
我的问题是,当我在同一个列表元素上使用两个。textcontent方法来改变文本时,它不起作用,但是当我注释if else块时,一切都很顺利。我想要的是在改变文本内容后显示它们,但是当我这样做时,span内容消失了,它有温度。

// those are just selectors i think theres nothing wrong with them
const span1 = document.querySelector('#span1');
const span2 = document.querySelector('#span2');
const span3 = document.querySelector('#span3');
const span4 = document.querySelector('#span4');
const span5 = document.querySelector('#span5');
const list1 = document.querySelector('#l1')
const list2 = document.querySelector('#l2');
const list3 = document.querySelector('#l3');
const list4 = document.querySelector('#l4');
const list5 = document.querySelector('#l5');
// those are just selectors i think theres nothing wrong with them

if ((currentHour + 3) >= 10) {
list1.textContent = "Now";
list2.textContent = `${currentHour + 3}:00`;
list3.textContent = (currentHour + 6) + ':00';
list4.textContent = (currentHour + 9) + ':00';
list5.textContent = (currentHour + 12) + ':00';
} else {
list1.textContent = "Now";
list2.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 3) + ':00';
list3.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 6) + ':00';
list4.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 9) + ':00';
list5.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 12) + ':00';
span1.textContent = data.currentTemp + '°C';
span2.textContent = data.temp3 + '°C';
span3.textContent = data.temp6 + '°C';
span4.textContent = data.temp9 + '°C';
span5.textContent = data.temp12 + '°C';
<li id="l1">Now<span id="span1"> </span></li>
<li id="l2">09:00<span id="span2"> </span></li>
<li id="l3">12:00<span id="span3"> </span></li>
<li id="l4">15:00<span id="span4"> </span></li>
<li id="l5">18:00 <span id="span5"> </span></li>


如果currentTime为>= 13, time5变为25:00,仍然会出现问题。

let currentHour = 6;
let data = {
"currentTemp": 5,
"temp3": 6,
"temp6": 3,
"temp9": 8,
"temp12": 5,
// those are just selectors i think theres nothing wrong with them
const time1 = document.querySelector('#time1');
const time2 = document.querySelector('#time2');
const time3 = document.querySelector('#time3');
const time4 = document.querySelector('#time4');
const time5 = document.querySelector('#time5');
const temperature1 = document.querySelector('#temperature1')
const temperature2 = document.querySelector('#temperature2');
const temperature3 = document.querySelector('#temperature3');
const temperature4 = document.querySelector('#temperature4');
const temperature5 = document.querySelector('#temperature5');
// those are just selectors i think theres nothing wrong with them

time1.textContent = "Now";
if ((currentHour + 3) >= 10) {
time2.textContent = (currentHour + 3) + ':00';
} else {
time2.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 3) + ':00';
if ((currentHour + 6) >= 10) {
time3.textContent = (currentHour + 6) + ':00';
} else {
time3.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 6) + ':00';
if ((currentHour + 9) >= 10) {
time4.textContent = (currentHour + 9) + ':00';
} else {
time4.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 9) + ':00';
if ((currentHour + 12) >= 10) {
time5.textContent = (currentHour + 12) + ':00';
} else {
time5.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 12) + ':00';
temperature1.textContent = data.currentTemp + '°C';
temperature2.textContent = data.temp3 + '°C';
temperature3.textContent = data.temp6 + '°C';
temperature4.textContent = data.temp9 + '°C';
temperature5.textContent = data.temp12 + '°C';
<li><span = id="time1">Now</span> <span id="temperature1"> </span></li>
<li><span = id="time2">09:00</span> <span id="temperature2"> </span></li>
<li><span = id="time3">12:00</span> <span id="temperature3"> </span></li>
<li><span = id="time4">15:00</span> <span id="temperature4"> </span></li>
<li><span = id="time5">18:00</span> <span id="temperature5"> </span></li>


list1.textContent = "Now";使list1的含量变为


即使span1.textContent = data.currentTemp + '°C';.

对于这个问题,可以像list1.textContent = "Now" + span1.textContent;一样添加值。





// those are just selectors i think theres nothing wrong with them
const span1 = document.querySelector('#span1');
const span2 = document.querySelector('#span2');
const span3 = document.querySelector('#span3');
const span4 = document.querySelector('#span4');
const span5 = document.querySelector('#span5');
const list1 = document.querySelector('#l1')
const list2 = document.querySelector('#l2');
const list3 = document.querySelector('#l3');
const list4 = document.querySelector('#l4');
const list5 = document.querySelector('#l5');
// those are just selectors i think theres nothing wrong with them

let currentHour = 9;
let data = {
temp3: 10,
temp6: 11,
temp9: 12,
temp12: 13,
span1.textContent = data.temp3 +'°C';
span2.textContent = data.temp3 + '°C';
span3.textContent = data.temp6 + '°C';
span4.textContent = data.temp9 + '°C';
span5.textContent = data.temp12 + '°C';
if ((currentHour + 3) >= 10) {
list1.textContent = "Now " + list1.textContent ;
list2.textContent = `${currentHour + 3}:00 ` + list2.textContent;
list3.textContent = (currentHour + 6) + ':00 ' + list3.textContent;
list4.textContent = (currentHour + 9) + ':00 ' + list4.textContent;
list5.textContent = (currentHour + 12) + ':00 ' + list5.textContent;
} else {
list1.textContent = "Now " + list1.textContent;
list2.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 3) + ':00 ' + list2.textContent;
list3.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 6) + ':00 ' + list3.textContent;
list4.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 9) + ':00 ' + list4.textContent;
list5.textContent = '0' + (currentHour + 12) + ':00 ' + list5.textContent;
<li id="l1"><span id="span1"> </span></li>
<li id="l2"><span id="span2"> </span></li>
<li id="l3"><span id="span3"> </span></li>
<li id="l4"><span id="span4"> </span></li>
<li id="l5"> <span id="span5"> </span></li>
