Spark.sql在没有任何优化的情况下运行查询(aws glue athena)

我需要从 Glue Job (spark.sql( 向 AWS 上的 Athena 执行 SQL 请求。


df = spark.sql("select * from hashes 
               where year='2109' and month='10' and day='08' 
               and myhashes in (%s) order by timestamp desc" % ( 
               ",".join( "'"+str(x)+"'" for x in myhashes ))  )


select * from hashes where year='2019' 
     and month='10' and day='08' 
     and myhashes in (


但是如果我运行粘水作业火花似乎可以将查询从 IN 转换为 OR 语法,例如

哪里。。。。day ='08' 和 (myhashes = '06XH8V3' 或 myhashes = '06X68P4' 或 my.....( 并产生错误。

Here the exception
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.apache.spark.sql.hive.client.Shim_v0_13.getPartitionsByFilter(HiveShim.scala:759)
    ... 64 more

Caused by: MetaException(message:1 validation error detected: Value 'year = '2019' and month = '10' and day = '08' and (myhashes = '06XH58V3' or myhashes = '06X658P4' or myhashes = '45X42051' or myhashes = '15S03560' or myhashes = '10S2868' or myhashes = '416S2661' or myhashes = 'dDSD' or myhashes = 'DSSD' or myhashes = '13XE639' or myhashes = '06X668N7' or myhashes = '06X364T2' or 
myhashes = '96S652207' or myhashes = '06X26365M' or myhashes = '10X560c89' or myhashes = '06X01N8' or )' 

at 'expression' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length less than or equal to 2048 (Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationException; Request ID: 83f7bc7b-0d10-11ea-9a8c-fdfadfa2a22b))
            at com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.converters.CatalogToHiveConverter.getHiveException(
            at com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.converters.CatalogToHiveConverter.wrapInHiveException(
            at com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.metastore.GlueMetastoreClientDelegate.getCatalogPartitions(
            at com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.metastore.GlueMetastoreClientDelegate.getPartitions(
            at com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.metastore.AWSCatalogMetastoreClient.listPartitionsByFilter(
            at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.getPartitionsByFilter(
            ... 69 more
        End of LogType:stdout


错误消息暗示您的查询太长(超过 2048 个字符(。AWS Athena 和 AWS Glue 有不同的约束。

如果可能的话,尝试通过将表与包含myhashes值的表连接来过滤表("哈希"(,而不是使用 SQL in,只要要比较的元素数量变大。
