使用 chocolatey 和 packages.config 安装 Windows 功能



choco list --source windowsFeatures
Chocolatey v0.10.8
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.14393.0
Image Version: 10.0.14393.0
Features listing for package : Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.14393.0
----------------------------------------------------- | --------
Feature Name                                          | State
----------------------------------------------------- | --------
IIS-WebServerRole                                     | Enabled
IIS-WebServer                                         | Enabled

将这些 ID 放在 packages.config 中并设置源属性:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <package id="IIS-WebServerRole" source="windowsfeatures" />
    <package id="IIS-Security" source="windowsfeatures" />

安装 via 给我错误消息:

choco install .packages.config --yes --acceptlicense
Chocolatey v0.10.8
Installing from config file:
By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
Installing the following packages:
IIS-WebServerRole not installed. The package was not found with the source(s) listed.
 If you specified a particular version and are receiving this message, it is possible that the package name exists but the version does not.
 Version: ""
 Source(s): "windowsfeatures"
IIS-Security not installed. The package was not found with the source(s) listed.
 If you specified a particular version and are receiving this message, it is possible that the package name exists but the version does not.
 Version: ""
 Source(s): "windowsfeatures"
Chocolatey installed 0/2 packages. 2 packages failed.
 See the log for details (C:ProgramDatachocolateylogschocolatey.log).
 - IIS-Security - IIS-Security not installed. The package was not found with the source(s) listed.
 If you specified a particular version and are receiving this message, it is possible that the package name exists but the version does not.
 Version: ""
 Source(s): "windowsfeatures"
 - IIS-WebServerRole - IIS-WebServerRole not installed. The package was not found with the source(s) listed.
 If you specified a particular version and are receiving this message, it is possible that the package name exists but the version does not.
 Version: ""
 Source(s): "windowsfeatures"

是否可以安装 package.config 中列出的 Windows 功能?


该错误已得到解决,并且已发布新版本的Chocolatey v0.11.3。






默认情况下,巧克力在其数据中心搜索包裹。您正在尝试在此处启用 Windows 功能,而不是软件/应用程序。使用以下命令运行。

choco install .choco_iis.config --yes --acceptlicense -s windowsfeatures
