C语言 选择排序的MIPS实现,输出正确的值



注意:我不允许使用伪指令,例如 bge 或 move。

这是我正在模拟的 C 实现中的代码。

    msg1:   .asciiz "The elements sorted in ascending order are:"
            .align 2
    space:  .asciiz " "
                .align 2
    comma:  .asciiz ","
                .align 2
    arr:        .space 80
    # Ask for user input and put value in $s1
    addi $v0, $zero, 5      # call service 5 for integer input
    syscall             # read integer
    add $s1, $zero, $v0         # Save $t0 = len
    # Load address for arr
    la $s0, arr             # Pointer to arr goes in $t1
    add $a0, $zero, $s0     # Save arr pointer to $a0
    add $a1, $zero, $s1     # Save len to $a1
    # Ask for user input to fill arr
    jal FILL
    # Sort the list using selection sort
    jal SORT
    # Print list
    jal PRINT
    # Call to end program
    addi $v0, $zero, 10         # system call for exit
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FILL: # deal with stack and save
    addi $t0, $zero, 0      # $t0 = counter = 0
    slt $t1, $t0, $a1       # if(counter < len) continue
    beq $t1, $zero, FILL_RETURN     # if(counter >= len) branch out of loop 
    addi $v0, $zero 5       # call service 5 for integer input
    syscall             # read integer
    addi $t2, $zero, 0      # clear $t2 and set to 0
    add $t2, $zero, $v0         # $t2 holds input integer
    add $t3, $zero, $t0         # $t3 = i
    sll $t3, $t3, 2         # $t3 =  counter * 4
    add $t3, $t3, $a0       # addr of arr[counter]
    sw $t2, 0($t3)          # store values in arr
    addi $t0, $t0, 1        # counter = counter + 1
    j   FILL_LOOP
    jr $ra              # Return
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    addi $sp, $sp, -28  # make space for variables
    sw $a0, 0($sp)      # store $a0 (arr)
    sw $a1, 4($sp)      # store $a1 (len)
    sw $ra, 8($sp)      # store return address
    sw $s0, 12($sp)     # store $s0 ( i )
    sw $s1, 16($sp)     # store $s1 ( j )
    sw $s2, 20($sp)     # store $s2 (tmp)
    sw $s3, 24($sp)     # store $s3 (minIndex)
    addi $s0, $zero, 0  # i = 0
    add $t0, $zero, $a1 # $t0 = len
    addi $t0, $t0, -1   # $t0 = len - 1
    slt $t1, $s0, $t0   # i < $t0 = len - 1 continue
    beq $t1, $zero, SORT_RETURN # if !(i < len - 1) branch out of loop
    add $s3, $zero, $s0     # minIndex = i
    addi $t1, $s0, 1    # $t1 = i + 1
    add $s1, $zero, $t1     # j = $t1 = i + 1
    slt $t1, $s1, $a1   # j < len continue
    beq $t1, $zero, IF_1    # if !(j < len) branch out of loop 
IF_2: # "FIND MIN"
    # get value at arr[ j ] store in $t3
    add $t2, $zero, $s1     # calculate index $t2 = j 
    sll $t2, $t2, 2     # offset = $t2 * 4
    add $t2, $t2, $a0   # add offset to base address
    lw $t3, 0($t2)      # load value at arr[ j ] into $t3
     # get value at arr[minIndex] store in$t5
    add $t4, $zero, $s3     # calculate index $t4 = minIndex
    sll $t4, $t4, 2     # offset = $t4 * 4
    add $t4, $t4, $a0   # add offset to base address
    lw $t5, 0($t4)      # load value at arr[minIndex] into $t5
    slt $t1, $t3, $t5   # if(arr[ j ] < arr[minIndex]) continue
    beq $t1, $zero, LOOP_2  # if !(arr[ j ] < arr[minIndex]) branch out of if stmt
    add $s3, $zero, $s1     # minIndex = j
    addi $s1, $s1, 1    # j++
    j FOR_2
IF_1: # "SWAP"
    beq $s3, $s0, LOOP_1    # if(minIndex == i) branch out of if stmt (jump to LOOP_1)

