
我在Fabric.js 4.3.0中创建了一个子类来扩展Fabric。图像,这有助于我更改渲染功能,使图像始终适合边界框。






fabric.textureSize = 4096;
// Set default filter backend
fabric.filterBackend = new fabric.WebglFilterBackend();
fabric.Image.filters.Perspective = class extends fabric.Image.filters.BaseFilter {
* Constructor
* @param {Object} [options] Options object
constructor(options) {
if (options) this.setOptions(options);
type = 'Perspective';
pixelRatio = fabric.devicePixelRatio;
bounds = {width: 0, height: 0, minX: 0, maxX: 0, minY: 0, maxY: 0};
hasRelativeCoordinates = true;
* Array of attributes to send with buffers. do not modify
* @private
*//** @ts-ignore */
vertexSource = `
precision mediump float;
attribute vec2 aPosition;
attribute vec2 aUvs;
uniform float uStepW;
uniform float uStepH;
varying vec2 vUvs;
vec2 uResolution;
void main() {
vUvs = aUvs;
uResolution = vec2(uStepW, uStepH);
gl_Position = vec4(uResolution * aPosition * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
fragmentSource = `
precision mediump float;
varying vec2 vUvs;
uniform sampler2D uSampler;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vUvs);
* Return a map of attribute names to WebGLAttributeLocation objects.
* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The canvas context used to compile the shader program.
* @param {WebGLShaderProgram} program The shader program from which to take attribute locations.
* @returns {Object} A map of attribute names to attribute locations.
getAttributeLocations(gl, program) {
return {
aPosition: gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'aPosition'),
aUvs: gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'aUvs'),
* Send attribute data from this filter to its shader program on the GPU.
* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The canvas context used to compile the shader program.
* @param {Object} attributeLocations A map of shader attribute names to their locations.
sendAttributeData(gl, attributeLocations, data, type = 'aPosition') {
const attributeLocation = attributeLocations[type];
if (gl[type + 'vertexBuffer'] == null) {
gl[type + 'vertexBuffer'] = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, gl[type+'vertexBuffer']);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(attributeLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, data, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
generateSurface() {
const corners = this.perspectiveCoords;
const surface = verb.geom.NurbsSurface.byCorners(...corners);
const tess = surface.tessellate();
return tess;
* Apply the resize filter to the image
* Determines whether to use WebGL or Canvas2D based on the options.webgl flag.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Number} options.passes The number of filters remaining to be executed
* @param {Boolean} options.webgl Whether to use webgl to render the filter.
* @param {WebGLTexture} options.sourceTexture The texture setup as the source to be filtered.
* @param {WebGLTexture} options.targetTexture The texture where filtered output should be drawn.
* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} options.context The GL context used for rendering.
* @param {Object} options.programCache A map of compiled shader programs, keyed by filter type.
applyTo(options) {
if (options.webgl) {
const { width, height } = this.getPerspectiveBounds();
options.context.canvas.width = width;
options.context.canvas.height = height;
options.destinationWidth = width;
options.destinationHeight = height;
this.hasRelativeCoordinates && this.calculateCoordsByCorners();
applyPixelRatio(coords = this.perspectiveCoords) {
for(let i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
coords[i][0] *= this.pixelRatio;
coords[i][1] *= this.pixelRatio;
return coords;
getPerspectiveBounds(coords = this.perspectiveCoords) {
coords = this.perspectiveCoords.slice().map(c => (
x: c[0],
y: c[1],
this.bounds.minX = fabric.util.array.min(coords, 'x') || 0;
this.bounds.minY = fabric.util.array.min(coords, 'y') || 0;
this.bounds.maxX = fabric.util.array.max(coords, 'x') || 0;
this.bounds.maxY = fabric.util.array.max(coords, 'y') || 0;
this.bounds.width = Math.abs(this.bounds.maxX - this.bounds.minX);
this.bounds.height = Math.abs(this.bounds.maxY - this.bounds.minY);
return {
width:  this.bounds.width,
height: this.bounds.height,
minX:   this.bounds.minX,
maxX:   this.bounds.maxX,
minY:   this.bounds.minY,
maxY:   this.bounds.maxY,
* @description coordinates are coming in relative to mockup item sections
* the following function normalizes the coords based on canvas corners
* @param {number[]} coords
calculateCoordsByCorners(coords = this.perspectiveCoords) {
for(let i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
coords[i][0] -= this.bounds.minX;
coords[i][1] -= this.bounds.minY;
* Apply this filter using webgl.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Number} options.passes The number of filters remaining to be executed
* @param {Boolean} options.webgl Whether to use webgl to render the filter.
* @param {WebGLTexture} options.originalTexture The texture of the original input image.
* @param {WebGLTexture} options.sourceTexture The texture setup as the source to be filtered.
* @param {WebGLTexture} options.targetTexture The texture where filtered output should be drawn.
* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} options.context The GL context used for rendering.
* @param {Object} options.programCache A map of compiled shader programs, keyed by filter type.
applyToWebGL(options) {
const gl = options.context;
const shader = this.retrieveShader(options);
const tess = this.generateSurface(options.sourceWidth, options.sourceHeight);
const indices = new Uint16Array(_.flatten(tess.faces));
// Clear the canvas first
this.clear(gl); // !important
// bind texture buffer
this.bindTexture(gl, options);
// create the buffer
this.indexBuffer(gl, indices);
this.sendAttributeData(gl, shader.attributeLocations, new Float32Array(_.flatten(tess.points)), 'aPosition');
this.sendAttributeData(gl, shader.attributeLocations, new Float32Array(_.flatten(tess.uvs)), 'aUvs');
gl.uniform1f(shader.uniformLocations.uStepW, 1 / gl.canvas.width);
gl.uniform1f(shader.uniformLocations.uStepH, 1 / gl.canvas.height);
this.sendUniformData(gl, shader.uniformLocations);
gl.viewport(0, 0, options.destinationWidth, options.destinationHeight);
// enable indices up to 4294967296 for webGL 1.0
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, indices.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
clear(gl) {
gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
bindTexture(gl, options) {
if (options.pass === 0 && options.originalTexture) {
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, options.originalTexture);
} else {
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, options.sourceTexture);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
indexBuffer(gl, data) {
const indexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
// make this buffer the current 'ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER'
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);
// Fill the current element array buffer with data
gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, data, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
* Returns filter instance from an object representation
* @static
* @param {Object} object Object to create an instance from
* @param {function} [callback] to be invoked after filter creation
* @return {fabric.Image.filters.Perspective} Instance of fabric.Image.filters.Perspective
fabric.Image.filters.Perspective.fromObject = fabric.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject;

