
我想以这样的方式打乱我的数据,即每4行保持不变。例如,我有16行,然后前4行可以排到最后,然后第二行到第三行,依此类推。我正在尝试在python 中执行thins



def array_shuffle(a, n=4):
a3D = a.reshape(a.shape[0]//n,n,-1) # a is input array



def array_permuted_indexing(a, n=4):
m = a.shape[0]//n
a3D = a.reshape(m, n, -1)
return a3D[np.random.permutation(m)].reshape(-1,a3D.shape[-1])


1] 设置随机输入阵列并拆分为3D版本:

In [2]: np.random.seed(0)
In [3]: a = np.random.randint(11,99,(16,3))
In [4]: a3D = a.reshape(a.shape[0]//4,4,-1)
In [5]: a
array([[55, 58, 75],
[78, 78, 20],
[94, 32, 47],
[98, 81, 23],
[69, 76, 50],
[98, 57, 92],
[48, 36, 88],
[83, 20, 31],
[91, 80, 90],
[58, 75, 93],
[60, 40, 30],
[30, 25, 50],
[43, 76, 20],
[68, 43, 42],
[85, 34, 46],
[86, 66, 39]])

2] 检查3D阵列:

In [6]: a3D
array([[[55, 58, 75],
[78, 78, 20],
[94, 32, 47],
[98, 81, 23]],
[[69, 76, 50],
[98, 57, 92],
[48, 36, 88],
[83, 20, 31]],
[[91, 80, 90],
[58, 75, 93],
[60, 40, 30],
[30, 25, 50]],
[[43, 76, 20],
[68, 43, 42],
[85, 34, 46],
[86, 66, 39]]])

3] 沿第一个轴无序排列(原位):

In [7]: np.random.shuffle(a3D)
In [8]: a3D
array([[[69, 76, 50],
[98, 57, 92],
[48, 36, 88],
[83, 20, 31]],
[[43, 76, 20],
[68, 43, 42],
[85, 34, 46],
[86, 66, 39]],
[[55, 58, 75],
[78, 78, 20],
[94, 32, 47],
[98, 81, 23]],
[[91, 80, 90],
[58, 75, 93],
[60, 40, 30],
[30, 25, 50]]])

4] 验证原始阵列中的更改:

In [9]: a
array([[69, 76, 50],
[98, 57, 92],
[48, 36, 88],
[83, 20, 31],
[43, 76, 20],
[68, 43, 42],
[85, 34, 46],
[86, 66, 39],
[55, 58, 75],
[78, 78, 20],
[94, 32, 47],
[98, 81, 23],
[91, 80, 90],
[58, 75, 93],
[60, 40, 30],
[30, 25, 50]])


In [102]: a = np.random.randint(11,99,(16000,3))
In [103]: df = pd.DataFrame(a)
# @piRSquared's soln1
In [106]: %timeit df.iloc[np.random.permutation(np.arange(df.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 4)).ravel()]
100 loops, best of 3: 2.88 ms per loop
# @piRSquared's soln2
In [107]: %%timeit
...: d = df.set_index(np.arange(len(df)) // 4, append=True).swaplevel(0, 1)
...: pd.concat([d.xs(i) for i in np.random.permutation(range(4))])
100 loops, best of 3: 3.48 ms per loop
# Array based soln-1
In [108]: %timeit array_shuffle(a, n=4)
100 loops, best of 3: 3.38 ms per loop
# Array based soln-2
In [109]: %timeit array_permuted_indexing(a, n=4)
10000 loops, best of 3: 125 µs per loop



df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(10, size=(16, 4)), columns=list('WXYZ'))
W  X  Y  Z
0   9  8  6  2
1   0  9  5  5
2   7  5  9  4
3   7  1  1  8
4   7  7  2  2
5   5  5  0  2
6   9  3  2  7
7   5  7  2  9
8   6  6  2  8
9   0  7  0  8
10  7  5  5  2
11  6  0  9  5
12  9  2  2  2
13  8  8  2  5
14  4  1  5  6
15  1  2  3  9


df.iloc[np.random.permutation(np.arange(16).reshape(-1, 4)).ravel()]
W  X  Y  Z
12  9  2  2  2
13  8  8  2  5
14  4  1  5  6
15  1  2  3  9
0   9  8  6  2
1   0  9  5  5
2   7  5  9  4
3   7  1  1  8
8   6  6  2  8
9   0  7  0  8
10  7  5  5  2
11  6  0  9  5
4   7  7  2  2
5   5  5  0  2
6   9  3  2  7
7   5  7  2  9



d = df.set_index(np.arange(len(df)) // 4, append=True).swaplevel(0, 1)
W  X  Y  Z
0 0   9  8  6  2
1   0  9  5  5
2   7  5  9  4
3   7  1  1  8
1 4   7  7  2  2
5   5  5  0  2
6   9  3  2  7
7   5  7  2  9
2 8   6  6  2  8
9   0  7  0  8
10  7  5  5  2
11  6  0  9  5
3 12  9  2  2  2
13  8  8  2  5
14  4  1  5  6
15  1  2  3  9


pd.concat([d.xs(i) for i in np.random.permutation(range(4))])
W  X  Y  Z
12  9  2  2  2
13  8  8  2  5
14  4  1  5  6
15  1  2  3  9
4   7  7  2  2
5   5  5  0  2
6   9  3  2  7
7   5  7  2  9
0   9  8  6  2
1   0  9  5  5
2   7  5  9  4
3   7  1  1  8
8   6  6  2  8
9   0  7  0  8
10  7  5  5  2
11  6  0  9  5


from random import shuffle
import numpy as np
from math import ceil
#creating sample dataset
d=[[i*4 +j for i in range(5)] for j in range(25)]
a = np.array(d, int)
print '--------------Input--------------'
print a
gl=4 #group length i.e number of rows needs to be intact
parts=ceil(1.0*len(a)/gl) #no of partitions based on grouplength for the given dataset
#creating partition list and shuffling it to use later 
x = [i for i in range(int(parts))]
#Creates new dataset based on shuffled partition list
f = a[gl*fg:gl*(fg+1)]
for i in x: 
f=np.concatenate((f, t), axis=0)
print '--------------Output--------------'
print f
