

<div>First class.
<p className="blue">1st paragraph.</p>
<div> hello
<p class="blue">2nd paragraph.</p>

选择的嵌套标记可以防止任何形式的目标子索引伪类,无论是现在还是将来。但是,到目前为止,标记有可能被:nth-child(An+B [of S]?)形式的选择器Level 4草案/规范的附加树结构子索引伪类选择器所针对。

body { margin: 0; font-size: .95em; }
div, p { margin: 3px; font-size: inherit; }
.blue { color: lightblue; }
.orange { color: orange; }
.red { color: palevioletred; }
:nth-child(2 of .blue) { color: palevioletred; }
<p class="blue">
1st paragraph and 1st of ".blue"
<p class="orange">
2nd paragraph and 1st of ".orange"
<p class="blue">
3rd paragraph and 2nd of ".blue"
(... as of now will be
<span class="red">red in safari</span>
since it already supports the
<a class="red" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#the-nth-child-pseudo">
<code>:nth-child(An+B [of S]?)</code>
tree-structural child-indexed pseudo-class selector of the
<a class="red" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/">
Selectors Level 4
specification ...)
<p class="blue">
1st paragraph and 1st of ".blue"
<p class="blue">
1st paragraph and 1st of ".blue"
<p class="blue">
2nd paragraph and 2nd of ".blue"
(should be <span class="red">red in safari</span>)
