Typescript + Jquery Ajax + this



function SomeAjaxService
    var self = this;
    self.CheckErrorType = function(...) {
        // Do something
    var SuccessProxyCallback = function(results) {
        // Do some stuff with results, like send off some events
    var FailureProxyCallback = function(...) {
        // Do some stuff with errors, and fire some events
        var someErrorType = self.CheckErrorType(...);
    self.SendRequest = function(requestArgs) {
        var ajaxSettings = {
            context: requestArgs,
            // Assign a load of stuff


您可以在构造函数中设置self = this并像以前一样继续吗?

== EDIT ==


class SomeAjaxService
    public CheckErrorType(someArg1: any, someArg2: any) {
        // Do some stuff with data
    private SuccessProxyCallback(results: any) {
        // Do some stuff with results, like send off some events
        // Does the above *THIS* usage point to the context of the 
        // Ajax call or the actual instantiated class
    private FailureProxyCallback(...) {
        // Do some stuff with errors, and fire some events
        var someErrorType = this.CheckErrorType(...);
        // The above *THIS* call cannot be correct if the context has overwritten
        // the scope of this, however I dont know if this is true, do I even need
        // this.CheckErrorType to invoke a local method?
        // As mentioned above same issue here but the *THIS* should hopefully
        // point to the context object on the ajax object not the local instance.
    public SendRequest(requestArgs: any) {
        var ajaxSettings : JqueryAjaxSettings = {
            context: requestArgs,
            // Assign a load of stuff

就像我上面说的,主要问题是,在一个方法中,我需要调用一个实例方法,以及从ajax调用调用上下文对象的方法。与原始的javascript,我将有self = this,然后我可以得到周围的this被覆盖,这是需要保持ajax异步状态对象的范围。

你可以在构造函数中设置self = this,然后像以前一样继续吗?



class SomeAjaxService
    private FailureProxyCallback(context, arg) {
        // now 'this' is the class instance and 'context' is requestArgs 
    public SendRequest(requestArgs) {
        var self = this; // Note: captured local used in closure below
        var ajaxSettings = {
            context: requestArgs,
            // Do not use an arrow function here, even though it's tempting!
            error: function(arg) { self.FailureProxyCallback(this, arg) }
