

我想给出 4 个可能列表之一的输出,从用户输入中,他们可以询问每个列表并选择它。他们可以根据需要取消,函数将循环到开头。

它应该返回列表和数字的输出,但它似乎只输出 #1 之外的任何内容。谁能看出出了什么问题?


inv1 = ["Sword", "Flask of Water", "Pebble", "Sheild"]
inv2 = ["Bow", "Quivver of Arrows", "Gold Necklace"]
inv3 = ["Dagger", "Bottle of Poison", "Throwing Knives"]
inv4 = ["Spellbook: Cast Fireball", "Spellbook: Heal", "Spellbook: Control Skelleton"]
emptyinvt = []
z = 0
def invt(a):
if a == "1":
print (inv1)
ans1 = input("Do you want to take loadout 1? ")
if ans1 == "yes":
return 1
elif ans1 == "no":
invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))
print ("Not a option!")
invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))
elif a == "2":
print (inv2)
ans2 = input("Do you want to take loadout 2? ")
if ans2 == "yes":
return 2
elif ans2 == "no":
invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))
print ("Not a option!")
invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))
elif a == "3":
print (inv3)
ans3 = input("Do you want to take loadout 3? ")
if ans3 == "yes":
return 3
elif ans3 == "no":
invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))
print ("Not a option!")
invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))
elif a == "4":
print (inv4)
ans4 = input("Do you want to take loadout 4? ")
if ans4 == "yes":
return 4
elif ans4 == "no":
invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))
print ("Not a option!")
invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))
print ("Not a option!")
invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))
int_invent = invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))
print (int_invent)
print ("player INVT " + str(int_invent))
if int_invent == 1:
plrinvt = list(set(inv1 + emptyinvt))
elif int_invent == 2:
plrinvt = list(set(inv2 + emptyinvt))
elif int_invent == 3:
plrinvt = list(set(inv3 + emptyinvt))
elif int_invent == 4:
plrinvt = list(set(inv4 + emptyinvt))
print ("Player Inventory %d has been selected" % int_invent)
print ("It contains: " + str(plrinvt))

如果第一个输入有效,您的代码工作正常。但是,递归调用失败,因为返回值为 None。当用户在输入后说"否"并且给出无效值时,就会发生递归调用。您以递归方式调用该函数,但如果选择到主线程,它不会返回所选值。一种解决方案是在主线程上使用条件循环来确保选择正确的序列。你可以按如下方式循环你的函数:

inv1 = ["Sword", "Flask of Water", "Pebble", "Sheild"]
inv2 = ["Bow", "Quivver of Arrows", "Gold Necklace"]
inv3 = ["Dagger", "Bottle of Poison", "Throwing Knives"]
inv4 = ["Spellbook: Cast Fireball", "Spellbook: Heal", "Spellbook: Control Skelleton"]
emptyinvt = []
z = 0
def invt(a):
if a == "1":
print (inv1)
ans1 = input("Do you want to take loadout 1? ")
if ans1 == "yes":
return 1
elif ans1 == "no":
return None
print ("Not a option!")
return None
elif a == "2":
print (inv2)
ans2 = input("Do you want to take loadout 2? ")
if ans2 == "yes":
return 2
elif ans2 == "no":
return None
print ("Not a option!")
return None
elif a == "3":
print (inv3)
ans3 = input("Do you want to take loadout 3? ")
if ans3 == "yes":
return 3
elif ans3 == "no":
return None
print ("Not a option!")
return None
elif a == "4":
print (inv4)
ans4 = input("Do you want to take loadout 4? ")
if ans4 == "yes":
return 4
elif ans4 == "no":
return None #we return None so that the while loop works
print ("Not a option!")
return None
print ("Not a option!")
return None
int_invent = None
while(int_invent is None): #If there was a problem in invt it just relaunches it with the same query
int_invent = invt(input("Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?"))

print ("player INVT " + str(int_invent))
if int_invent == 1:
plrinvt = list(set(inv1 + emptyinvt))
elif int_invent == 2:
plrinvt = list(set(inv2 + emptyinvt))
elif int_invent == 3:
plrinvt = list(set(inv3 + emptyinvt))
elif int_invent == 4:
plrinvt = list(set(inv4 + emptyinvt))
print ("Player Inventory %d has been selected" % int_invent)
print ("It contains: " + str(plrinvt))


'Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take?'


'Your king offers you three bundles of tools for your journey, which do you take? (1,2,3)'. 

