

ChangeID        EmployeeID          PropertyName        OldValue        NewValue    ModifiedDate
100                 10              EmploymentStart     Not Set         1           2013-01-01
101                 10              SalaryValue         Not Set         55000       2013-01-01
102                 10              SalaryValue         55000           61500       2013-03-20
103                 10              SalaryEffectiveDate 2013-01-01      2013-04-01  2013-03-20
104                 11              EmploymentStart     Not Set         1           2013-01-21
105                 11              SalaryValue         Not Set         43000       2013-01-21
106                 10              SalaryValue         61500           72500       2013-09-20
107                 10              SalaryEffectiveDate 2013-04-01      2013-10-01  2013-09-20



Annual Salary Change Report (2013)
EmployeeID      Date1           Date2           Salary
10              2013-01-01      2013-04-01      55000
10              2013-04-01      2013-10-01      61500
10              2013-10-01      2013-12-31      72500
11              2013-03-21      2013-12-31      43000



我正在阅读此内容,显然使用 PIVOT 是可行的


您可以使用自联接来获得所需的结果。诀窍是创建一个 cte 并为每个 EmployeeID 添加两行,如下所示(我称历史表 ht):

with cte1 as
select EmployeeID, PropertyName, OldValue, NewValue, ModifiedDate
from ht
union all
select t1.EmployeeID,
(case when t1.PropertyName = "EmploymentStart" then "SalaryEffectiveDate"         else t1.PropertyName end),
(case when t1.PropertyName = "EmploymentStart" then t1.ModifiedDate else t1.NewValue end),
(case when t1.PropertyName = "SalaryValue" then t1.NewValue
when t1.PropertyName = "SalaryEffectiveDate" then "2013-12-31"
when t1.PropertyName = "EmploymentStart" then "2013-12-31" end),
from ht t1
where t1.ModifiedDate = (select max(t2.ModifiedDate) from ht t2 where t1.EmployeeID = t2.EmployeeID)
select t3.EmployeeID, t4.OldValue Date1, t4.NewValue Date2, t3.OldValue Salary
from cte1 t3
inner join cte1 t4 on t3.EmployeeID = t4.EmployeeID
and t3.ModifiedDate = t4.ModifiedDate
where t3.PropertyName = "SalaryValue"
and t4.PropertyName = "SalaryEffectiveDate"
order by t3.EmployeeID, Date1


使用 pivot 有点过分了,因为你只需要两个属性。使用 GROUP BY 也可以实现这一点:

;WITH cte_salary_history(EmployeeID,SalaryEffectiveDate,SalaryValue)
SELECT EmployeeID,
MAX(CASE WHEN PropertyName='SalaryEffectiveDate' THEN NewValue ELSE NULL END) AS SalaryEffectiveDate,
MAX(CASE WHEN PropertyName='SalaryValue' THEN NewValue ELSE NULL END) AS SalaryValue
FROM yourtable
GROUP BY EmployeeID,ModifiedDate
SELECT EmployeeID,SalaryEffectiveDate,
LEAD(SalaryEffectiveDate,1,'9999-12-31') OVER(PARTITION BY EmployeeID ORDER BY SalaryEffectiveDate)  AS SalaryEndDate,
FROM cte_salary_history