    # tmp = arr[minIndex]
    add $t2, $zero, $s3     # calculate index $t2 = minIndex
    sll $t2, $t2, 2     # offset = $t2 * 4
    add $t2, $t2, $a0   # add offset to base address
    lw $s2, 0($t2)      # $s2 = tmp = arr[minIndex]
    # arr[minIndex] = arr[ i ]
    add $t3, $zero, $s0     # calculate index $t3 = i
    sll $t3, $t3, 2     # offset = $t2 * 4
    add $t3, $t3, $a0   # add offset to base address
    lw $t0, 0($t3)      # $t0 = arr [ i ]
    sw $t0, 0($t2)      # store value at arr[ i ] in arr[minIndex] 
    # arr[ i ] = tmp
    sw $s2, 0($t3)      # store tmp value in arr[ i ]           
    addi $s0, $s0, 1    # i++
    j FOR_1 
    lw $a0, 0($sp)      # Get $a0
    lw $a1, 4($sp)      # Get $a1
    lw $ra, 8($sp)      # Get return address
    lw $s0, 12($sp)     # Get $s0
    lw $s1, 16($sp)     # Get $s1
    lw $s2,  20($sp)    # Get $s2
    lw $s3, 24($sp)     # Get $s3
    addi $sp, $sp 28    # Adjust stack pointer
    jr $ra          # Return
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    addi $t0, $zero, 0  # $t0 = counter = 0
    add $t1, $zero, $a0 # $t1 = arr address pointer
    # Print msg1
    la $s3, msg1
    add $a0, $zero, $s3     # put address of space in $a0 to print
    addi $v0, $zero, 4  # call service 4 to print a string
    syscall         # print string
    # Print a space
    la $s3, space
    add $a0, $zero, $s3     # put address of space in $a0 to print
    addi $v0, $zero, 4  # call service 4 to print a string
    syscall         # print string
    slt $t2, $t0, $a1   # if(counter < len) continue
    beq $t2, $zero, PRINT_RETURN # if(counter >= len) branch out of loop 
    add $t3, $zero, $t0     # $t3 = counter
    sll $t3, $t3, 2     # $t3 = counter * 4
    add $t3, $t3, $t1   # $t3 =  addr of arr[counter]
    lw $t4, 0($t3)      # Load value to print
    add $a0, $zero, $t4     # put address of $t4 in $a0 to print
    addi $v0, $zero, 1  # call service 1 to print integer
    syscall         # print integer
    # Check if last array element
    # Skip printing comma and space
    addi $t3, $a1, -1   # $t3 = len - 1
    beq $t3, $t0, PRINT_RETURN # if(at least element)
    # Print a comma
    la $s3, comma
    add $a0, $zero, $s3     # put address of space in $a0 to print
    addi $v0, $zero, 4  # call service 4 to print a string
    syscall         # print string
    # Print a space
    la $s3, space
    add $a0, $zero, $s3     # put address of space in $a0 to print
    addi $v0, $zero, 4  # call service 4 to print a string
    syscall         # print string
    addi $t0, $t0, 1    # counter - counter + 1
    jr $ra          # Return

C imp

  for ( c = 0 ; c < ( n - 1 ) ; c++ )
     position = c;
  for ( d = c + 1 ; d < n ; d++ )
     if ( array[position] > array[d] )
        position = d;
  if ( position != c )
     swap = array[c];
     array[c] = array[position];
     array[position] = swap;

发出确实发生在交换函数中。我重用 $t 0 将值保存在 arr[i] 处,然后将该值存储在此处显示的 arr[minIndex] 处,

 lw $t0, 0($t3)      # $t0 = arr [ i ]
 sw $t0, 0($t2)      # store value at arr[ i ] in arr[minIndex] 

在我的代码中,$t 0 是我的外部 for 循环中使用的变量FOR_1如下所示,

  slt $t1, $s0, $t0   # i < $t0 = len - 1 continue
  beq $t1, $zero, SORT_RETURN # if !(i < len - 1) branch out of loop

