从 linq 扩展方法中的表中检索最后一个值,并与 DataGridView 绑定

我正在开发Windows Form App。我想从数据库中检索最后一条记录并将其与datagridview绑定,我可以从中获取所有值

var query2 = _context.Products.Join(_context.ProductInfos, c => c.Id, a => a.ProductId, (a, c) => new
            Id = a.Id,
            ItemName = a.ItemName,
            CategoryName = a.Category.CategoryName,
            UnitName = a.Unit.UnitName,
            UnitValue = a.UnitSize,
            Quantity = a.Quantity,
            CostPrice = c.PurchasePrice,
            SalePrice = c.SalePrice,
            EntryDate = c.EntryDate,
            ExpireDate = c.ExpireDate
        StockListGrid.DataSource = query2;


var query2 = _context.Products.Join(_context.ProductInfos, c => c.Id, a => a.ProductId, (a, c) => new
            Id = a.Id,
            ItemName = a.ItemName,
            CategoryName = a.Category.CategoryName,
            UnitName = a.Unit.UnitName,
            UnitValue = a.UnitSize,
            Quantity = a.Quantity,
            CostPrice = c.PurchasePrice,
            SalePrice = c.SalePrice,
            EntryDate = c.EntryDate,
            ExpireDate = c.ExpireDate
        StockListGrid.DataSource = query2;


尝试使用 OrderByDescending

var query2 = _context.Products.Join(_context.ProductInfos, c => c.Id, a => a.ProductId, (a, c) => new
        Id = a.Id,
        ItemName = a.ItemName,
        CategoryName = a.Category.CategoryName,
        UnitName = a.Unit.UnitName,
        UnitValue = a.UnitSize,
        Quantity = a.Quantity,
        CostPrice = c.PurchasePrice,
        SalePrice = c.SalePrice,
        EntryDate = c.EntryDate,
        ExpireDate = c.ExpireDate
    }).OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).First();


var query2 = _context.Products.Join(_context.ProductInfos, c => c.Id, a => a.ProductId, (a, c) => new
    Id = a.Id,
    ItemName = a.ItemName,
    CategoryName = a.Category.CategoryName,
    UnitName = a.Unit.UnitName,
    UnitValue = a.UnitSize,
    Quantity = a.Quantity,
    CostPrice = c.PurchasePrice,
    SalePrice = c.SalePrice,
    EntryDate = c.EntryDate,
    ExpireDate = c.ExpireDate
}).Max(x => x.Id);

第一个查询的类型是 List<...>,所有元素都属于相同的匿名类型Anonymous1 。后面查询的类型是类 Anonymous1 的一个对象。您的StockListGrid.DataSource期望什么?列表还是单个对象?

ToList将所有元素从数据库管理系统 (DBMS( 传输到本地内存,然后您决定只需要最后一个元素


  • 如果您只想要最后一个元素,为什么要传输所有元素?
  • 是否定义了连接结果的最后一个元素?是Id最高的那个吗?或者也许是按字母顺序排列的最后一个ItemName?是SalePrice最高的那个吗?

不幸的是,实体框架不支持LastOrDefault。请参阅支持和不支持的 LINQ 方法(从 linq 到实体(


var result = dbContext.Products.Join(dbContext.ProductInfos, ...)
    .OrderByDescending(joinResult => joinResult.SalePrice) // depending on your definition of Last
    .ThenByDescending(joinResult => joinResult.Id)         // in case there are two with same price

这要高效得多,因为只有一个元素从 DBMS 传输到本地内存。


.ThenByDescending(joinResult => joinResult.Id)  

