(代码)应该是一个 lambda 表达式.我到底错过了什么


我似乎得到的具体错误是:(SETF (GET (NTH CNT EXOTIC-CARS) 'MAKE) (READ MYSTREAM)) - 这基本上是我第一个定义函数的第一行。


(setq exotic-cars '(car1 car2 car3 car4 car5 car6 car7 car8 car9 car10))
(defun dostuff ()
(defun fetchinput ()
  (with-open-file (mystream "cars.dat")
    (setq cnt 0)
    (loop while (<= cnt 9)
      do ((setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'make) (read mystream))
        (setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'model) (read mystream))
        (setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'cost) (read mystream))
        (setf cnt (+ cnt 1))
(defun findmake ()
  (setf cnt 0)
  (format t "~2%~A ~A ~A ~A ~A" 'Car 'make 'to 'search 'for>)
  (setf search (read))
  (loop while (< cnt 10)
    do ((if (string= (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'make) search)
  (format t "~2%~1,15T ~A ~2,15T ~A ~3,15T ~A ~% ~A~%~1,15T ~A ~2,15T ~A ~3,15T $~D.00"    'Make 'Model 'Cost
        (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'make)
        (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'model)
        (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'cost)))
    (setf cnt (+ cnt 1)))))
(defun mysort ()
  (setf unsorted 0)
  (loop while (< unsorted 9)
    do ((setf current 9)
    (loop while (> current unsorted)
      do ((if (< 
           (get (nth current exotic-cars) 'cost)
           (get (nth (- current 1) exotic-cars) 'cost))
          (swap current (- current 1)))
      (setf current (- current 1))))
  (setf unsorted (+ unsorted 1))))
(defun swap (from to)
  (setf tmpmake (get (nth to exotic-cars) 'make))
  (setf tmpmodel (get (nth to exotic-cars) 'model))
  (setf tmpcost (get (nth to exotic-cars) 'cost))
  (setf (get (nth to exotic-cars) 'make) (get (nth from exotic-cars) 'make))
  (setf (get (nth to exotic-cars) 'model) (get (nth from exotic-cars) 'model))
  (setf (get (nth to exotic-cars) 'cost) (get (nth from exotic-cars) 'cost))
  (setf (get (nth from exotic-cars) 'make) tmpmake)
  (setf (get (nth from exotic-cars) 'model) tmpmodel)
  (setf (get (nth from exotic-cars) 'cost) tmpcost))
(defun printlist ()
  (setf cnt 0)
  (format t "~2%~1,15T ~A ~2,15T ~A ~3,15T ~A ~% ~A"    'Make 'Model 'Cost
  (loop while (< cnt 10)
    do ((format t "~%~1,15T ~A ~2,15T ~A ~3,15T $~D.00" 
      (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'make)
      (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'model)
      (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'cost))
    (setf cnt (+ cnt 1)))))



(defun fetchinput ()
  (with-open-file (mystream "cars.dat")
    (setq cnt 0)
    (loop while (<= cnt 9)
      do ((setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'make) (read mystream))
        (setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'model) (read mystream))
        (setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'cost) (read mystream))
        (setf cnt (+ cnt 1))


(defun fetchinput ()
  (with-open-file (mystream "cars.dat")
    (setq cnt 0)
    (loop while (<= cnt 9)
          do ((setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'make) (read mystream))
              (setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'model) (read mystream))
              (setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'cost) (read mystream))
              (setf cnt (+ cnt 1))))))


(defun fetchinput ()
  (with-open-file (mystream "cars.dat")
    (setq cnt 0)                      ; <- the variable CNT is undefined
    (loop while (<= cnt 9)
          do (  ; <-  what is this parenthesis for ?
              (setf (get (nth
                          exotic-cars)  ;<- the variable exotic-cars is undefined
                         'make) (read mystream))
              (setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'model) (read mystream))
              (setf (get (nth cnt exotic-cars) 'cost) (read mystream))
              (setf cnt (+ cnt 1))
              )   ; < - what is this parenthesis for?

SETF 不声明/定义变量。它只是设置声明/定义的变量的值。

为什么要使用 WHILENTH ??? 遍历列表


defvardefparameter 来定义全局变量(并考虑使用"耳罩"来表示它们,所以(defvar *exotic-cars* ...))。

使用 let 声明和初始化局部变量(因此(let ((cnt 0)) ...) )。尽管在这种情况下,您可能会最好使用 (loop for cnt from 0 to 9 ...) ,因为似乎不需要cnt循环之外。

列表并不神奇,如果你想有一个代码块,请考虑使用 progn .