实际上,我在不应该修改$t 0时修改了它,这导致我过早地退出了排序方法,从而导致不正确的输出。

下面是更正后的代码以及其他注释。还对 FILL 和 PRINT 函数进行了修改,以处理将函数使用的变量保存和还原到堆栈。

msg:    .asciiz "The elements sorted in ascending order are:"
        .align 2        # align string
space:  .asciiz " "
            .align 2        # align string
comma:  .asciiz ","
            .align 2        # align string
arr:        .space 80       # max array length = 20 * 4 bytes 
    # Ask for user input and put value in $s1
    addi $v0, $zero, 5      # call service 5 for integer input
    syscall             # read integer
    add $s1, $zero, $v0         # Save $s1 = len
    # Load address for arr
    la $s0, arr             # pointer to arr goes in $s0
    add $a0, $zero, $s0     # save arr pointer to $a0
    add $a1, $zero, $s1     # save len to $a1
    # Ask for user input to fill arr
    jal FILL            
    # Sort the list using selection sort
    jal SORT            
    # Print list
    jal PRINT           
    # Call to end program
    addi $v0, $zero, 10         # system call for exit
    syscall             # exit program
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    addi $sp, $sp, -8       # make space on stack
    sw $s0, 0($sp)          # save $s0 (position) on stack
    sw $s1, 4($sp)          # save $s1 (input) on stack
    addi $t0, $zero, 0      # $t0 = 0
    add $s0, $zero, $t0     # initialize $s0 = $t0 = 0
    slt $t1, $s0, $a1       # if(position < len) continue
    beq $t1, $zero, FILL_RETURN     # if(position >= len) branch out of loop 
    addi $v0, $zero 5       # call service 5 for integer input
    syscall             # read integer
    addi $s1, $zero, 0      # clear $s1 and set to 0
    add $s1, $zero, $v0         # $s1 holds input integer
    add $t3, $zero, $s0         # $t3 = position
    sll $t3, $t3, 2         # $t3 =  position * 4
    add $t3, $t3, $a0       # addr of arr[position]
    sw $s1, 0($t3)          # store value $s1 in arr[position]
    addi $s0, $s0, 1        # position++
    j   FILL_LOOP       
    lw $s0, 0($sp)          # restore $s0 from stack
    lw $s1, 4($sp)          # restore $s1 from stack
    addi $sp, $sp 8         # adjust stack pointer
    jr $ra              # Return
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    addi $sp, $sp, -28      # make space on stack
    sw $a0, 0($sp)          # save $a0 (arr) on stack
    sw $a1, 4($sp)          # save $a1 (len) on stack
    sw $ra, 8($sp)          # save return address on stack
    sw $s0, 12($sp)         # save $s0 ( i ) on stack
    sw $s1, 16($sp)         # save $s1 ( j ) on stack
    sw $s2, 20($sp)         # save $s2 (tmp) on stack
    sw $s3, 24($sp)         # save $s3 (minIndex) on stack
    addi $s0, $zero, 0      # i = 0
    add $t0, $zero, $a1     # $t0 = len
    addi $t0, $t0, -1       # $t0 = len - 1
    slt $t1, $s0, $t0       # if(i < len - 1) continue
    beq $t1, $zero, SORT_RETURN     # if(i >= len - 1) branch out of loop
    add $s3, $zero, $s0         # minIndex = i
    addi $t1, $s0, 1        # $t1 = i + 1
    add $s1, $zero, $t1         # j = $t1 = i + 1
    slt $t1, $s1, $a1       # if(j < len) continue
    beq $t1, $zero, IF_1        # if(j >= len) branch out of loop 
IF_2: # "FIND MIN"
    # get value at arr[ j ] store in $t3
    add $t2, $zero, $s1         # calculate index $t2 = j 
    sll $t2, $t2, 2         # offset = $t2 * 4
    add $t2, $t2, $a0       # add offset to base address
    lw $t3, 0($t2)          # load value at arr[ j ] into $t3
     # get value at arr[minIndex] store in$t5
    add $t4, $zero, $s3         # calculate index $t4 = minIndex
    sll $t4, $t4, 2         # offset = $t4 * 4
    add $t4, $t4, $a0       # add offset to base address
