C11/C++11 宏,用于将常量字符串与文本整数相关联


LogIx(_S("This is my msg"));


#define _S(a)  (#a)



所以我正在考虑使用预处理器的不同解决方案,但似乎不可能在 #define 中使用带引号的字符串。


#define _V(a)  (#a)
const std::array<string, 3> s_logStrings = {
      _V("This is my msg"),
      _V("Param %s is: %d"),
      _V("Reset msg")
#define _S("This is my msg")   0
#define _S("Param %s is: %d")  1
#define _S("Reset msg")        2
int Log(size_t msgIndex)
   cout << s_logStrings.at(LogIx(msgIndex));
int main(void)
   std::cout << "Begin test" << std::endl;
   Log(_S("This is my msg"));
   std::cout << "End test" << std::endl;
   return 0;
#define _V(a)  (#a)
const std::array<string, 3> s_logStrings = {
      _V("This is my msg"),
      _V("Param %s is: %d"),
      _V("Reset msg")
#define _S(a) // ???? this is the problem... how define this macro?
// also a constexpr could be a good solution, the point is to don't
// add a function or a <map>
#define _S("This is my msg")   0
#define _S("Param %s is: %d")  1
#define _S("Reset msg")        2
int Log(size_t msgIndex)
   cout << s_logStrings.at(msgIndex);
int main(void)
   std::cout << "Begin test" << std::endl;
   Log(_S("This is my msg"));
   std::cout << "End test" << std::endl;
   return 0;


通过将文字转换为键入 char_sequence ,您可以执行以下操作:

template <char ... > struct char_sequence {};
// use gnu extension :/
template<class CharT, CharT... cs>
char_sequence<cs...> operator ""_seq(){
    return {};
template <class T, class Tuple>
struct index_in_tuple;
template <class T, class... Types>
struct index_in_tuple<T, std::tuple<T, Types...>> {
    static const std::size_t value = 0;
template <class T, class U, class... Types>
struct index_in_tuple<T, std::tuple<U, Types...>> {
    static const std::size_t value = 1 + index_in_tuple<T, std::tuple<Types...>>::value;
using MyMessagesTuple = decltype(std::make_tuple(
    "This is my msg"_seq,
    "Param %s is: %d"_seq,
    "Reset msg"_seq

#define _S(a)  (index_in_tuple<decltype(a##_seq), MyMessagesTuple>::value)
int main() {
    auto foo = _S("Reset msg");
    std::cout << foo << std::endl;