* Photo subclass
* @class fabric.Photo
* @extends fabric.Photo
* @return {fabric.Photo} thisArg
fabric.Photo = class extends fabric.Image {
type = 'photo';
repeat = 'no-repeat';
fill = 'transparent';
initPerspective = true;
cacheProperties = fabric.Image.prototype.cacheProperties.concat('perspectiveCoords');
constructor(src, options) {
if (options) this.setOptions(options);
this.on('added', () => {
const image = new Image();
image.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
image.onload = () => {
this._initElement(image, options);
this.width = image.width / 2;
this.height = image.height / 2;
this.loaded = true;
image.src = src;

this.on('image:loaded', () => {
!this.perspectiveCoords && this.getInitialPerspective();

cacheProperties = fabric.Image.prototype.cacheProperties.concat('perspectiveCoords');
* @private
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx Context to render on
*//** @ts-ignore */
_render(ctx) {
fabric.util.setImageSmoothing(ctx, this.imageSmoothing);
if (this.isMoving !== true && this.resizeFilter && this._needsResize()) {
* @private
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx Context to render on
*//** @ts-ignore */
_renderFill(ctx) {
var elementToDraw = this._element;
if (!elementToDraw) return;
const elWidth = elementToDraw.naturalWidth || elementToDraw.width;
const elHeight = elementToDraw.naturalHeight || elementToDraw.height;
const width = this.width;
const height = this.height;
ctx.translate(-width / 2, -height / 2);
// get the scale
const scale = Math.min(width / elWidth, height / elHeight);
// get the top left position of the image
const x = (width / 2) - (elWidth / 2) * scale;
const y = (height / 2) - (elHeight / 2) * scale;
ctx.drawImage(elementToDraw, x, y, elWidth * scale, elHeight * scale);
togglePerspective(mode = true) {
this.set('perspectiveMode', mode);
// this.set('hasBorders', !mode);
if (mode === true) {
this.set('layout', 'fit');
var lastControl = this.perspectiveCoords.length - 1;
this.controls = this.perspectiveCoords.reduce((acc, coord, index) => {
const anchorIndex = index > 0 ? index - 1 : lastControl;
let name = `prs${index + 1}`;
acc[name] = new fabric.Control({
x: -0.5,
y: -0.5,
actionHandler: this._actionWrapper(anchorIndex, (_, transform, x, y) => {
const target = transform.target;
const localPoint = target.toLocalPoint(new fabric.Point(x, y), 'left', 'top');
coord[0] = localPoint.x / target.scaleX * fabric.devicePixelRatio;
coord[1] = localPoint.y / target.scaleY * fabric.devicePixelRatio;
return true;
positionHandler: function (dim, finalMatrix, fabricObject) {
const zoom = fabricObject.canvas.getZoom();
const scalarX = fabricObject.scaleX * zoom / fabric.devicePixelRatio;
const scalarY = fabricObject.scaleY * zoom / fabric.devicePixelRatio;
var point = fabric.util.transformPoint({
x: this.x * dim.x + this.offsetX + coord[0] * scalarX,
y: this.y * dim.y + this.offsetY + coord[1] * scalarY,
}, finalMatrix
return point;
cursorStyleHandler: () => 'cell',
render: function(ctx, left, top, _, fabricObject) {
const zoom = fabricObject.canvas.getZoom();
const scalarX = fabricObject.scaleX * zoom / fabric.devicePixelRatio;
const scalarY = fabricObject.scaleY * zoom / fabric.devicePixelRatio;
ctx.translate(left, top);
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'green';
if (fabricObject.perspectiveCoords[index + 1]) {
ctx.strokeStyle = 'green';
(fabricObject.perspectiveCoords[index + 1][0] - coord[0]) * scalarX,
(fabricObject.perspectiveCoords[index + 1][1] - coord[1]) * scalarY,
} else {
(fabricObject.perspectiveCoords[0][0] - coord[0]) * scalarX,
(fabricObject.perspectiveCoords[0][1] - coord[1]) * scalarY,
ctx.arc(0, 0, 4, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.fillStyle = 'green';
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
actionName: 'perspective-coords',
return acc;
}, {});
} else {
