Dice Emulation - onClickListener in loop

我正在为移动应用程序类开发Yahtzee程序,遇到了一些麻烦。 我编写的循环将贯穿循环(13 圈和 3 卷),即使只按下一次 onClick() 也是如此。我已经将它们移动到几个不同的顺序中,但我似乎无法正确处理。 有人可以指导我朝着正确的方向前进,让onClick准确地记录转弯和滚动吗?


import java.util.Random;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.ImageButton;

public class Yahtzee4Activity extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */

    ImageButton dice1, dice2, dice3, dice4, dice5;
    Button roll, begin;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    public void PlayGame()  
        final Random rand = new Random(); 
        final int MAX_TURNS = 13;
        final int MAX_ROLLS = 3;

        dice1 = (ImageButton)findViewById(R.id.btndice1);  
        dice2 = (ImageButton)findViewById(R.id.btndice2); 
        dice3 = (ImageButton)findViewById(R.id.btndice3); 
        dice4 = (ImageButton)findViewById(R.id.btndice4); 
        dice5 = (ImageButton)findViewById(R.id.btndice5);
        final ImageButton[] dice = {dice1, dice2, dice3, dice4, dice5}; //array of buttons (dice)
        final int [] diceValue = new int [5];
        final boolean [] isHeld = {false, false, false, false, false};  // array of dice to be held (hold)

        roll = (Button)findViewById(R.id.btnroll);
        begin = (Button)findViewById(R.id.btnbegin);        
        roll.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
            public void onClick(View v ) {   
                RollDice(dice, diceValue, isHeld, rand);    
        int turnNum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TURNS; i++) {
            int rollNum = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < MAX_ROLLS; j++) {                   
                roll.setText("Roll (" + (MAX_ROLLS - rollNum) + " Remaining)");
    private void ScoreDice() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    public int[] RollDice(ImageButton [] dice, int [] diceValue, boolean [] isHeld, Random rand)
        for (int i = 0; i < dice.length; i++) {
            if (!isHeld[i]) {
                int rndInt = rand.nextInt(6) + 1; // Random number between 1 and 6          
                String imgName = "die" + rndInt;                    
                int id = getResources().getIdentifier(imgName, "drawable", getPackageName());   
                diceValue[i] = rndInt;
                dice[i].setImageResource(id);  //Loops through the dice array and sets the appropriate dice images based on individual randoms
            } else {
                //do nothing                        
        return diceValue;

它只是循环遍历所有的滚动和转弯,因为你没有告诉它不这样做。我建议将大部分代码移动到RollDice(...)。为了使以下示例正常工作,您需要将rollNum,turnNum,MAX_TURNS MAX_ROLLS实例变量而不是局部变量,例如:

ImageButton dice1,dice2,dice3,dice4,dice5;
Button roll, begin;
private final int MAX_TURNS = 13;
private final int MAX_ROLLS = 3;
private int turnNum = 0;
private int rollNum = 0;


public int[] RollDice(ImageButton [] dice, int [] diceValue, boolean [] isHeld, Random rand)
    for (int i = 0; i < dice.length; i++) {
        if (!isHeld[i]) {
            int rndInt = rand.nextInt(6) + 1; // Random number between 1 and 6          
            String imgName = "die" + rndInt;                    
            int id = getResources().getIdentifier(imgName, "drawable", getPackageName());   
            diceValue[i] = rndInt;
            dice[i].setImageResource(id);  //Loops through the dice array and sets the appropriate dice images based on individual randoms
        } else {
            //do nothing                        
    rollNum ++;
    if(rollNum >= MAX_ROLLS){
        //Turn is over
        turnNum ++;
    else {
        roll.setText("Roll (" + (MAX_ROLLS - rollNum) + " Remaining)");
    return diceValue;

