由于我们不能做 i++,所以如何编码看起来更整洁

我需要在数组中找到第一个't'符号。由于我们在 scala 中没有i++左右,我最终写了以下内容:

val data: Array[Byte] = //..
var i = 0
while(i < data.length && data{val j = i; i += 1; j} != 't'){ }


如果你想在满足条件之前做某事,你最好将 while 和 for 循环分开。在 while 循环的声明中声明 for 循环是丑陋的,当它变得更复杂时可能无法预测。

另外,不要使用var.在使用 Scala 时,最佳做法是尽可能保持所有内容不可变。


def iterateUntilByte(byte: Byte, array: Array[Byte]): Any = {
for(i <- array.indices) {
if(array(i) != byte) /* do something */ else return



def iterateUntilByte(byte: Byte, array: Array[Byte]): Any = {
array.map(a => if(a != byte) /* do something */) // can be foreach if return type is Unit


您可以修改上面的代码,以便在找到t时执行任何您想做的事情,例如if(a == byte) {...} else {...}(如果您只对t条目感兴趣(。





您最初的问题似乎是XY问题,但似乎val i = data.indexOf('t')会这样做,除非数据不包含't',否则它将-1。更多想法;

val i = data.indexOf('t') match {
case -1 => data.length-1
case n => n
val i = Some(data.indexOf('t')).filterNot(_ == -1).getOrElse(data.length-1)
def i2(data: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = data.takeWhile(_ != 't')
def printUpToTab(data: Array[Byte]): Unit = i2(data).foreach(println)
// Warning: obtaining the index of something is not usually necessary.
//  Step back and consider a cleaner solution.
def tabIndices(data: Array[Byte]): List[Int] = data.zipWithIndex.collect {
case ('t', n) =>
println(s"Found a tab at $n")
// does a list contain less than N tab characters? Simple solution:
def containsLessThanNtabs(data: List[Byte], n: Int): Boolean =
data.count(_ == 't') < n
// This version will "return early" when N tabs are found,
//  not counting through the entire list.
// This could be more efficient for very long lists.
// You must have a `List` to use the `::` construct.
def recursiveVersion(data: List[Byte], n: Int): Boolean = {
def recurse(bytes: List[Byte], count: Int): Boolean = 
if (count >= n) false
else {
bytes match {
case Nil => true
case 't' :: tail => recurse(tail, count+1)
case _ :: tail => recurse(tail, count)
recurse(data, 0)

