
我想从DHCP服务器获得一个IP地址到我的PIC 18F4520设备,我使用mikroc SPI以太网库对我的PIC进行编程。我做了一个代码,但它不起作用。我想获取IP地址并将其显示在LCD上。有人能帮我怎么做吗?

#include  "__EthEnc28j60.h"
#include  "__EthEnc28j60Private.h"

// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at LATB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at LATB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at LATB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at LATB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at LATB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at LATB3_bit;
sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
// End LCD module connections
/*// SD module connections
sbit Mmc_Chip_Select           at LATC0_bit;  // for writing to output pin always use latch 
(PIC18 family)
sbit Mmc_Chip_Select_Direction at TRISC0_bit;
// End SD module connections*/
//ENC28j60 connection
sbit SPI_Ethernet_CS at LATC1_bit;
sbit SPI_Ethernet_Rst at LATC0_bit;
sbit SPI_Ethernet_CS_Direction at TRISC1_bit;
sbit SPI_Ethernet_Rst_Direction at TRISC0_bit;
//End ENC28j60 connection
const char httpHeader[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OKnContent-type: "; // HTTP header
const char httpMimeTypeHTML[] = "text/htmlnn";             // HTML MIME type
const char httpMimeTypeScript[] = "text/plainnn";          // TEXT MIME type
// default html page
char    indexPage[] =
<h3 align=center>MikroElektronika Home Automatization System</h3>
<form name="input" action="/" method="get">
<table align=center width=200 bgcolor=#4974E2 border=2><tr>
<td align=center colspan=2><font size=4 color=white><b>Heat Control</b></font>
</td></tr><tr><td align=center bgcolor=#4974E2><input name="tst1" width=60 
type="submit" value="ON"></td><td align=center bgcolor=#FFFF00>
<input name="tst2" type="submit" value="OFF"></td></tr></table>
// network parameters
char   myMacAddr[6] = {0x00, 0x14, 0xA5, 0x76, 0x19, 0x3f}; // my MAC address
char   myIpAddr[4]  = {0, 0, 0, 0};                         // my IP address

unsigned char   getRequest[20];                                    // HTTP request buffer
unsigned int  SPI_Ethernet_UserTCP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, 
unsigned int localPort, unsigned int reqLength, TEthPktFlags *flags)
  unsigned int    len;                            // my reply length
  if(localPort != 80) return(0);             // I listen only to web request on port 80
  // get 10 first bytes only of the request, the rest does not matter here
  for(len = 0 ; len < 15 ; len++) getRequest[len] = SPI_Ethernet_getByte();
  getRequest[len] = 0;
  if(memcmp(getRequest, "GET /", 5)) return(0);  // only GET method
  if(!memcmp(getRequest+11, "ON", 2))        // do we have ON command
    PORTB.F0 = 1;                // set PORTB bit0
    if(!memcmp(getRequest+11, "OFF", 3))        // do we have OFF command
      PORTB.F0 = 0;        // clear PORTB bit0
  if (PORTB.F0)
     memcpy(indexPage+340, "#FFFF00", 6);        // highlight (yellow) ON
     memcpy(indexPage+431, "#4974E2", 6);        // clear OFF
     memcpy(indexPage+340, "#4974E2", 6);        // clear ON
     memcpy(indexPage+431, "#FFFF00", 6);        // highlight (yellow) OFF
  len =  SPI_Ethernet_putConstString(httpHeader);               // HTTP header
  len += SPI_Ethernet_putConstString(httpMimeTypeHTML);  // with HTML MIME type
  len += SPI_Ethernet_putString(indexPage);                           // HTML page first part
  return len; // return to the library with the number of bytes to transmit
unsigned int  SPI_Ethernet_UserUDP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, 
unsigned int destPort, unsigned int reqLength, TEthPktFlags *flags)
  return 0; // back to the library with the length of the UDP reply

unsigned long  i, size, j, k;
char           filename[14] = "ASHAN.TXT";          // File names
int txt2,*pi;
unsigned short character[20];
unsigned short *contentBuffer;

void main(){
ADCON1 |= 0x0D;             // Configure AN0 and AN1 pins as analog
CMCON  |= 7;                // coparators off
TRISA = 0xff ;
PORTA = 0 ;
PORTB = 0 ;  //PORTB output
TRISB = 0 ;
PORTC = 0 ;
TRISC = 0b11011100 ;    // set PORTC as input except for bits 0 (RESET) and 1 (CS)
//Initialize LCD
Lcd_Out(1, 1, "Status:");
SPI_Ethernet_Init(myMacAddr, myIpAddr,1);
SPI_Ethernet_initDHCP(5); // get network configuration from DHCP server, wait 5 sec   for the response
memcpy(myIpAddr, Spi_Ethernet_getIpAddress(),4) ; // get assigned IP address




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