需要帮助创建c++成员函数来表示任务与RTOS microcos III

以下代码是如何在c中使用microcos III创建任务的示例。我正在试图找出如何在c++中创建类似的代码。我的问题是如何实例化对象以及如何使用成员函数来表示任务。在create任务例程中,函数的地址作为参数传递。我如何在c++中做到这一点?我需要多上一节课吗?嵌入式c++新功能。

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "includes.h"
#include "protectedled.h"
#include "protectedlcd.h"
#include "pushbutton.h"
#include "lcd.h"

// Relative Task Priorities (0 = highest; 15 = idle task)
#define  STARTUP_PRIO           1   // Highest priority, to launch others.
#define  DEBOUNCE_PRIO          7   // Every 50 ms, in a timed loop.
#define  SW1_PRIO               8   // Up to every 50 ms, when held down.
#define  SW2_PRIO              12   // Up to every 150 ms, if retriggered.
#define  LED6_PRIO             13   // Every 167 ms, in a timed loop.
#define  LED5_PRIO             14   // Every 500 ms, in a timed loop.
// Allocate Task Stacks
#define  TASK_STACK_SIZE      128
static CPU_STK  g_startup_stack[TASK_STACK_SIZE];
static CPU_STK  g_led5_stack[TASK_STACK_SIZE];
static CPU_STK  g_led6_stack[TASK_STACK_SIZE];
static CPU_STK  g_debounce_stack[TASK_STACK_SIZE];
static CPU_STK  g_sw1_stack[TASK_STACK_SIZE];
static CPU_STK  g_sw2_stack[TASK_STACK_SIZE];
// Allocate Task Control Blocks
static OS_TCB   g_startup_tcb;
static OS_TCB   g_led5_tcb;
static OS_TCB   g_led6_tcb;
static OS_TCB   g_debounce_tcb;
static OS_TCB   g_sw1_tcb;
static OS_TCB   g_sw2_tcb;
// Allocate Shared OS Objects
OS_SEM      g_sw1_sem;
OS_SEM      g_sw2_sem;

* @brief LED Flasher Task
led5_task (void * p_arg)
    OS_ERR  err;

    (void)p_arg;    // NOTE: Silence compiler warning about unused param.
    for (;;)
        // Flash LED at 1 Hz.
        OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 0, 500, OS_OPT_TIME_HMSM_STRICT, &err);
* @brief LED Flasher Task
led6_task (void * p_arg)
    OS_ERR  err;

    (void)p_arg;    // NOTE: Silence compiler warning about unused param.
    for (;;)
        // Flash LED at 3 Hz.
                OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 0, 167, OS_OPT_TIME_HMSM_STRICT, &err);
* @brief Button SW1 Catcher Task
sw1_task (void * p_arg)
    uint16_t    sw1_counter = 0;
    char        p_str[LCD_CHARS_PER_LINE+1];
    OS_ERR      err;

    (void)p_arg;    // NOTE: Silence compiler warning about unused param.
    // Draw the initial display.
sprintf(p_str, "SW1: % 4u", sw1_counter);
    protectedDisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, (uint8_t *) p_str);
    for (;;)
        // Wait for a signal from the button debouncer.
        OSSemPend(&g_sw1_sem, 0, OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING, 0, &err);
        // Check for errors.
        assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err);
        // Increment button press counter.
        // Format and display current count.
        sprintf(p_str, "SW1: % 4u", sw1_counter);
        protectedDisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, (uint8_t *) p_str);
* @brief Button SW2 Catcher Task
sw2_task (void * p_arg)
    uint16_t    sw2_counter = 0;
    char        p_str[LCD_CHARS_PER_LINE+1];
    OS_ERR      err;

    (void)p_arg;    // NOTE: Silence compiler warning about unused param.
    // Draw the initial display.
    sprintf(p_str, "SW2: % 4u", sw2_counter);
    protectedDisplayLCD(LCD_LINE2, (uint8_t *) p_str);
    for (;;)
        // Wait for a signal from the button debouncer.
        OSSemPend(&g_sw2_sem, 0, OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING, 0, &err);
        // Check for errors.
        assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err);
        // Increment button press counter.
        // Format and display current count.
        sprintf(p_str, "SW2: % 4u", sw2_counter);
        protectedDisplayLCD(LCD_LINE2, (uint8_t *) p_str);
* @brief A task to create all of the other tasks and their shared objects.
startup_task (void * p_arg)
    OS_ERR   err;

