

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int sumOfArray(int arr[], int arrlen);
void getInputForArray(int arr[], int arrlen);
int main() {
    const int LIST_SZ = 256;
    int mylist[LIST_SZ];
    // Zero out the array
    for (int i = 0; i < LIST_SZ; i++)
        mylist[i] = 0;
    // Get user input for array
    getInputForArray(mylist, LIST_SZ);
    // Print the sum of all the numbers in the array
    cout << "nThe sum is: " << sumOfArray(mylist, LIST_SZ) << endl;
    return 0;
int sumOfArray(int arr[], int arrlen) {
    int total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < arrlen; i++)
        total = arr[i] + total;
    return total;
void getInputForArray(int arr[], int arrlen) {
    cout << "Input any non-numerical value to denote the end of your inputn";
    for (int i = 0; i < arrlen; i++) {
        if (!cin.fail()) {
            cout << "Please input a value for the [" << i
                 << "] position of the array: ";
            cin >> arr[i];




std::vector<int> getDataFromInput( size_t max_data )
    using std::cout;
    std::vector<int> v;
    std::string value;
    bool stop_reading = false;
    while ( v.size() < max_data )
        cout << "Please input a value for position [" << v.size() << "] of the vector: ";
        // input a string, if End of Input, stop reading
        if ( !(std::cin >> value) ) break;
        {   // if the user entered a valid number, add it to the vector
            int num = stoi(value);
            stop_reading = false;
        catch ( const std::invalid_argument &e )
            if ( stop_reading ) break;
            cout << "You entered a non-numerical value.nPlease, enter another "
                 << "non-numerical value to stop input or a number to continuen";
            stop_reading = true;
        catch ( const std::out_of_range &e )
            cout << "The value entered can't be represented by an int.n";
    return v;



通过发送EOF来停止输入更符合"行业标准"。你可以通常在终端使用^D (Linux/Mac)或^Z (Windows)。


std::vector<int> getDataFromInput( size_t max_data )
    using std::cout;
    std::vector<int> v;
    std::string value;
    while ( v.size() < max_data )
        cout << "Please input a value for position [" << v.size()
             << "] of the vector: ";
        if ( !(std::cin >> value) ) break;
            int num = stoi(value);
        catch ( const std::invalid_argument &e )
            cout << "You entered a non-numerical value.n";
        catch ( const std::out_of_range &e )
            cout << "The value entered can't be represented by an int.n";
    return v;


void getInputForArray(int arr[], int arrlen) {
    char c = 0;
    size_t size = 0;
    cout << "Press escape (ESC) to stop inputting values" << endl;
    while(size < arrlen) {
        cout << "Enter a number for position " << size << " of the array: ";
        cin >> arr[size++];
        c = getchar();
        if(c == 27) { // check for the escape key
            break; // jump out of the loop
        // Check non-numeric values.
        if(cin.fail()) {
            cout << "Error: numerical values only!" << endl;
            cin.clear(); // clear the input
            size--; // go back to previous position

或者,您可以通过将检查转义键的if(c == 27)更改为if(c == EOF)来检查EOF(文件结束)。EOF是一个宏,因为它的值依赖于系统。但是,我不推荐这种替代方法,因为每个系统上的键序列是不同的。Ctrl+Z用于基于dos或CP/M的系统,Ctrl+D用于类unix系统,Ctrl+用于AmigaOS,以及可能的其他系统。
