
我是Haskell的新手,正在尝试安装Snap(http://snapframework.com)在Windows 7上。我已经安装了GHCi和阴谋集团。开始做与网站文档中解释的相同的事情,但我有下一个例外:


Resolving dependencies...
Downloading blaze-builder-
Warning: http error: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse
"parseResponseHead Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"
Failed to install blaze-builder-
Downloading byteable-0.1.1...
Warning: http error: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse
"parseResponseHead Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"
Failed to install byteable-0.1.1
Downloading crypto-api-
Warning: http error: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse
"parseResponseHead Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"
Failed to install crypto-api-
Downloading enumerator-0.4.20...
Warning: http error: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse
"parseResponseHead Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"
Failed to install enumerator-0.4.20
Downloading extensible-exceptions-
Warning: http error: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse
"parseResponseHead Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"
Failed to install extensible-exceptions-
Downloading generic-deriving-1.6.2...
Warning: http error: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse
"parseResponseHead Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"
Failed to install generic-deriving-1.6.2
Downloading logict-
Warning: http error: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse
"parseResponseHead Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"
Failed to install logict-
Downloading mwc-random-
Warning: http error: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse
"parseResponseHead Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"
Failed to install mwc-random-
Downloading safe-0.3.3...
Warning: http error: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse
"parseResponseHead Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"
Failed to install safe-0.3.3
Downloading transformers-compat-

Yesod也发生了同样的事情,所以似乎要么cabal在Windows7上不是很好,要么在开始通过cabal 安装任何软件包之前需要应用一些神奇的配置


C:UsersBogdan>cabal update


Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org
Warning: http error: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse
"parseResponseHead Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"
cabal: Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorParse "parseResponseHead
Response status line parse failure: <html>rn"


