




 * CoolClock 2.1.4
 * Copyright 2010, Simon Baird
 * Released under the BSD License.
 * Display an analog clock using canvas.
 * http://randomibis.com/coolclock/
// Constructor for CoolClock objects
window.CoolClock = function(options) {
	return this.init(options);
CoolClock.config = {
	tickDelay: 1000,
	longTickDelay: 15000,
	defaultRadius: 85,
	renderRadius: 100,
	showSecs: true,
	showAmPm: true,
regular: {
outerBorder: { lineWidth: 6, radius:90, color: "orange", alpha: 1 },
smallIndicator: { lineWidth: 2, startAt: 80, endAt: 93, color: "orange", alpha: 1 },
largeIndicator: { lineWidth: 6, startAt: 70, endAt: 93, color: "orange", alpha: 1 },
hourHand: { lineWidth: 8, startAt: -2, endAt: 45, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
minuteHand: { lineWidth: 7, startAt: -1, endAt: 68, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
secondHand: { lineWidth: 1, startAt: -20, endAt: 85, color: "orange", alpha: 1 },
secondDecoration: { lineWidth: 2, startAt: 0, radius: 3, fillColor: "orange", color: "red", alpha: 1 }
black: {
outerBorder: { lineWidth: 6, radius:90, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
smallIndicator: { lineWidth: 2, startAt: 80, endAt: 93, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
largeIndicator: { lineWidth: 6, startAt: 70, endAt: 93, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
hourHand: { lineWidth: 8, startAt: -2, endAt: 45, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
minuteHand: { lineWidth: 7, startAt: -1, endAt: 68, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
secondHand: { lineWidth: 1, startAt: -20, endAt: 85, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
secondDecoration: { lineWidth: 2, startAt: 0, radius: 3, fillColor: "black", color: "red", alpha: 1 }
	// Test for IE so we can nurse excanvas in a couple of places
	isIE: !!document.all,
	// Will store (a reference to) each clock here, indexed by the id of the canvas element
	clockTracker: {},
	// For giving a unique id to coolclock canvases with no id
	noIdCount: 0
// Define the CoolClock object's methods
CoolClock.prototype = {
	// Initialise using the parameters parsed from the colon delimited class
	init: function(options) {
		// Parse and store the options
		this.canvasId       = options.canvasId;
		this.skinId         = options.skinId || CoolClock.config.defaultSkin;
		this.displayRadius  = options.displayRadius || CoolClock.config.defaultRadius;
		this.showSecondHand = typeof options.showSecondHand == "boolean" ? options.showSecondHand : true;
		this.gmtOffset      = (options.gmtOffset != null && options.gmtOffset != '') ? parseFloat(options.gmtOffset) : null;
		this.showDigital    = typeof options.showDigital == "boolean" ? options.showDigital : false;
		this.logClock       = typeof options.logClock == "boolean" ? options.logClock : false;
		this.logClockRev    = typeof options.logClock == "boolean" ? options.logClockRev : false;
		this.tickDelay      = CoolClock.config[ this.showSecondHand ? "tickDelay" : "longTickDelay" ];
		// Get the canvas element
		this.canvas = document.getElementById(this.canvasId);
		// Make the canvas the requested size. It's always square.
		this.canvas.style.width = this.displayRadius*2 + "px";
		this.canvas.style.height = this.displayRadius*2 + "px";
		// Explain me please...?
