使用 if/else 语句 maya/python API 驱动字符串

>我应该首先让你知道,我正在尝试从Maya重新创建目标约束UI。 这是我第一次使用Python,所以我只是做一个小项目来解决这个问题。

问题子项是维护偏移量布尔值和世界向上向量枚举。 我不知道如何调用他们的结果来驱动 AIM 约束的变量。

好的。 所以我在让我的 if/else 语句工作时遇到了一些麻烦。 每次我尝试使用它们(维护偏移行、世界向上类型行(时,我都会得到"无效语法"或"意外缩进"或其他一些错误,我在使用 Csharp 时从未在 Unity 中出现过这些错误。 最重要的是,我无法弄清楚如何通过另一个定义来调用一个定义。


import maya.cmds as cmds
import functools
maintainOffsetBool = False
OffsetX = 0.0
OffsetY = 0.0
OffsetZ = 0.0
aimVectorX = 1.0
aimVectorY = 0.0
aimVectorZ = 0.0
upVectorX = 0.0
upVectorY = 1.0
upVectorZ = 0.0
worldUpTypeField = ''
worldUpVectorX = 0.0
worldUpVectorY = 1.0
worldUpVectorZ = 0.0
weightFloat = 1.0 
def createUI( pWindowTitle, pApplyCallback ):
    windowID = 'CustomAimConstraint'
    if cmds.window( windowID, exists=True ):
        cmds.deleteUI( windowID )
    cmds.window( windowID, title=pWindowTitle, sizeable=False, resizeToFitChildren=True )
    cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns=6, columnWidth=[ (1,60), (2,90), (3,75), (4,75), (5,75), (6,60) ], columnOffset=[ (1, 'right',3) ] )

    # Maintain Offset Row
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='Maintain Offset: ')
    maintainOffsetCB = cmds.checkBox( value = False, label='' ):
        maintainOffsetBool = True
        maintainOffsetBool = False
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # The XYZ of the Offset
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='Offset:' )
    OffsetX = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    OffsetY = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    OffsetZ = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # The XYZ of the Aim Vector
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='Aim Vector:' )
    aimVectorX = cmds.floatField( value=1, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    aimVectorY = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    aimVectorZ = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # The XYZ of the Up Vector
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='Up Vector:' )
    upVectorX = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    upVectorY = cmds.floatField( value=1, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    upVectorZ = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # World Up Type Row
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='World Up Type:' )
    cmds.optionMenu("worldUpTypeMenu", width=2 )
    cmds.menuItem( label = 'Vector' )
    cmds.menuItem( label = 'World' )
    cmds.menuItem( label = 'None' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # World Up XYZ
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='World Up Vector:' )
    worldUpVectorX = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    worldUpVectorY = cmds.floatField( value=1, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    worldUpVectorZ = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # Weight Setting
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='Weight: ' )
    weightFloat = cmds.floatField( value=1 )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # Bottom Row / Buttons and shit
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.button( label='Add', command=addCallBack )
    cmds.button( label='Apply', command=applyCallBack )
    cmds.button( label='Cancel', command=cancelCallBack )
# this is for the enum, go to World Up Type row.
def worldUpTypeDef():
    currentValue = cmds.optionMenu("worldUpTypeMenu", query=True, value=True):
    if currentValue == 'Vector':
        worldUpTypeField = 'Vector'
    elif currentValue == 'World':
        worldUpTypeField = 'World'
    elif currentValue == 'None':
        worldUpTypeField = 'None'
def cancelCallBack():
    if cmds.window( windowID, exists=True ):
        cmds.deleteUI( windowID )
def applyCallBack(applyConstraint, worldUpTypeDef):

def addCallBack(applyConstraint, worldUpTypeDef):
    if cmds.window( windowID, exists=True ):
        cmds.deleteUI( windowID )
createUI( 'Custom Aim Constraint', applyCallBack )
# Defines the Aim Constraint itself.
def applyConstraint():
    selectionList = cmds.ls( orderedSelection=True )
    if len( selectionList ) >= 2:
        print 'Selected items: %s' % ( selectionList )
        targetName = selectionList[0]
        selectionList.remove( targetName )
        for objectName in selectionList:
            print 'Constraining %s towards %s' % ( objectName, targetName )
            cmds.aimConstraint( targetName, objectName, aimVector = [aimVectorX, aimVectorY, aimVectorZ], maintainOffset = maintainOffestBool, offset = [OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetZ], upVector = [upVectorX, upVectorY, upVectorZ], weight = weightFloat, worldUpType = worldUpTypeField, worldUpVector = [worldUpVectorX, worldUpVectorY, worldUpVectorZ] )
                #aimConstraint( [target...] object , [aimVector=[float, float, float]], [maintainOffset=boolean], [name=string], [offset=[float, float, float]], [remove=boolean], [skip=string], [targetList=boolean], [upVector=[float, float, float]], [weight=float], [weightAliasList=boolean], [worldUpObject=name], [worldUpType=string], [worldUpVector=[float, float, float]]) 
        print 'Please select two or more objects.'



