基于每月数据中特定条件的 SQL 报告


+-----+--------+----------+-------+ |参考文献 |颜色 | 月份 |价值 | +-----+--------+----------+-------+ |112 |红色 |一月 |   16 | |113 |黑色 |一月 |   10 | |113 |黑色 |一月 |   11 | |112 |黄色 |二月 |   10 | |114 |红色 |二月 |    7 | |113 |黑色 |二月 |   10 | |113 |黑色 |二月 |   14 | |112 |黄色 |二月 |   15 | |113 |黑色 |三月 |    8 | |112 |橙色 |三月 |    1 | |114 |蓝色 |四月 |    6 | |113 |黑色 |四月 |    4 | +-----+--------+----------+-------+


连续三个月颜色="黑色"的参考文献列表 - 基于样本数据,这将返回113。


您有两个部分 - 透视数据和筛选过去三个月的数据。 可能最简单的方法是聚合然后使用having

select ref,
sum(case when month = 'January' then value else 0 end) as Jan,
sum(case when month = 'February' then value else 0 end) as Feb,
sum(case when month = 'March' then value else 0 end) as Mar,
sum(case when month = 'April' then value else 0 end) as Apr
from t
where colour = 'Black'
group by ref
having sum(case when month = 'February' then value else 0 end) > 0 and
sum(case when month = 'March' then value else 0 end) > 0 and
sum(case when month = 'April' then value else 0 end) > 0;