		this.renderRadius = CoolClock.config.renderRadius;
		this.scale = this.displayRadius / this.renderRadius;
		// Initialise canvas context
		this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
		// Keep track of this object
		CoolClock.config.clockTracker[this.canvasId] = this;
		// Start the clock going
		return this;
	// Draw a circle at point x,y with params as defined in skin
	fullCircleAt: function(x,y,skin) {
		this.ctx.globalAlpha = skin.alpha;
		this.ctx.lineWidth = skin.lineWidth;
		if (!CoolClock.config.isIE) {
		if (CoolClock.config.isIE) {
			// excanvas doesn't scale line width so we will do it here
			this.ctx.lineWidth = this.ctx.lineWidth * this.scale;
		this.ctx.arc(x, y, skin.radius, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
		if (CoolClock.config.isIE) {
			// excanvas doesn't close the circle so let's fill in the tiny gap
			this.ctx.arc(x, y, skin.radius, -0.1, 0.1, false);
		if (skin.fillColor) {
			this.ctx.fillStyle = skin.fillColor
		else {
			// XXX why not stroke and fill
			this.ctx.strokeStyle = skin.color;
	// Draw some text centered vertically and horizontally
	drawTextAt: function(theText,x,y) {
		this.ctx.font = '15px sans-serif';
		var tSize = this.ctx.measureText(theText);
		if (!tSize.height) tSize.height = 15; // no height in firefox.. :(
		this.ctx.fillText(theText,x - tSize.width/2,y - tSize.height/2);
	lpad2: function(num) {
		return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num;
	tickAngle: function(second) {
		// Log algorithm by David Bradshaw
		var tweak = 3; // If it's lower the one second mark looks wrong (?)
		if (this.logClock) {
			return second == 0 ? 0 : (Math.log(second*tweak) / Math.log(60*tweak));
		else if (this.logClockRev) {
			// Flip the seconds then flip the angle (trickiness)
			second = (60 - second) % 60;
			return 1.0 - (second == 0 ? 0 : (Math.log(second*tweak) / Math.log(60*tweak)));
		else {
			return second/60.0;
	timeText: function(hour,min,sec) {
		var c = CoolClock.config;
		return '' +
			(c.showAmPm ? ((hour%12)==0 ? 12 : (hour%12)) : hour) + ':' +
			this.lpad2(min) +
			(c.showSecs ? ':' + this.lpad2(sec) : '') +
			(c.showAmPm ? (hour < 12 ? ' am' : ' pm') : '')
	// Draw a radial line by rotating then drawing a straight line
	// Ha ha, I think I've accidentally used Taus, (see http://tauday.com/)
	radialLineAtAngle: function(angleFraction,skin) {
		this.ctx.rotate(Math.PI * (2.0 * angleFraction - 0.5));
		this.ctx.globalAlpha = skin.alpha;
		this.ctx.strokeStyle = skin.color;
		this.ctx.lineWidth = skin.lineWidth;
		if (CoolClock.config.isIE)
			// excanvas doesn't scale line width so we will do it here
			this.ctx.lineWidth = this.ctx.lineWidth * this.scale;
		if (skin.radius) {
		else {
	render: function(hour,min,sec) {
		// Get the skin
		var skin = CoolClock.config.skins[this.skinId];
		if (!skin) skin = CoolClock.config.skins[CoolClock.config.defaultSkin];
		// Clear
		// Draw the outer edge of the clock
		if (skin.outerBorder)
		// Draw the tick marks. Every 5th one is a big one
		for (var i=0;i<60;i++) {
			(i%5)  && skin.smallIndicator && this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle(i),skin.smallIndicator);
			!(i%5) && skin.largeIndicator && this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle(i),skin.largeIndicator);
		// Write the time
		if (this.showDigital) {
		// Draw the hands
		if (skin.hourHand)
			this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle(((hour%12)*5 + min/12.0)),skin.hourHand);
		if (skin.minuteHand)
			this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle((min + sec/60.0)),skin.minuteHand);
		if (this.showSecondHand && skin.secondHand)
		// Second hand decoration doesn't render right in IE so lets turn it off
		if (!CoolClock.config.isIE && this.showSecondHand && skin.secondDecoration)
	// Check the time and display the clock
	refreshDisplay: function() {
		var now = new Date();
		if (this.gmtOffset != null) {
			// Use GMT + gmtOffset
			var offsetNow = new Date(now.valueOf() + (this.gmtOffset * 1000 * 60 * 60));
		else {
			// Use local time
	// Set timeout to trigger a tick in the future
	nextTick: function() {
	// Check the canvas element hasn't been removed
	stillHere: function() {
		return document.getElementById(this.canvasId) != null;
	// Main tick handler. Refresh the clock then setup the next tick
	tick: function() {
		if (this.stillHere()) {
// Find all canvas elements that have the CoolClock class and turns them into clocks
CoolClock.findAndCreateClocks = function() {
	// (Let's not use a jQuery selector here so it's easier to use frameworks other than jQuery)
	var canvases = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas");
	for (var i=0;i<canvases.length;i++) {
