


$(document).ready(function() {
        $("#paragraph p").css({"line-height":"75%"});
        $("#paragraph p").css("line-height":"150%")
<div id="paragraph">
    <div id="arrows">
        <div id="up">less</div><br>
        <div id="down">more</div>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed felis semper, sodales mi sed, bibendum eros. Nunc malesuada ligula nisl, vel vehicula ipsum gravida non. Praesent mollis orci arcu, id fermentum lectus auctor sit amet. Suspendisse ultrices cursus purus quis consequat. Suspendisse placerat eget lorem vel euismod. Morbi volutpat nisl nulla, at fermentum erat imperdiet varius. Donec non porttitor mi. Nam iaculis turpis sit amet lacus luctus, nec consequat sapien ultricies. Duis placerat ut mauris eget scelerisque.</p>



$(document).ready(function() {
        $("#paragraph p").css({"line-height":$("#paragraph p").height()*0.75+"%"});
	    $("#paragraph p").css("line-height", $("#paragraph p").height()*1.5+"%")
#arrows {
	float: right;
#up, #down {
    height: 50px;
	width: 50px;
	background-color: #FF00FF;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="paragraph">
<div id="arrows">
    <div id="up">less</div><br>
<div id="down">more</div>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed felis semper, sodales mi sed, bibendum eros. Nunc malesuada ligula nisl, vel vehicula ipsum gravida non. Praesent mollis orci arcu, id fermentum lectus auctor sit amet. Suspendisse ultrices cursus purus quis consequat. Suspendisse placerat eget lorem vel euismod. Morbi volutpat nisl nulla, at fermentum erat imperdiet varius. Donec non porttitor mi. Nam iaculis turpis sit amet lacus luctus, nec consequat sapien ultricies. Duis placerat ut mauris eget scelerisque.</p>




    var curLineHeight = $('p').css('line-height');
    $("#paragraph p").css('line-height', (parseInt(curLineHeight, 10) - 10) + 'px');


$(document).ready(function () {
    // click handler for element with id #up
    $("#up").click(function () {
        var newLineHeight = calculateNewLineHeight(true);
    // click handler for element with id #down
    $("#down").click(function () {
        var newLineHeight = calculateNewLineHeight(false);
    // Function to updated the line height of any
    // 'p' under the paragraph with id '#paragraph' 
    // the newLineHeight is meant to be an number
    var updateLineHeight = function (newLineHeight) {
        // updates the line-height for a paragraph with the new line
        // height (passed in as a parameter) 
        // - let's not forget to add the units of the new line-height
        // (in this case is 'px' for pixels)
        $("#paragraph p").css({
            "line-height": newLineHeight + "px"
    // Function to calculate the new line-height depending on the
    // button clicked (i.e. up or down button)
    var calculateNewLineHeight = function (isUp) {
        // get the existing line of the element 
        var elem = $("#paragraph p");
        var currentLineHeight = $(elem).css("line-height");
        // some browsers return 'normal', instead of a line-height
        // number.  If that's the case, use font size.
        // in either case, we want to remove the units 
        // (in this case 'px') before returning an value
        if( currentLineHeight === 'normal') {
            // use font-size
            currentLineHeight = $(elem).css('font-size');        
            currentLineHeight = Math.floor(parseInt(currentLineHeight.replace('px','')) * 1.5);
            currentLineHeight = Math.floor(parseInt(currentLineHeight.replace('px','')));
        // if the button pressed is 'up' we want to increase the 
        // current line height by 1.5 times.  Otherwise, we decrease
        // it by to 75% of the original value.
        if (isUp) {
            return currentLineHeight * 1.5;
        } else {
            return currentLineHeight * .75;
