.compareTo(d) < 0){ //If you are smaller than the *following* element
n.next = p.next; //Insert the element after the actual
p.next = n;
return; //Return early
p = p.next;
//We are greater than any element
* Determines whether this ShortSequenceLinkedList is equal in value to the
* parameter object. They are equal if the parameter is of class
* ShortSequenceLinkedList and the two objects contain the same short
* integer values at each index.
* @param other
* the object to be compared to this ShortSequenceLinkedList
* @return <code>true</code> if the parameter object is a
* ShortSequenceLinkedList containing the same numbers at each index
* as this ShortSequenceLinkedList, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null || getClass() != other.getClass()
|| length != ((LinkedList) other).length)
return false;
ListNode nodeThis = first;
ListNode nodeOther = ((LinkedList) other).first;
while (nodeThis != null) {
// Since the two linked lists are the same length,
// they should reach null on the same iteration.
if (nodeThis.data != nodeOther.data)
return false;
nodeThis = nodeThis.next;
nodeOther = nodeOther.next;
} // while
return true;
} // method equals
public String printList(){
String s = "";
ListNode p = first.next;
while(p != null){
s += p.data.toString() + "n";
p = p.next;
return s;
}// class LinkedList
public void insert(Date212 d) {
ListNode n = new ListNode(d);
ListNode p = first;
// Find the insertion point
while ((p.next != null) && (p.next.data.compareTo(d) < 0)) {
p = p.next;
// Insert the node
n.next = p.next;
p.next = n;
if (n.next == null) {
last = n;
// Update the list length
else //There is element
ListNode p = first; //Start with the head, p will point to the element AFTER which insertion should take place
for(int i = 0; i<length; i++){
if(p.next.data.compareTo(d) > 0){ //If ele to insert is lesser than next ele
n.next = p.next; //Insert the element after the actual
p.next = n;
return; //Return early
p = p.next;
//We are greater than any element