		// Pull out the fields from the class. Example "CoolClock:chunkySwissOnBlack:1000"
		var fields = canvases[i].className.split(" ")[0].split(":");
		if (fields[0] == "CoolClock") {
			if (!canvases[i].id) {
// If there's no id on this canvas element then give it one
				canvases[i].id = '_coolclock_auto_id_' + CoolClock.config.noIdCount++;
			// Create a clock object for this element
			new CoolClock({
				canvasId:       canvases[i].id,
				skinId:         fields[1],
				displayRadius:  fields[2],
				showSecondHand: fields[3]!='noSeconds',
				gmtOffset:      fields[4],
				showDigital:    fields[5]=='showDigital',
				logClock:       fields[6]=='logClock',
				logClockRev:    fields[6]=='logClockRev'
if (window.jQuery) jQuery(document).ready(CoolClock.findAndCreateClocks);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="c1" class="CoolClock:regular:125"></canvas>

CoolClock 通过在 canvas 元素上指定类来工作,因此您可以使用 jQuery 在悬停时更改这些类:

  $('#c1').hover(function() {
    $(this).toggleClass('CoolClock:regular:125 CoolClock:black:125');
  }, function() {
    $(this).toggleClass('CoolClock:regular:125 CoolClock:black:125');



 * CoolClock 2.1.4
 * Copyright 2010, Simon Baird
 * Released under the BSD License.
 * Display an analog clock using canvas.
 * http://randomibis.com/coolclock/
// Constructor for CoolClock objects
window.CoolClock = function(options) {
  return this.init(options);
CoolClock.config = {
  tickDelay: 1000,
  longTickDelay: 15000,
  defaultRadius: 85,
  renderRadius: 100,
  showSecs: true,
  showAmPm: true,
  skins: {
    regular: {
      outerBorder: {
        lineWidth: 6,
        radius: 90,
        color: "orange",
        alpha: 1
      smallIndicator: {
        lineWidth: 2,
        startAt: 80,
        endAt: 93,
        color: "orange",
        alpha: 1
      largeIndicator: {
        lineWidth: 6,
        startAt: 70,
        endAt: 93,
        color: "orange",
        alpha: 1
      hourHand: {
        lineWidth: 8,
        startAt: -2,
        endAt: 45,
        color: "black",
        alpha: 1
      minuteHand: {
        lineWidth: 7,
        startAt: -1,
        endAt: 68,
        color: "black",
        alpha: 1
      secondHand: {
        lineWidth: 1,
        startAt: -20,
        endAt: 85,
        color: "orange",
        alpha: 1
      secondDecoration: {
        lineWidth: 2,
        startAt: 0,
        radius: 3,
        fillColor: "orange",
        color: "red",
        alpha: 1
    black: {
      outerBorder: {
        lineWidth: 6,
        radius: 90,
        color: "black",
        alpha: 1
      smallIndicator: {
        lineWidth: 2,
        startAt: 80,
        endAt: 93,
        color: "black",
        alpha: 1
      largeIndicator: {
        lineWidth: 6,
        startAt: 70,
        endAt: 93,
        color: "black",
        alpha: 1
      hourHand: {
        lineWidth: 8,
        startAt: -2,
        endAt: 45,
        color: "black",
        alpha: 1
      minuteHand: {
        lineWidth: 7,
        startAt: -1,
        endAt: 68,
        color: "black",
        alpha: 1
      secondHand: {
        lineWidth: 1,
        startAt: -20,
        endAt: 85,
        color: "black",
        alpha: 1
      secondDecoration: {
        lineWidth: 2,
        startAt: 0,
        radius: 3,
        fillColor: "black",
        color: "red",
        alpha: 1
  // Test for IE so we can nurse excanvas in a couple of places
  isIE: !!document.all,
  // Will store (a reference to) each clock here, indexed by the id of the canvas element
  clockTracker: {},
  // For giving a unique id to coolclock canvases with no id
  noIdCount: 0
// Define the CoolClock object's methods
CoolClock.prototype = {
  // Initialise using the parameters parsed from the colon delimited class
  init: function(options) {
    // Parse and store the options
    this.canvasId = options.canvasId;
    this.skinId = options.skinId || CoolClock.config.defaultSkin;
    this.displayRadius = options.displayRadius || CoolClock.config.defaultRadius;
    this.showSecondHand = typeof options.showSecondHand == "boolean" ? options.showSecondHand : true;
    this.gmtOffset = (options.gmtOffset != null && options.gmtOffset != '') ? parseFloat(options.gmtOffset) : null;
    this.showDigital = typeof options.showDigital == "boolean" ? options.showDigital : false;
    this.logClock = typeof options.logClock == "boolean" ? options.logClock : false;
    this.logClockRev = typeof options.logClock == "boolean" ? options.logClockRev : false;
    this.tickDelay = CoolClock.config[this.showSecondHand ? "tickDelay" : "longTickDelay"];
    // Get the canvas element
    this.canvas = document.getElementById(this.canvasId);
    // Make the canvas the requested size. It's always square.
