


### Rainfall plot ###
t = seq(0, 50, 1) # time period
avgrain = 117.4 # average rainfall 
A = 100 
w = 0.6 
phi = 0.1 
rain = avgrain + (A*sin((w*t)+phi)) # rainfall function
plot(t, rain, type="l", xlab="time", ylab="Rainfall") # rainfall plot


### Rainfall's effect on growth rate, g ###
ropt1 = 117.4 # optimal rainfall for resource growth
s1 = 120 # standard deviation for resource growth rate as a function of rainfall
dg = exp(-(rain - ropt1)^2/(s1^2)) # rain's effect on plant growth rate
plot(t, dg, type="l", xlab="time", ylab="Plant growth rate as a function of rainfall")


### Consumer-resource model as a function of time ###
states <- c(r=1, # resource (plant population) state variable
c=1) # consumer (herbivore population) state variable
parameters <- c(g=1, # resource growth rate )
K=25, # resource carrying capacity
a=0.5, # consumer attack rate (between 0-1)
h=1, # consumer handling time
e=0.9, # consumer conversion efficiency
m=0.5) # consumer mortality rate

function1 <- function(times1, states, parameters) {
with(as.list(c(states, parameters)),{
# rate of change of state variables
dr = g*r*(1-(r/K))-((c*a*r)/(1+(a*h*r)))
dc = ((c*e*a*r)/(1+(a*h*r)))- c*m

# return rate of change
list(c(dr, dc))
times1 <- seq(0, 100, by = 1)
out1 <- ode(y = states, times = times1, func = function1, parms = parameters, method="ode45")
plot(out1) # plot state variable change across time





states <- c(r=1, # resource (plant population) state variable
c=1) # consumer (herbivore population) state variable
parameters <- c(g=1, # resource growth rate )
K=25, # resource carrying capacity
a=0.5, # consumer attack rate (between 0-1)
h=1, # consumer handling time
e=0.9, # consumer conversion efficiency
m=0.5,  # consumer mortality rate
avgrain = 117.4, # average rainfall 
A = 100, 
w = 0.6, 
phi = 0.1, 
ropt1 = 117.4, # optimal rainfall for resource growth
s1 = 120 # sd for resource growth rate ...
# note that "t" is only one time point from times
model <- function(t, states, parameters) {
with(as.list(c(states, parameters)), {
# rainfall time series function
rain <- avgrain + (A*sin((w*t)+phi)) # rainfall function
# functional response equation
dg <- exp(-(rain - ropt1)^2/(s1^2)) # rain's effect on plant growth rate
# rate of change of state variables
dr <- dg * g*r*(1-(r/K)) - ((c*a*r)/(1+(a*h*r)))
dc <- ((c*e*a*r)/(1+(a*h*r)))- c*m
# return rate of change
list(c(dr, dc), rain=rain, dg=dg)
times <- seq(0, 100, by = 1)
## lsoda is faster and more robust that ode45
out <- ode(y = states, times = times, func = model, parms = parameters, method="lsoda")
plot(out) # plot states and auxiliary variables across time