   (void)p_arg;    // NOTE: Silence compiler warning about unused param.
    // Perform hardware initializations that should be after multitasking.
    // Initialize the reentrant LED driver.
    // Create the LED flasher tasks.
    OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB     *)&g_led5_tcb,
                 (CPU_CHAR   *)"LED5 Flasher",
                 (OS_TASK_PTR ) led5_task,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_PRIO     ) LED5_PRIO,
                 (CPU_STK    *)&g_led5_stack[0],
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE / 10u,
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE,
                 (OS_MSG_QTY  ) 0u,
                 (OS_TICK     ) 0u,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_OPT      ) 0,
                 (OS_ERR     *)&err);
     assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err);
    OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB     *)&g_led6_tcb,
                 (CPU_CHAR   *)"LED6 Flasher",
                 (OS_TASK_PTR ) led6_task,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_PRIO     ) LED6_PRIO,
                 (CPU_STK    *)&g_led6_stack[0],
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE / 10u,
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE,
                 (OS_MSG_QTY  ) 0u,
                 (OS_TICK     ) 0u,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_OPT      ) 0,
                 (OS_ERR     *)&err);
    assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err);
    // Create the semaphores signaled by the button debouncer.
    OSSemCreate(&g_sw1_sem, "Switch 1", 0, &err);
    assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err); 
    OSSemCreate(&g_sw2_sem, "Switch 2", 0, &err);
    assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err); 
    // Create the button debouncer.
    OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB     *)&g_debounce_tcb,
                 (CPU_CHAR   *)"Button Debouncer",
                 (OS_TASK_PTR ) debounce_task,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_PRIO     ) DEBOUNCE_PRIO,
                 (CPU_STK    *)&g_debounce_stack[0],
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE / 10u,
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE,
                 (OS_MSG_QTY  ) 0u,
                 (OS_TICK     ) 0u,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_OPT      ) 0,
                 (OS_ERR     *)&err);
    assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err);
    // Initialise the LCD driver.
    // Create the tasks to catch the button semaphores.
    OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB     *)&g_sw1_tcb,
                 (CPU_CHAR   *)"Button 1 Catcher",
                 (OS_TASK_PTR ) sw1_task,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_PRIO     ) SW1_PRIO,
                 (CPU_STK    *)&g_sw1_stack[0],
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE / 10u,
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE,
                 (OS_MSG_QTY  ) 0u,
                 (OS_TICK     ) 0u,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_OPT      ) 0,
                 (OS_ERR     *)&err);
    assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err);
    OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB     *)&g_sw2_tcb,
                 (CPU_CHAR   *)"Button 2 Catcher",
                 (OS_TASK_PTR ) sw2_task,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_PRIO     ) SW2_PRIO,
                 (CPU_STK    *)&g_sw2_stack[0],
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE / 10u,
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE,
                 (OS_MSG_QTY  ) 0u,
                 (OS_TICK     ) 0u,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_OPT      ) 0,
                 (OS_ERR     *)&err);
    assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err);
    // Delete the startup task (or enter an infinite loop like other tasks).
    OSTaskDel(NULL, &err);
    // We should never get here.
* @brief The starting point for the entire C program.
main (void)
    OS_ERR  err;

    // Disable all interrupts.
    // Initialize the operating system's internal data structures.
    assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err);
    // Install application-specific OS hooks.
    // Create the alarm task.
    OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB     *)&g_startup_tcb,
                 (CPU_CHAR   *)"Startup Task",
                 (OS_TASK_PTR ) startup_task,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_PRIO     ) STARTUP_PRIO,
                 (CPU_STK    *)&g_startup_stack[0],
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE / 10u,
                 (CPU_STK_SIZE) TASK_STACK_SIZE ,
                 (OS_MSG_QTY  ) 0u,
                 (OS_TICK     ) 0u,
                 (void       *) 0,
                 (OS_OPT      ) 0,
                 (OS_ERR     *)&err);
    assert(OS_ERR_NONE == err);
    // Start multitasking.
    // We should never get here.


我在过去创建了一个完整的类库来抽象RTOS原语(任务,信号量,互斥锁,计时器等),并将其移植到许多RTOS -不是uC/OS-III,但足以让人相信它几乎可以移植到任何RTOS。任务入口点必须是一个普通函数或静态成员函数——解决方案是使用一个静态成员函数作为所有任务的入口点,但它接受一个指向任务对象的指针,并调用它的入口点,该入口点是一个虚成员。


void cTask::taskRoot( void* arg )
    cTask* instance = reinterpret_cast<cTask*>(arg) ;
    // Call task entry point
    instance->threadMain() ;



bool cTask::spawn( int taskpriority, int stack_size, void* stack_ptr )
    bool spawned = false ;
    if( !task_spawned )
        if( stack_ptr != 0 )
            // create OS task using native API
            // using  taskRoot() as the entry point and
            // passing the `this` pointer as the user argument
            OSTaskCreate( ... ) ;
            spawned = (OS_ERR_NONE == err) ;
    return spawned  ;


class cMyTask : public cTask
    virtual void threadMain()
        // Task loop
            ... // do stuff


cMyTask mytask ;
static CPU_STK  stack[TASK_STACK_SIZE];
mytask.spawn( MYTASK_PRIORITY, sizeof(stack), stack ) ;