    this.canvas.setAttribute("width", this.displayRadius * 2);
    this.canvas.setAttribute("height", this.displayRadius * 2);
    this.canvas.style.width = this.displayRadius * 2 + "px";
    this.canvas.style.height = this.displayRadius * 2 + "px";
    // Explain me please...?
    this.renderRadius = CoolClock.config.renderRadius;
    this.scale = this.displayRadius / this.renderRadius;
    // Initialise canvas context
    this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
    this.ctx.scale(this.scale, this.scale);
    // Keep track of this object
    CoolClock.config.clockTracker[this.canvasId] = this;
    // Start the clock going
    return this;
  // Draw a circle at point x,y with params as defined in skin
  fullCircleAt: function(x, y, skin) {
    this.ctx.globalAlpha = skin.alpha;
    this.ctx.lineWidth = skin.lineWidth;
    if (!CoolClock.config.isIE) {
    if (CoolClock.config.isIE) {
      // excanvas doesn't scale line width so we will do it here
      this.ctx.lineWidth = this.ctx.lineWidth * this.scale;
    this.ctx.arc(x, y, skin.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
    if (CoolClock.config.isIE) {
      // excanvas doesn't close the circle so let's fill in the tiny gap
      this.ctx.arc(x, y, skin.radius, -0.1, 0.1, false);
    if (skin.fillColor) {
      this.ctx.fillStyle = skin.fillColor
    } else {
      // XXX why not stroke and fill
      this.ctx.strokeStyle = skin.color;
  // Draw some text centered vertically and horizontally
  drawTextAt: function(theText, x, y) {
    this.ctx.font = '15px sans-serif';
    var tSize = this.ctx.measureText(theText);
    if (!tSize.height) tSize.height = 15; // no height in firefox.. :(
    this.ctx.fillText(theText, x - tSize.width / 2, y - tSize.height / 2);
  lpad2: function(num) {
    return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num;
  tickAngle: function(second) {
    // Log algorithm by David Bradshaw
    var tweak = 3; // If it's lower the one second mark looks wrong (?)