# Error: addCallBack() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) # 

您定义了 :

def addCallBack(applyConstraint, worldUpTypeDef):


131路:cmds.button( label='Add', command=addCallBack )

cmds.button( label='Add', command=partial(addCallBack, "First Arg", "Scnd Arg") )
def addCallBack(applyConstraint, worldUpTypeDef, *args):

请注意,maya ui 返回带有命令标志的值 True 以及你的值,这就是为什么我们将"*args"添加到 def


有关部分的更多说明:Maya Python - 使用来自 UI 的数据

请注意,我写了:"First Arg",但它可以是任何类型的数据:字符串,列表,值,参数,字典,def,类...etc


import maya.cmds as cmds
import functools
maintainOffsetBool = False
OffsetX = 0.0
OffsetY = 0.0
OffsetZ = 0.0
aimVectorX = 1.0
aimVectorY = 0.0
aimVectorZ = 0.0
upVectorX = 0.0
upVectorY = 1.0
upVectorZ = 0.0
worldUpTypeField = ''
worldUpVectorX = 0.0
worldUpVectorY = 1.0
worldUpVectorZ = 0.0
weightFloat = 1.0 
def createUI( pWindowTitle, pApplyCallback ):
    windowID = 'CustomAimConstraint'
    if cmds.window( windowID, exists=True ):
        cmds.deleteUI( windowID )
    cmds.window( windowID, title=pWindowTitle, sizeable=False, resizeToFitChildren=True )
    cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns=6, columnWidth=[ (1,60), (2,90), (3,75), (4,75), (5,75), (6,60) ], columnOffset=[ (1, 'right',3) ] )

    # Maintain Offset Row
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='Maintain Offset: ')
    maintainOffsetCB = cmds.checkBox( value = False, label='' )
        maintainOffsetBool = True
        maintainOffsetBool = False
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # The XYZ of the Offset
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='Offset:' )
    OffsetX = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    OffsetY = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    OffsetZ = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # The XYZ of the Aim Vector
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='Aim Vector:' )
    aimVectorX = cmds.floatField( value=1, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    aimVectorY = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    aimVectorZ = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # The XYZ of the Up Vector
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='Up Vector:' )
    upVectorX = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    upVectorY = cmds.floatField( value=1, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    upVectorZ = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # World Up Type Row
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='World Up Type:' )
    cmds.optionMenu("worldUpTypeMenu", width=2 )
    cmds.menuItem( label = 'Vector' )
    cmds.menuItem( label = 'World' )
    cmds.menuItem( label = 'None' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # World Up XYZ
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='World Up Vector:' )
    worldUpVectorX = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    worldUpVectorY = cmds.floatField( value=1, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    worldUpVectorZ = cmds.floatField( value=0, maxValue=1.0, minValue=0.0 )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # Weight Setting
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.text( label='Weight: ' )
    weightFloat = cmds.floatField( value=1 )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    # Bottom Row / Buttons and shit
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.separator( h=10, style='none' )
    cmds.button( label='Add', command=addCallBack )
    cmds.button( label='Apply', command=applyCallBack )
    cmds.button( label='Cancel', command=cancelCallBack )
# this is for the enum, go to World Up Type row.
def worldUpTypeDef():
    currentValue = cmds.optionMenu("worldUpTypeMenu", query=True, value=True)
    if currentValue == 'Vector':
        worldUpTypeField = 'Vector'
    elif currentValue == 'World':
        worldUpTypeField = 'World'
    elif currentValue == 'None':
        worldUpTypeField = 'None'
def cancelCallBack():
    if cmds.window( windowID, exists=True ):
        cmds.deleteUI( windowID )
def applyCallBack(applyConstraint, worldUpTypeDef):

def addCallBack(applyConstraint, worldUpTypeDef):
    if cmds.window( windowID, exists=True ):
        cmds.deleteUI( windowID )
createUI( 'Custom Aim Constraint', applyCallBack )
# Defines the Aim Constraint itself.
def applyConstraint():
    selectionList = cmds.ls( orderedSelection=True )
    if len( selectionList ) >= 2:
        print ('Selected items: %s' % ( selectionList ))
        targetName = selectionList[0]
        selectionList.remove( targetName )
        for objectName in selectionList:
            print ('Constraining %s towards %s' % ( objectName, targetName ))
            cmds.aimConstraint( targetName, objectName, aimVector = [aimVectorX, aimVectorY, aimVectorZ], maintainOffset = maintainOffestBool, offset = [OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetZ], upVector = [upVectorX, upVectorY, upVectorZ], weight = weightFloat, worldUpType = worldUpTypeField, worldUpVector = [worldUpVectorX, worldUpVectorY, worldUpVectorZ] )
                #aimConstraint( [target...] object , [aimVector=[float, float, float]], [maintainOffset=boolean], [name=string], [offset=[float, float, float]], [remove=boolean], [skip=string], [targetList=boolean], [upVector=[float, float, float]], [weight=float], [weightAliasList=boolean], [worldUpObject=name], [worldUpType=string], [worldUpVector=[float, float, float]]) 
        print ('Please select two or more objects.')


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