尝试实时切片大型物体是否现实?(假设~1M tris)






For each point calculate dot product with plane normal
For each point calculate plane side it belongs. Positive or negative side or exactly on the plane.
For each triangle count number of it's points for each side.
  If all points are on positive side or on plane then take whole triangle
  If all points are on negative side or on plane then do not take triangle
  If some points are on positive side and some on negative side, calculate
         intersection points between triangle edges and plane and create triangles in a way:
     One point on positive side. Result is one triangle.
     Two points on positive side. Result is quadrilliteral, or two triangles.
     Plane intersect triangle exactly on one point. Similar to first case.

所有操作都很简单,并且与点数呈线性关系。有了这个整个算法应该很快。我认为它应该在一秒钟内与 1M trias 网格相交。
