






  1. 提示用户选择要修复的丢失资源
  2. 提示用户选择替换文件
  3. 更新模型中具有与缺少的资源匹配的代理URI的所有对象。用新资源中已解析的对象替换代理


 * Locates and fixes unresolved references in a model.
public class ReferenceRepairer {
    public static final String COMMAND_ID = Activator.PLUGIN_ID + ".commands.repairReferences";
     * 1) Prompts the user to select a missing resource to repair
     * 2) Prompts the user to select a replacement file
     * 3) Updates all objects in the model with a proxy URI that matches the missing resource. Replaces proxies
     *    with resolved objects in the new resource.  
    public static void repairResourceReference(Shell shell, EditingDomain editingDomain) {
        Resource res = promptMissingResource(shell, editingDomain);
        if (res == null) return;
        IFile newFile = promptReplacementFile(shell);
        if (newFile == null) return;
        repairReferences(editingDomain, res, URI.createPlatformResourceURI(newFile.getFullPath().toString(), true));
    private static void repairReferences(final EditingDomain editingDomain, Resource missingRes, final URI newUri) {
        URI missingUri = missingRes.getURI();
        // Create new resource for the replacement file
        Resource newRes = editingDomain.getResourceSet().getResource(newUri, true);
        Map<EObject, Collection<Setting>> proxies = UnresolvedProxyCrossReferencer.find(editingDomain.getResourceSet());
        CompoundCommand repairRefsCommand =  new CompoundCommand("Repair references") {
             * Disallow undo. The model changes could be undone, but it seems impossible to
             * recreate a non-existent resource in the resource set. 
            public boolean canUndo() {
                return false;
        // Resolve all proxies from this resource and repair reference to those objects
        for (Entry<EObject, Collection<Setting>> entry : proxies.entrySet()) {
            EObject proxy = entry.getKey();
            URI proxyUri = EcoreUtil.getURI(proxy);
            if (!proxyUri.trimFragment().equals(missingUri)) continue;
            EObject resolved = newRes.getEObject(proxyUri.fragment());
            if (resolved.eIsProxy()) continue;
            // Update all objects that have references to the resolved proxy
            for (Setting sett : entry.getValue()) {
                if (sett.getEStructuralFeature().isMany()) {
                    EList<Object> valueList = (EList<Object>) sett.get(true);
                    int proxyIx = valueList.indexOf(proxy);
                        sett.getEObject(), sett.getEStructuralFeature(), resolved, proxyIx));
                } else {
                        sett.getEObject(), sett.getEStructuralFeature(), resolved));
        if (!repairRefsCommand.isEmpty()) {
        // Remove the 
    private static IFile promptReplacementFile(Shell shell) {
        ElementTreeSelectionDialog dialog = new ElementTreeSelectionDialog(shell, 
            new WorkbenchLabelProvider(), new WorkbenchContentProvider()); 
        dialog.setTitle("Select Replacement Resource");
        dialog.setMessage("Select a file which will replace the missing file.");
        dialog.setValidator(new ISelectionStatusValidator() {
            public IStatus validate(Object[] selection) {
                if (selection.length == 0 || !(selection[0] instanceof IFile)) {
                    return ValidationStatus.error("The selected object is not a file.");
                return new Status(IStatus.OK, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, "");

        if (dialog.open() != Window.OK) return null;
        return (IFile) dialog.getFirstResult();
    private static Resource promptMissingResource(Shell shell, EditingDomain editingDomain) {
        ElementListSelectionDialog dialog = new ElementListSelectionDialog(shell, 
                new LabelProvider() {
                    public String getText(Object elem) {
                        return ((Resource) elem).getURI().toString();
            /** Make dialog OK button enabled when there are errors, instead of vise-versa. */ 
            protected void updateButtonsEnableState(IStatus status) {
                Button okButton = getOkButton();
                if (okButton != null && !okButton.isDisposed()) {
            /** Disable filter text field */
            protected Text createFilterText(Composite parent) {
                Text text = super.createFilterText(parent);
                text.setSize(0, 0);
                return text;
        dialog.setTitle("Select Missing Resource");
            "Select a URI of a missing resource file that should be replaced by an URI to an existing file.");
        if (dialog.open() != Window.OK) return null;
        return (Resource) dialog.getFirstResult();
    private static List<Resource> getMissingResources(List<Resource> resources) {
        List<Resource> missingResources = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Resource res : resources) {
            try {
                if (res.getURI().isPlatformPlugin()) continue;
                URL url = FileLocator.toFileURL(new URL(res.getURI().toString()));
                java.net.URI uri = new java.net.URI(url.getProtocol(), "", "/" + url.getPath(), null);
                if (!Files.exists(Paths.get(uri))) {
            } catch (InvalidPathException | IOException | URISyntaxException exc) {
                // Ignore. There mighe be weird Sirius resource in the resources set which we can't recognice
        return missingResources;
