
我在2个远程服务器上的com应用程序中安装了一个com dll。我已经从其中一台服务器导出了一个非著名代理,并将其安装在客户端计算机上。

我希望能够在运行时在运行时实例化com对象的哪个远程服务器 - 代理安装包含我从中导出的机器的远程服务器名称,因此,只需在客户端上创建代理我将其导出的机器是代理属性的一部分,因为它是代理属性的一部分。

代理未排队,所以我无法使用诸如 queue:ComputerName=Server01/new:ComClass.Class的路径名调用 GetObject的方法。



编辑:测试 @bob77在评论中提出的解决方案后,称为CreateObject,带有服务器名称参数没有效果。仅使用CreateRemoteObject方法概述的实际调用指定服务器上的COM组件。

这可能是因为客户端调用来自IIS进程,并且远程服务器COM 应用程序的用户身份不同。



   reserved1   As Long
   pServer     As Long
   AuthInfo    As Long
   reserved2   As Long
End Type
Private Type MULTI_QI
   pIID        As Long
   pInterface  As Object
   hResult     As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function CLSIDFromProgID Lib "ole32.dll" _
                 (progid As Any, clsid As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function OleInitialize Lib "ole32.dll" _
                 (ByVal Nullptr As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CoCreateInstanceEx Lib "ole32.dll" _
                 (clsid As Any, ByVal pUnkOuter As Long, _
                  ByVal Context As Long, server As SERVER_STRUCTURE, _
                  ByVal nElems As Long, mqi As MULTI_QI) As Long


Private Function CreateRemoteObject(ByVal ObjectName As String, _
                   ByVal ByVal serverName As String) As Object
    Dim clsid(256) As Byte
    Dim progid() As Byte
    Dim server() As Byte
    Dim queryInterface As MULTI_QI
    Dim serverStructure As SERVER_STRUCTURE
    Dim refiid(16) As Byte
    Dim longReturnCode As Long
    Dim errorString As String
    errorString = ""
    GetInterfaceIDforIDispatch refiid()     ' set an interface ID for IDispatch
    queryInterface.pIID = VarPtr(refiid(0)) ' point to the interface ID
    progid = ObjectName & Chr$(0)           ' specify the object to be launched
    server = serverName & Chr$(0)           ' specify the server
    OleInitialize 0                         ' initialise OLE
    longReturnCode = CLSIDFromProgID(progid(0), clsid(0))   ' get the CLSID for the object
    If longReturnCode <> 0 Then
        errorString = "Unable to obtain CLSID from progid " & ObjectName
        App.LogEvent errorString, vbLogEventTypeError
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' point to server name and invoke a remote instance of the desired object
    serverStructure.pServer = VarPtr(server(0))
    longReturnCode = CoCreateInstanceEx(clsid(0), 0, 16, serverStructure, 1, queryInterface)
    If longReturnCode <> 0 Then
        errorString = "CoCreateInstanceEx failed with error code " & Hex$(longReturnCode)
        App.LogEvent errorString, vbLogEventTypeError
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Pass back object ref
    Set CreateRemoteObject = queryInterface.pInterface
End Function
Private Sub GetInterfaceIDforIDispatch(p() As Byte)
    ' fills in the well-known IID for IDispatch into the byte array p.
    p(1) = 4
    p(2) = 2
    p(8) = &HC0
    p(15) = &H46
End Sub