    lw $t5, 0($t4)          # load value at arr[minIndex] into $t5
    slt $t1, $t3, $t5       # if(arr[ j ] < arr[minIndex]) continue
    beq $t1, $zero, LOOP_2      # if(arr[ j ] >= arr[minIndex]) branch out of if stmt
    add $s3, $zero, $s1         # minIndex = j
    addi $s1, $s1, 1        # j++
    j FOR_2
IF_1: # "SWAP"
    beq $s3, $s0, LOOP_1        # if(minIndex == i) branch out of if stmt (jump to LOOP_1)
    # tmp = arr[minIndex]
    add $t2, $zero, $s3         # calculate index $t2 = minIndex
    sll $t2, $t2, 2         # offset = $t2 * 4
    add $t2, $t2, $a0       # add offset to base address
    lw $s2, 0($t2)          # $s2 = tmp = arr[minIndex]
    # arr[minIndex] = arr[ i ]
    add $t3, $zero, $s0         # calculate index $t3 = i
    sll $t3, $t3, 2         # offset = $t2 * 4
    add $t3, $t3, $a0       # add offset to base address
    lw $t6, 0($t3)          # $t6 = arr [ i ]
    sw $t6, 0($t2)          # store value at arr[ i ] in arr[minIndex] 
    # arr[ i ] = tmp
    sw $s2, 0($t3)          # store tmp value in arr[ i ]           
    addi $s0, $s0, 1        # i++
    j FOR_1 
    lw $a0, 0($sp)          # restore $a0 from stack
    lw $a1, 4($sp)          # restore $a1 from stack
    lw $ra, 8($sp)          # restore return address from stack
    lw $s0, 12($sp)         # restore $s0 from stack
    lw $s1, 16($sp)         # restore $s1 from stack
    lw $s2,  20($sp)        # restore $s2 from stack
    lw $s3, 24($sp)         # restore $s3 from stack
    addi $sp, $sp 28        # adjust stack pointer
    jr $ra              # Return
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    addi $sp, $sp, -4       # make space on stack
    sw $s0, 0($sp)          # save $s0 (position) on stack
    addi $t0, $zero, 0      # $t0 = 0
    add $s0, $zero, $t0     # initialize $s0 = $t0 = 0
    # Print msg
    la $s3, msg         # load address of msg into $s3
    add $a0, $zero, $s3         # put address of msg in $a0 to print
    addi $v0, $zero, 4      # call service 4 to print a string
    syscall             # print string
    # Print a space
    la $s3, space           # load address of space into $s3
    add $a0, $zero, $s3         # put address of space in $a0 to print
    addi $v0, $zero, 4      # call service 4 to print a string
    syscall             # print string
    slt $t2, $s0, $a1       # if(position < len) continue
    beq $t2, $zero, PRINT_RETURN    # if(position >= len) branch out of loop 
    la $a0, arr             # reload arr pointer into $a0
    add $t3, $zero, $s0         # $t3 = position
    sll $t3, $t3, 2         # $t3 = position * 4
    add $t3, $t3, $a0       # $t3 =  address of arr[position]
    lw $t4, 0($t3)          # Load value to print
    add $a0, $zero, $t4         # put address of $t4 in $a0 to print
    addi $v0, $zero, 1      # call service 1 to print integer
    syscall             # print integer
    # Check if last array element
    # Skip printing comma and space
    addi $t3, $a1, -1       # $t3 = len - 1
    beq $t3, $s0, PRINT_RETURN  # if(at last element)
    # Print a comma
    la $s3, comma           # load address of comma into $s3
    add $a0, $zero, $s3         # put address of comma in $a0 to print
    addi $v0, $zero, 4      # call service 4 to print a string
    syscall             # print string
    # Print a space
    la $s3, space           # load address of space into $s3
    add $a0, $zero, $s3         # put address of space in $a0 to print
    addi $v0, $zero, 4      # call service 4 to print a string
    syscall             # print string
    addi $s0, $s0, 1        # position++
    lw $s0, 0($sp)          # restore $s0 from stack
    addi $sp, $sp 4         # adjust stack pointer
    jr $ra              # Return
