如何为Java File对象(mkdir、rename、delete)的失败调用获取有意义的消息




[更新]我已经尝试过VFS,它的异常没有任何有用的信息。例如,试图移动最近删除的目录导致Could not rename file "D:pathtofileA" to "file:///D:/path/do/fileB".没有提及文件a已不存在

[update]业务需求限制我只能使用JDK 1.6解决方案,因此JDK 1.7已过时



import java.io.IOException;
import com.sun.jna.LastErrorException;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
public class FileUtils {
  private static final int EACCES = 13;
  private static final int EEXIST = 17;
  private static final int EMLINK = 31;
  private static final int EROFS = 30;
  private static final int ENOSPC = 28;
  private static final int ENAMETOOLONG = 63;
  static void mkdir(String path) throws IOException {
    try {
    } catch (LastErrorException e) {
      int errno = e.getErrorCode();
      if (errno == EACCES)
        throw new IOException(
            "Write permission is denied for the parent directory in which the new directory is to be added.");
      if (errno == EEXIST)
        throw new IOException("A file named " + path + " already exists.");
      if (errno == EMLINK)
        throw new IOException(
            "The parent directory has too many links (entries).  Well-designed file systems never report this error, because they permit more links than your disk could possibly hold. However, you must still take account of the possibility of this error, as it could result from network access to a file system on another machine.");
      if (errno == ENOSPC)
        throw new IOException(
            "The file system doesn't have enough room to create the new directory.");
      if (errno == EROFS)
        throw new IOException(
            "The parent directory of the directory being created is on a read-only file system and cannot be modified.");
      if (errno == EACCES)
        throw new IOException(
            "The process does not have search permission for a directory component of the file name.");
      if (errno == ENAMETOOLONG)
        throw new IOException(
            "This error is used when either the total length of a file name is greater than PATH_MAX, or when an individual file name component has a length greater than NAME_MAX. See section 31.6 Limits on File System Capacity.");
        throw new IOException("unknown error:" + errno);

class NativeLinkFileUtils {
  static {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
  static native int mkdir(String dir) throws LastErrorException;



public int mkdir(File dirToCreate) throws IOException
    if (dirToCreate.exists())
        throw new IOException("Folder already exists");
    if (!dirToCreate.getParent().canWrite())
        throw new IOException("No write access to create the folder");
    return dirToCreate.mkdir();

public int rename(File from, File to) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException
    if (from.equals(to))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Files are equal");
    if (!from.exists())
        throw new FileNotFoundException(from.getAbsolutePath() + " is not found");
    if (!to.getParent().exists())
        throw new IllegalAccessException("Parent of the destination doesn't exist");
    if (!to.getParent().canWrite())
        throw new IllegalAccessException("No write access to move the file/folder");
    return from.renameTo(to);




import org.apache.commons.exec.*;
public static String getErrorMessage(String command) {
    CommandLine cmdLine = CommandLine.parse(command);
    DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor();
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    executor.setStreamHandler(new PumpStreamHandler(out, err));
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return err.toString().trim();
    return null; // no error occurred


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    System.out.println(getErrorMessage("cp fake.file x"));
    System.out.println(getErrorMessage("cp /tmp /tmp"));
    System.out.println(getErrorMessage("mkdir /Volumes"));
    System.out.println(getErrorMessage("mv /tmp /"));
    System.out.println(getErrorMessage("mv fake.file /tmp"));


cp: fake.file: No such file or directory
cp: /tmp is a directory (not copied).
mkdir: /Volumes: File exists
mv: /tmp and /tmp are identical
mv: rename fake.file to /tmp/fake.file: No such file or directory


if (message.endsWith("No such file or directory"))
    throw new FileNotFoundException();  // Use IOExceptions if you can
if (message.endsWith("are identical"))
    throw new IdenticalFileException(); // Create your own Exceptions that extend IOException



您可以使用jakarta VFS。FileObject.createFolder()抛出保存错误代码的FileSystemException。这不是实现@Martijn Courteaux 提供的逻辑
