如何在 PHP 中将文本文件中的两到三个单词与空格匹配

我对PHP有点陌生,但几乎创造了我需要的一切,除了一件事把我带到这里。 我正在为朋友创建一个简单的(可能适合您,但不适合我)网站,以便他们可以跟踪何时收到租金,输入新租户并检查当前余额。 我一切都很完美...我以为。 在检查余额时,我只用一个单词输入来读取文本文件并输出正确的信息。 但是,我发现如果名字和姓氏之间存储一个空格,我没有得到匹配。 我需要代码来完整读取输入的租户名称以及两者之间的空格。 我没有找到任何我能真正理解的东西,并且已经寻找了几个晚上。 这是我用于搜索和检索结果的完整代码。


John Doe,123 Main St,400.00,01/01/2016,
Jane Doe,124 Main St,300.00,01/01/2016,
John Doe,123 Main St,,01/03/2016,200.00
$lines = file('data.txt'); //here's the filename
    <table id="historytable" width="640" border="1">
    <caption>Billing & Payment History
<td width="40">Tenant</td>
<td width="40">Address</td>
<td width="40">Date</td>
<td width="40">Rent</td>
<td width="40">Payment</td>
$search = $_POST["name"]; //assigning a string to each piece of input data
// Store true when the text is found
$balance = 0; //assign initial value to balance
$renttotal = 0; //assign initial value to renttotals
$received = 0; //assign initial value to received
$found = false;
foreach ($lines as $line) { //this is the loop to read the txt file
  if(strpos($line, $search) !== false)
    $found = true;
list($a,$b,$c,$d,$e) = explode(',', $line); //this assigns a variable name to each data item separated by a comma
   $renttotal+= $c; //each time it loops, it gathers the value of c adding it to itself  same for the two lines below
   $received+= $e;
   $balance = $renttotal - $received; //subtracts the final value of renttotal and received assigning the difference to balance
    $line_array = explode(",", $line);  //breaks each piece of data apart to be placed in a table  }
    echo "<tr>
<td width=40>$a</td>
<td width=40>$b</td>
<td width=40>$c</td>
<td width=40>$d</td>
<td width=40>$e</td>
<BR />
<BR />
  <p>TOTAL RENTS CHARGED  $<?php echo "$renttotal"?><br />
    TOTAL PAYMENTS RECEIVED $<?php echo "$received"?><br />
    BALANCE DUE $<?php echo "$balance"?></p>



$search = urldecode($_POST["name"]);

