Yii2 rbac 用户无法更新自己的帖子


public function up()
    $auth = Yii::$app->authManager;
    //creating post
    $createPost = $auth->createPermission('createPost');
    $createPost->description = 'Create Post';
    //deleting post
    $deletePost = $auth->createPermission('deletePost');
    $deletePost->description = 'Delete Post';
    //update post
    $updatePost = $auth->createPermission('updatePost');
    $updatePost->description = 'Update Post';
    //delete user
    $deleteUser = $auth->createPermission('deleteUser');
    $deleteUser->description = 'Delete User';
    //create role 'user' and add permissions
    $user = $auth->createRole('user');
    $user->description = 'User';
    $auth->addChild($user, $createPost);
    $auth->addChild($user, $deletePost);
    $auth->addChild($user, $updatePost);
    //create role 'admin' and add permissions
    $admin = $auth->createRole('admin');
    $admin->description = 'Administrator';
    $auth->addChild($admin, $user);
    $auth->addChild($admin, $deleteUser);
public function down()


class AuthorAccessRule extends AccessRule
    public $allow = true;
    public $roles = ['@'];
    public function allows($action, $user, $request)
        $parentRules = parent::allows($action, $user, $request);
        // $parentRes can be `null`, `false` or `true`.
        // True means the parent rule matched and allows access.
        if($parentRules != true)
            return $parentRules;
        return ($this->getProjectAuthorId($request) == $user->id);
    private function getProjectAuthorId($request)
        // Fill in code to receive the right project.
        // assuming the project id is given à la `project/update?id=1
        $postId = $request->get('id');
        $post = Post::findOne($postId);
        return isset($post) ? $post->user_id : null;


'access' => [
            'class' => AccessControl::className(),
            'only' => ['update', 'delete'],
            'rules' => [
                    'allow' => true,
                    'actions' => ['delete', 'update'],
                    'roles' => ['user'],
                    'class' => 'appfiltersAuthorAccessRule'
                    'allow' => true,
                    'actions' => ['delete', 'update'],
                    'roles' => ['admin'],

尝试调试在哪种条件下父::允许不通过。 Yo可以通过以下方式做到这一点:

public function allows($action, $user, $request)
    $a = $this->matchAction($action);
    $b = $this->matchRole($user);
    $c = $this->matchIP($request->getUserIP());
    $d = $this->matchVerb($request->getMethod());
    $e = $this->matchController($action->controller);
    $f = $this->matchCustom($action);
    $g = $this->allow;
    throw new Exception("$a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g");
    $parentRules = parent::allows($action, $user, $request);
    // $parentRes can be `null`, `false` or `true`.
    // True means the parent rule matched and allows access.
    if($parentRules != true)
        return $parentRules;
    return ($this->getProjectAuthorId($request) == $user->id);

签入女巫案例在异常消息中为 0?
