
>我试图实现功能类似于 CollectionUtils transform (Apache Commons Collections)

class CollectionUtils {
    public static void transformerModifier(Collection<MyClass> myCollection) {
        // How should I implement this method in order that 
        // output from the line 1 and line 2 will be the same ? 
    public static List<String> transform(Collection<MyClass> myCollection) {
        List<String> strCollection = new LinkedList<>();
        for (MyClass item : myCollection) {
        return strCollection;

class myClass { 
    private String name; 
    private int value; 
    myClass( String name, int value) {
        this.name = name ; 
        this.value = value; 
    public String toString(){
        return new String(name+ ":" + value ) ; 

class MyClassCollection{
    private List<myClass> list ; 
    myClassCollection(List<myClass> list){
        this.list = list; 
    List<myClass> collection(){
        return list.clone(); 

public class TestClass{
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        List<MyClass> list = new ArrayList<>(); 
        list.add(new myClass("John", 12);
        list.add(new myClass("Mike", 16);
        list.add(new myClass("Eric", 13);
        list.add(new myClass("Mark", 142);
        list.add(new myClass("Alex", 112);
        MyClassCollection myOjb = new MyClassCollection(list );
        CollectionUtils.transformerModifier(myObj.collection() ); 
        List<MyClass> myList = CollectionUtils.transform(myObj.collection()); 
        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(myObj.collection().toArray)); // line 1
        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(myList.toArray));            // line 2

output: [John,Mike,Eric,Mark,Alex] // output after line 1 
output: [John,Mike,Eric,Mark,Alex] // should be output after line 2 

我的问题是,是否可以以更改对象 myObj 的集合的方式实现方法 transformerModifier,以便 myObj.collection() 返回的不是List<myClass>而是List<String>列表(其中字符串是来自myClass的数据成员的数据private String name)?


如果你使用的是Java 8,你可以利用stream s和map()来做这样的事情:

List<MyClass> myClassList = new ArrayList<>();
//add your items to myClassList here
List<String> names = myClassList.stream().map(MyClass::getName).collect(Collectors.toList());
//names will now consist of a List of all the names associated with
//each of the MyClass objects within myClassList in the same order

该解决方案还利用了方法参考以及MyClass::getName。 这会在stream map中的每个对象上调用 getName 方法,并使用 .map() 将其 ping 到转换后的流中的相应位置。

接下来,它使用 .collect() 将其从stream恢复到list Collectors.toList()

如果您在 myClassList 中处理大量对象,则可以使用 .parallelStream() 而不是 .stream() 来加快此过程,但是如果您不处理大量数据,您可能会看到 .parallelStream() 的性能下降。 这完全取决于您期望在List中存在多少对象。

public interface Converter<I, O> {
    void tranformer(List list);
    O retriever(I obj);


  public static <I, O> void transform(Converter<I, O> converter, List inputList) {
        Iterator<I> it = inputList.iterator();
        List list = new LinkedList<>();
        while (it.hasNext()) {


    public static void main(String[] args) {
       List<MyClass> list = new ArrayList<>(); 
        list.add(new myClass("John", 12);
        list.add(new myClass("Mike", 16);
        list.add(new myClass("Eric", 13);
        list.add(new myClass("Mark", 142);
        list.add(new myClass("Alex", 112);
        MyClassCollection myclasscollection = new MyClassCollection(list); 
        final List collectionList = myclasscollection.collection(); 
        CollectionUtils.transform(new Converter<myClass, String>() {
            public void tranformer(List list) {
            public String retriever(myClass obj) {
                return obj.name; // make the data member public or add getter 
        }, collectionList);