this.controls = fabric.Photo.prototype.controls;
_actionWrapper(anchorIndex, fn) {
return function(eventData, transform, x, y) {
if (!transform || !eventData) return;
const { target } = transform;
const actionPerformed = fn(eventData, transform, x, y);
return actionPerformed;
* @description manually reset the bounding box after points update
* @see http://fabricjs.com/custom-controls-polygon
* @param {number} index
_resetSizeAndPosition = (index, apply = true) => {
const absolutePoint = fabric.util.transformPoint({
x: this.perspectiveCoords[index][0],
y: this.perspectiveCoords[index][1],
}, this.calcTransformMatrix());
const penBaseSize = this._getNonTransformedDimensions();
const newX = (this.perspectiveCoords[index][0]) / penBaseSize.x;
const newY = (this.perspectiveCoords[index][1]) / penBaseSize.y;
this.setPositionByOrigin(absolutePoint, newX + 0.5, newY + 0.5);
apply && this._applyPointsOffset();
* This is modified version of the internal fabric function
* this helps determine the size and the location of the path
* @param {object} options
_setPositionDimensions(options) {
const { left, top, width, height } = this._calcDimensions(options);
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
var correctLeftTop = this.translateToGivenOrigin(
x: left,
y: top,
if (typeof options.left === 'undefined') {
this.left = correctLeftTop.x;
if (typeof options.top === 'undefined') {
this.top = correctLeftTop.y;
this.pathOffset = {
x: left,
y: top,
return { left, top, width, height };
* @description this is based on fabric.Path._calcDimensions
* @private
_calcDimensions() {
const coords = this.perspectiveCoords.slice().map(c => (
x: c[0] / fabric.devicePixelRatio,
y: c[1] / fabric.devicePixelRatio,
const minX = fabric.util.array.min(coords, 'x') || 0;
const minY = fabric.util.array.min(coords, 'y') || 0;
const maxX = fabric.util.array.max(coords, 'x') || 0;
const maxY = fabric.util.array.max(coords, 'y') || 0;
const width = Math.abs(maxX - minX);
const height = Math.abs(maxY - minY);
return {
left: minX,
top: minY,
width: width,
height: height,
* @description This is modified version of the internal fabric function
* this subtracts the path offset from each path points
_applyPointsOffset() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.perspectiveCoords.length; i++) {
const coord = this.perspectiveCoords[i];
coord[0] -= this.pathOffset.x;
coord[1] -= this.pathOffset.y;
* @description generate the initial coordinates for warping, based on image dimensions
getInitialPerspective() {
let w = this.getScaledWidth();
let h = this.getScaledHeight();
const perspectiveCoords = [
[0, 0], // top left
[w, 0], // top right
[w, h], // bottom right
[0, h], // bottom left
this.perspectiveCoords = perspectiveCoords;
const perspectiveFilter = new fabric.Image.filters.Perspective({
hasRelativeCoordinates: false,
pixelRatio: fabric.devicePixelRatio, // the Photo is already retina ready
return perspectiveCoords;
* Creates an instance of fabric.Photo from its object representation
* @static
* @param {Object} object Object to create an instance from
* @param {Function} callback Callback to invoke when an image instance is created
fabric.Photo.fromObject = function(_object, callback) {
const object = fabric.util.object.clone(_object);
object.layout = _object.layout;
fabric.util.loadImage(object.src, function(img, isError) {
if (isError) {
callback && callback(null, true);
fabric.Photo.prototype._initFilters.call(object, object.filters, function(filters) {
object.filters = filters || [];
fabric.Photo.prototype._initFilters.call(object, [object.resizeFilter], function(resizeFilters) {
object.resizeFilter = resizeFilters[0];
fabric.util.enlivenObjects([object.clipPath], function(enlivedProps) {
object.clipPath = enlivedProps[0];
var image = new fabric.Photo(img, object);
callback(image, false);
}, null, object.crossOrigin || 'anonymous');

