
如何使用比特币红宝石广播原始交易?我使用了 https://github.com/lian/bitcoin-ruby 的比特币红宝石

    Bitcoin.network = :testnet
    url = "https://testnet.blockexplorer.com/api/addr/#{address}"
    uri = URI(url)
    response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
    if Connect.valid_json(response)
      response = JSON.parse(response)
      $transactions = response["transactions"]
    prev_hash = $transactions[0]
    url = "https://testnet.blockexplorer.com/api/rawtx/#{prev_hash}"
    uri = URI(url)
    response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
    if Connect.valid_json(response)
      response = JSON.parse(response)
      response = response['rawtx'].to_s
      $prev_tx = Bitcoin::P::Tx.new(response.htb)
    prev_tx = $prev_tx
    prev_tx_output_index = 0
    value = 50000 #0.0005 btc
    tx = Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx.new
    tx.add_in Bitcoin::Protocol::TxIn.new(prev_tx.binary_hash, prev_tx_output_index, 0)
    tx.add_out Bitcoin::Protocol::TxOut.value_to_address(value, "msPHTrHSktDLMwPXcMYwWTqth3ZyykN17H") # <- dest address (our donation address)
    # if all in and outputs are defined, start signing inputs.
    key = Bitcoin.open_key(Connect.get_private_key) # <- privkey
    sig = Bitcoin.sign_data(key, tx.signature_hash_for_input(0, prev_tx))
    tx.in[0].script_sig = Bitcoin::Script.to_signature_pubkey_script(sig, [key.public_key_hex].pack("H*"))
    #tx.in[0].add_signature_pubkey_script(sig, key.public_key_hex)
    # finish check
    tx = Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx.new( tx.to_payload )
    p tx.verify_input_signature(0, prev_tx) == true
    hex =  tx.to_payload.unpack("H*")[0] # hex binary
    puts hex.to_s
#Error sending transaction: Transaction 4a762238529450737b85ad481deae0e836e623afd63e04a29a5b90363c0345fd has too high fees: 12372992.

交易费用只是输入值和输出值之间的差额。在您的情况下,您的输出值为 0.0005 BTC。如果您选择的输入大于您要发送的输出以及费用,则必须创建一个更改输出以将其余部分也发送回您的钱包,否则它将全部作为费用归矿工所有。例如,如果您的输入是 0.25 BTC,而您想发送 0.15 BTC 并且只支付 0.01 BTC 费用,那么您的交易需要有两个输出,一个用于 0.15 BTC,另一个用于 0.09 BTC 回到您拥有的地址,因此总费用仅为 (0.25-(0.15+0.9( = 0.01(


require 'sibit'
sibit = Sibit.new
pkey = sibit.generate
address = sibit.create(pkey)
balance = sibit.balance(address)
target = sibit.create(pkey) # where to send coins to
change = sibit.create(pkey) # where the change will sent to
tx = sibit.pay(pkey, 10_000_000, 'XL', [address], target, change)
