


 Index: 185 PNUM: 158   
 Index: 186 PNUM: 159   
 Index: 187 PNUM: 160   
 Index: 188 PNUM: 161   
 Index: 189 PNUM: 162   
 Index: -1 PNUM: blank   
 Index: -1 PNUM: blank   
 Index: 163 PNUM: 134   
 Index: 164 PNUM: 135   
 Index: -1 PNUM: blank   
 Index: 191 PNUM: 166   
 Index: 192 PNUM: 167   
 Index: 193 PNUM: 168   
 Index: 194 PNUM: 169   






//this is the actual hidden variable you're trying to guess
states = ('i', 'ii', 'iii', 'iv', ...., '1','2','3' ....)
//what OCR will give you, a 98% accurate view of state
//blank is for when there is no page number
//other is for an OCR result you didn't anticipate, such as 'f413dsaf'
possible_observations = (blank,other, 'i','ii','iii','iv',...,'1','2','3'...)
//the probability distribution of states for the first page
//must sum to 1.0
start_probability = {'i': 0.2, '1':0.5, all the rest: (1-0.7)/numOtherStates}
//the probability that the state '2' is found after '1'
//let's put a 0.05 percent chance of duplicate
//and put a very small probability of getting somewhere random
transition_probability = {
'i' : {'ii':0.8,'1':0.1,'i':0.05,allOthers: 0.05/numOtherStates},
'1' : {'2': 0.9, '1': 0.05, allOthers: 0.05/numOtherStates}
//that's the probability of what you OCR will see given the true state
//for the true page '1', there's 95% percent chance the OCR will see '1', 1% it will see    
//'i', 3% it will see a blank, and 0.01%/otherObservation that it will OCR something else
//you can use some string distance for that one (Levenshtein etc...)
emission_probability = {
'1' : {'1': 0.95, 'i': 0.01, blank: 0.03, otherObservations: (0.01)/numObservations},
'2' : {'2': 0.95, 'z': 0.01, blank: 0.03, otherObservations: (0.01)/numObservations},
observations = for i = 1 to maxINDEX {PNUM[INDEX]}

其他可能:使用levenshtein distance

将所有页码依次放入数组{PNUM[INDEX=0], PNUM[INDEX=1],…}并尝试将其与1,2,3,…马克斯(PNUM)。在计算距离时,levenshtein算法将插入更改(删除、插入、页面更改)。如果您编写代码来显示这些更改,那么您也应该有一些像样的东西。
