需要 MS Access 中两个不同表中的两列' different in number of items '之间的差异


  ID   |ItemName| PriceOfUnit  | NumberOfItems I bought |DateIBought| 
  1    |  tea   |       3      |            6           |15/11/2015 |
  2    | coffee |       5      |            4           |16/11/2015 |
  3    |  tea   |       4      |            10          |20/12/2015 |
  4    | juice  |       5      |            15          | 1/1/2016  |
  5    | coffee |       3      |            5           | 15/3/2016 |
  6    | water  |       5      |            2           | 16/4/2016 |


  ID   |ItemName| PriceOfUnit  | NumberOfItems I sold   |DateIBought| 
  1    | coffee |       5      |            6           |  1/1/2016 |
  2    |  tea   |       5      |            9           | 15/3/2016 |
  3    | coffee |       4      |            2           | 20/4/2016 |
  4    | juice  |       5      |            11          |  1/1/2016 |

我需要一个查询,SQL查询或联合查询在MS Access中得到这个结果?

  ID   |ItemName| NumberOfItems I have   |
  1    | coffee |            1           |
  2    |  tea   |            7           |
  3    | juice  |            4           |
  4    |  water |            2           |

其中NumberOfItems I have = NumberOfItems I bought - NumberOfItems I sold


问题1:SELECT ItemName,SUM(built)as SumBought from tBought GROUP BY ItemName

问题2:SELECT ItemName,SUM(已售出)作为SumSold从tSold GROUP BY ItemName

问题3:选择q1.ItemName,(SumBought-SumSold)作为与q1.ItemName=q2.ItemName 上的q1内部联接q2的差异