const canvas = new fabric.Canvas(document.getElementById('canvas'), {
backgroundColor: 'white',
enableRetinaScaling: true,
function resizeCanvas() {
window.addEventListener('resize', () => resizeCanvas(), false);
const photo = new fabric.Photo('https://cdn.artboard.studio/private/5cb9c751-5f17-4062-adb7-6ec2c137a65d/user_uploads/5bafe170-1580-4d6b-a3be-f5cdce22d17d-asdasdasd.jpg', {
left: canvas.getWidth() / 2,
top: canvas.getHeight() / 2,
originX: 'center',
originY: 'center',
body {
margin: 0;
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lodash@4.17.20/lodash.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/verb-nurbs-web@2.1.3/build/js/verb.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/fabric@4.3.0/dist/fabric.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

我怀疑_resetSizeAndPosition中对absolutePoint的引用需要考虑图像的来源,并且有一个简单的解决方案。然而,我没有找到一个好的方法来做到这一点,并诉诸于手动"校正";CCD_ 3中的这个问题。


_resetSizeAndPosition = (index, apply = true) => {
const absolutePoint = fabric.util.transformPoint({
x: this.perspectiveCoords[index][0],
y: this.perspectiveCoords[index][1],
}, this.calcTransformMatrix());
let { height, width, left, top } = this._calcDimensions({});
const widthDiff = (width - this.width) / 2;
if ((left < 0 && widthDiff > 0) || (left > 0 && widthDiff < 0)) {
absolutePoint.x -= widthDiff;
} else {
absolutePoint.x += widthDiff;
const heightDiff = (height - this.height) / 2;
if ((top < 0 && heightDiff > 0) || (top > 0 && heightDiff < 0)) {
absolutePoint.y -= heightDiff;
} else {
absolutePoint.y += heightDiff;
const penBaseSize = this._getNonTransformedDimensions();
const newX = (this.perspectiveCoords[index][0]) / penBaseSize.x;
const newY = (this.perspectiveCoords[index][1]) / penBaseSize.y;
this.setPositionByOrigin(absolutePoint, newX + 0.5, newY + 0.5);
apply && this._applyPointsOffset();