    if (this.logClock) {
      return second == 0 ? 0 : (Math.log(second * tweak) / Math.log(60 * tweak));
    } else if (this.logClockRev) {
      // Flip the seconds then flip the angle (trickiness)
      second = (60 - second) % 60;
      return 1.0 - (second == 0 ? 0 : (Math.log(second * tweak) / Math.log(60 * tweak)));
    } else {
      return second / 60.0;
  timeText: function(hour, min, sec) {
    var c = CoolClock.config;
    return '' +
      (c.showAmPm ? ((hour % 12) == 0 ? 12 : (hour % 12)) : hour) + ':' +
      this.lpad2(min) +
      (c.showSecs ? ':' + this.lpad2(sec) : '') +
      (c.showAmPm ? (hour < 12 ? ' am' : ' pm') : '');
  // Draw a radial line by rotating then drawing a straight line
  // Ha ha, I think I've accidentally used Taus, (see http://tauday.com/)
  radialLineAtAngle: function(angleFraction, skin) {
    this.ctx.translate(this.renderRadius, this.renderRadius);
    this.ctx.rotate(Math.PI * (2.0 * angleFraction - 0.5));
    this.ctx.globalAlpha = skin.alpha;
    this.ctx.strokeStyle = skin.color;
    this.ctx.lineWidth = skin.lineWidth;
    if (CoolClock.config.isIE)
    // excanvas doesn't scale line width so we will do it here
      this.ctx.lineWidth = this.ctx.lineWidth * this.scale;
    if (skin.radius) {
      this.fullCircleAt(skin.startAt, 0, skin)
    } else {
      this.ctx.moveTo(skin.startAt, 0)
      this.ctx.lineTo(skin.endAt, 0);
  render: function(hour, min, sec) {
    // Get the skin
    var skin = CoolClock.config.skins[this.skinId];
    if (!skin) skin = CoolClock.config.skins[CoolClock.config.defaultSkin];
    // Clear
    this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.renderRadius * 2, this.renderRadius * 2);
    // Draw the outer edge of the clock
    if (skin.outerBorder)
      this.fullCircleAt(this.renderRadius, this.renderRadius, skin.outerBorder);
    // Draw the tick marks. Every 5th one is a big one
    for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
      (i % 5) && skin.smallIndicator && this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle(i), skin.smallIndicator);
      !(i % 5) && skin.largeIndicator && this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle(i), skin.largeIndicator);
    // Write the time
    if (this.showDigital) {
        this.timeText(hour, min, sec),
        this.renderRadius + this.renderRadius / 2
    // Draw the hands
    if (skin.hourHand)
      this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle(((hour % 12) * 5 + min / 12.0)), skin.hourHand);
    if (skin.minuteHand)
      this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle((min + sec / 60.0)), skin.minuteHand);
    if (this.showSecondHand && skin.secondHand)
      this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle(sec), skin.secondHand);
    // Second hand decoration doesn't render right in IE so lets turn it off
    if (!CoolClock.config.isIE && this.showSecondHand && skin.secondDecoration)
      this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle(sec), skin.secondDecoration);
  // Check the time and display the clock
  refreshDisplay: function() {
    var now = new Date();
    if (this.gmtOffset != null) {
      // Use GMT + gmtOffset
      var offsetNow = new Date(now.valueOf() + (this.gmtOffset * 1000 * 60 * 60));
      this.render(offsetNow.getUTCHours(), offsetNow.getUTCMinutes(), offsetNow.getUTCSeconds());
    } else {
      // Use local time
      this.render(now.getHours(), now.getMinutes(), now.getSeconds());
  // Set timeout to trigger a tick in the future
  nextTick: function() {
    setTimeout("CoolClock.config.clockTracker['" + this.canvasId + "'].tick()", this.tickDelay);
  // Check the canvas element hasn't been removed
  stillHere: function() {
    return document.getElementById(this.canvasId) != null;
  // Main tick handler. Refresh the clock then setup the next tick
  tick: function() {
    if (this.stillHere()) {
// Find all canvas elements that have the CoolClock class and turns them into clocks
CoolClock.findAndCreateClocks = function() {
  // (Let's not use a jQuery selector here so it's easier to use frameworks other than jQuery)
  var canvases = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas");
  for (var i = 0; i < canvases.length; i++) {
    // Pull out the fields from the class. Example "CoolClock:chunkySwissOnBlack:1000"
    var fields = canvases[i].className.split(" ")[0].split(":");
    if (fields[0] == "CoolClock") {
      if (!canvases[i].id) {
        // If there's no id on this canvas element then give it one
        canvases[i].id = '_coolclock_auto_id_' + CoolClock.config.noIdCount++;
      // Create a clock object for this element
      new CoolClock({
        canvasId: canvases[i].id,
        skinId: fields[1],
        displayRadius: fields[2],
        showSecondHand: fields[3] != 'noSeconds',
        gmtOffset: fields[4],
        showDigital: fields[5] == 'showDigital',
        logClock: fields[6] == 'logClock',
        logClockRev: fields[6] == 'logClockRev'
  $('#c1').hover(function() {
    $(this).toggleClass('CoolClock:regular:125 CoolClock:black:125');
  }, function() {
    $(this).toggleClass('CoolClock:regular:125 CoolClock:black:125');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="c1" class="CoolClock:regular:125"></canvas>
