如何清除 CS0029 C# 无法将类型 'void' 隐式转换为 'int' 和 CS1729 C# 'Car'不包含接受 4 个参数的构造函数

我无法弄清楚要更改什么。我玩过void and int。

问题是使用SlowDownSpeedUp方法,在行Car car1 = new Car("Ford", "Focus", 2010, car1Speed);中,CS1729在("Ford", "Focus", 2010, car1Speed)之前标记了汽车。


class Car
    private int Speed;
    private string Make;
    private string Model;
    private int Year;
    public void Car1(string make, string model, int year, int speed)
        this.Make = make;
        this.Model = model;
        this.Year = year;
        this.Speed = speed;
    public void Car2(string make, string model, int year, int speed)
        this.Make = make;
        this.Model = model;
        this.Year = year;
        this.Speed = 0;
    public void SpeedUp()
        Speed = Speed ++;

    public void SlowDown()
        Speed = Speed --;
    public void Display()
        Console.WriteLine(Year + " " + Make + " " + Model + " is going " + Speed + " MPH.");
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        int car1Speed = 20;
        int car2Speed = 0;
        Car car1 = new Car("Ford", "Focus", 2010, car1Speed);
        Car car2 = new Car("Chevy", "Cruze", 2018, car2Speed);
        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                car2Speed = car2.SpeedUp();
            if (i % 3 == 0)
                car1Speed = car1.SpeedUp();
            if (i % 5 == 0)
                car1Speed = car1.SlowDown();
                car2Speed = car2.SlowDown();



public class Car
    // Member fields should be either "_camelCase" or "camelCase"
    private string _make;
    private string _model;
    private int _year;
    private int _speed;
    // Don't duplicate the code, default value for speed makes it optional parameter. 
    // There is no need for a second constructor.
    public Car(string make, string model, int year, int speed = 0)
        _make = make;
        _model = model;
        _year = year;
        _speed = speed;
    public int SpeedUp()
        // Increments speed and returns the value.
        // Might as well be void without return since example doesn't use it anywhere.
        return _speed++;
    public int SlowDown()
        // If speed is more than 1, decrement and then return the value
        return _speed > 0 ? _speed-- : 0;
    public void Display()
        // String interpolations are much easier to read
        Console.WriteLine($"{_year} {_make} {_model} is going {_speed} MPH.");
public class Program
    // Main is entry point for your app, it doesn't belong in any type class like Car, 
    // because it's not relevant to it
    private static void Main()
        // Use descriptive names for variables, you already know one car is Ford and the 
        // other is Chevy so name them as such so you know which is which
        // later in the code. 
        var fordCar = new Car("Ford", "Focus", 2010, 20);
        var chevyCar = new Car("Chevy", "Cruze", 2018); // No speed parameter
        // Ommited variables car1Speed, car2Speed. You shouldn't declare variables 
        // that serve no purpose and aren't even in use.
        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                // Returns int, but variable assignment ins't necessary to anything here
            if (i % 3 == 0)
            if (i % 5 == 0)

听起来您所需要的只是一个构造函数可选 parameter

class Car
    public void Car(string make, string model, int year, int speed = 0)
        this.Make = make;
        this.Model = model;
        this.Year = year;
        this.Speed = speed;


  • 可选参数(C#编程指南(

  • 构造函数(C#编程指南(

