

import pygame
import lab06_bubbles as bubbles
import random
# @@@ NOTE: In this lab, I *DON'T* want you to change anything in this file. I want you to create
#           lab06_bubbles.py so that this works as described in the lab document (and video) @@@
# Pygame setup
win_width = 1200
win_height = 800
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((win_width, win_height))
font = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier New", 12)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
done = False
numBubbles = random.randint(50, 100)                        # Initial number of bubbles
numWebs = 2                                                 # Initial number of connections between each bubble
paused = False                                              # Are we paused?
minAreaWidth = 50                                           # The minimum width of the bubble area
maxAreaWidth = win_width                                    # The maximum width of the bubble area
minAreaHeight = 50                                          # The minimum height of the bubble area
maxAreaHeight = win_height - 50                             # The maximum height of the bubble area
# Generate the initial play area and bubble list
currentArea = bubbles.randomArea(minAreaWidth, minAreaHeight, maxAreaWidth, maxAreaHeight)
bubbleList = bubbles.spawnBubbles(numBubbles, currentArea, 5, 20, 100)

# Game Loop
while not done:
    # @@@@@@@@@@@@@
    # @ UPDATE    @
    # @@@@@@@@@@@@@
    deltaTime = clock.tick() / 1000.0
    if paused:
       deltaTime = 0.0
    bubbles.updateBubbles(bubbleList, currentArea, deltaTime)
    # @@@@@@@@@@@@@
    # @ INPUT     @
    # @@@@@@@@@@@@@
    event = pygame.event.poll()
    if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
        done = True
    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
        if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
            done = True
        elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
            numBubbles -= 5
            if numBubbles < 5:
                numBubbles = 5
            bubbleList = bubbles.spawnBubbles(numBubbles, currentArea, 5, 20, 100)
        elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
            numBubbles += 5
            if numBubbles > 100:
                numBubbles = 100
            bubbleList = bubbles.spawnBubbles(numBubbles, currentArea, 5, 20, 100)
        elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
            numWebs += 1
        elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
            numWebs -= 1
            if numWebs < 0:
                numWebs = 0
        elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
            currentArea = bubbles.randomArea(minAreaWidth, minAreaHeight, maxAreaWidth, maxAreaHeight)
            bubbleList = bubbles.spawnBubbles(numBubbles, currentArea, 5, 20, 100)
        elif event.key == pygame.K_p:
            paused = not paused
    # @@@@@@@@@@@@@
    # @ DRAW      @
    # @@@@@@@@@@@@@
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255,255,255), currentArea, 1)
    bubbles.drawBubbles(bubbleList, screen, numWebs)
    screen.blit(font.render("# Bubbles: " + str(len(bubbleList)) + "  area: " + str(currentArea) + 
                        "   num_webs: " + str(numWebs), False, (128,128,128)), (0, win_height - 48))
    screen.blit(font.render("[Left / Right] : decrease / increase number of bubbles    [space]: regenerate bounds [escape]: quit", 
                        False, (128,128,128)), (0, win_height - 32))
    screen.blit(font.render("[Up / Down] : decrease / increase number of connections    [p]: pause", False, 
                        (128,128,128)), (0, win_height - 16))
# Pygame shutdown


def randomArea(minW, minH, maxW, maxH):
 :param minW: the minimum width of this box
 :param minH: the minimum height of this box
 :param maxW: the maximum width of this box (normally the width of the "playfield")
 :param maxH: the maximum height of this box (normally the height of the "playfield")
 :return: a pygame-style rect (x, y, w, h) that fits within the "playfield"
def spawnBubbles(num, area, minSize, maxSize, maxSpeed):
 :param num: the number of bubbles to create
 :param area: a pygame-style rect (x, y, w, h) that all bubbles should spawn completely inside
 :param minSize: the minimum size of a bubble
 :param maxSize: the maximum size of a bubble (should fit within the minimum size passed to
 :param maxSpeed: the maximum horizontal and vertical speed a bubble should have (in px / s)
 :return: A list of lists where each sub-list is of the form [x, y, radius, horiz_speed,
def getClosest(interest, L, num):
 :param interest: the bubble of interest
 :param L: the list of all bubbles
 :param num: the number of closest bubbles to find
 :return: a list of num bubbles (not counting the interest) that are closest to the interest
def updateBubbles(L, area, dt):
 Makes all bubbles move. If a bubble hits the left / right sides of the area, negate their
horiz_speed and
 move them just inside the area; if a bubble hits the top / bottom of the area, negate their
vert_speed and
 move them just inside the area.
 :param L: The list of all bubbles
 :param area: the pygame-style rect bounding the play area.
 :param dt: The number of seconds that has passed since the last update
 :return: None
def drawBubbles(L, surf, num_webs):
 Draws the bubbles and the connections between them. This function calls the getClosest
function internally
 :param L: The list of all bubbles
 :param surf: The surface to draw to
 :param num_webs: The number of connections to draw between bubbles
 :return: None




  • 当前工作目录(通常是你正在处理的脚本所在的文件夹)
  • 如果在当前工作目录中找不到它,它将在Python安装的库中查找它。




  • 参数是什么
  • 函数应该返回什么



def getDist(pointa, pointb):
 Takes two points, and return the distance between those points.
 :param pointa: a tuple with the x, y coordinates of point a
 :param pointb: a tuple with the x, y coordinates of point b
 :return: a float representing the distance between the two points


def getDist(pointa, pointb):
    xa,ya = pointa
    xb,yb = pointb
    dist_ab = ((xa-xb)**2+(ya-yb)**2)**0.5
    return float(dist_ab)


