understanding Boyer Moor



下面是我通过Stackoverflow 找到的一个实现

public class BoyerMooreStringSearching
    readonly Dictionary<char, LastIndexTable> _lastIndexTable = new Dictionary<char, LastIndexTable>();
    public string PatternToSearch;
    public List<int> GetStartingIndexsOfPatternInText(string textToSearchIn, string patternToSearch)
        var list = new List<int>();
        PatternToSearch = patternToSearch;
        if (patternToSearch != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(textToSearchIn))
            PatternToSearch = patternToSearch;
            var j = patternToSearch.Length - 1;
            // Main loop to iterate over whole text
            while (j <= textToSearchIn.Length - 1)
                var lastCharOfPattern = patternToSearch[patternToSearch.Length - 1];
                if (textToSearchIn[j] != lastCharOfPattern)
                    //  Heuristic 1 
                    // If Last Char is not matched with the Last char in pattern and char is not present in the pattern
                    // Then advance pointer 'j' to the length of the pattern in textToSearch.
                    if (!_lastIndexTable.ContainsKey(textToSearchIn[j]))
                        j += patternToSearch.Length - 1;
                    // Heuristic 2 
                    // Consult the lastIndex table to get the last index of current char in textToSearch
                    // and advance pointer 'j' to the last index in textToSearch.
                    if (j <= textToSearchIn.Length - 1 && _lastIndexTable.ContainsKey(textToSearchIn[j]))
                        var tempObj = _lastIndexTable[textToSearchIn[j]];
                        if (tempObj != null) j += tempObj.LastIndex;
                int k = patternToSearch.Length - 1;
                int u = j;
                if (j <= textToSearchIn.Length - 1)
                    while (k >= 0)
                        // Heuristic (3a) 
                        // If Last Char is  matched with the Last char in pattern then back track in the text and pattern till 
                        // either you got a complete match or a   mismatched charecter.
                        // Once you got the mismatched char and mismatched char is not present in the pattern then
                        // advance j to the index of mismatched  charecter in the pattern 
                        if (textToSearchIn[u] == patternToSearch[k])
                            if (k == 0 && textToSearchIn[u] == patternToSearch[k])
                                j += patternToSearch.Length - 1;
                        if (!_lastIndexTable.ContainsKey(textToSearchIn[u]))
                            // Heuristic (3b) 
                            // If Last Char is  matched with the Last char in pattern then back track in the text  till 
                            // either you got a complete match or a   mismatched charecter.
                            // Once you got the mismatched char and mismatched char is not present in the pattern then
                            // advance j to the index of mismatched  charecter in the pattern  plus the number to char which matched.
                            j += k + (j - u);
        if (!list.Any())
        return list;
    private void UpdateLastIndexTable(string patternToSearch)
        var i = patternToSearch.Length - 1;
        foreach (var charToSeach in patternToSearch)
            if (_lastIndexTable.ContainsKey(charToSeach))
                _lastIndexTable[charToSeach].LastIndex = i;
                _lastIndexTable.Add(charToSeach, new LastIndexTable
                    CharSearched = charToSeach,
                    LastIndex = i
    private class LastIndexTable
        public char CharSearched { get; set; }
        public int LastIndex { get; set; }


var each = "this is sample text to search for";
var result = new BoyerMooreStringSearching().GetStartingIndexsOfPatternInText(each, "to search for and text");


if (k == 0 && textToSearchIn[u] == patternToSearch[k])
    if (u + patternToSearch.Length <= textToSearchIn.Length)
    j += patternToSearch.Length - 1;
