在 lambda 中本地绑定函数



import numpy as np
lmax = 4
lapprox = []
# Function to estimate
def curve_func(x):
return np.sin(x*np.pi)*x**2
# Initialise residual function
def residual_func(x):
return curve_func(x)
# For each l, create 2**l+1 nodes and determine new nodes.
for l in range(lmax):  
nodes = np.linspace(0, 1, 2**l+1, endpoint = True)
if (l==0):
old_nodes = nodes
new_nodes = nodes
old_nodes = np.linspace(0, 1, 2**(l-1)+1, endpoint = True)
new_nodes = [x for x in nodes if x not in old_nodes]
# Create basis function corresponding to each new node
if (l==0):
phi = [lambda x, i=i: max(1 - abs(2**l * x - i), 0) for i in range(len(new_nodes))]
phi = [lambda x, i=i: max(1 - abs(2**l * x - (2*i+1)), 0) for i in range(len(new_nodes))]
# Calculate hierarchical surpluses
coeff = [residual_func(n) for n in new_nodes]
# Array of functions: coeff*phi
coeff_phi = [lambda x, func=func, alpha=alpha: coeff[alpha]*func(x) for alpha, func in enumerate(phi)]
# Array of length lmax, where each value is sum of functions in coeff_phi for fixed l       
lapprox.append(lambda x: sum(f(x) for f in coeff_phi)) 
# Sum of all functions in lapprox           
totapprox = lambda x: sum(f(x) for f in lapprox)
# Compute new residual function
residual_func = lambda x: curve_func(x) - totapprox(x)


def curve_func(x):
return np.sin(x*np.pi)*x**2
def residual_func_0(x):
return curve_func(x)
# Define nodes function
def make_nodes(l):
return np.linspace(0, 1, 2**l+1, endpoint = True)

# Define new_nodes function
def make_new_nodes(l):
if (l==0):
new_nodes = np.linspace(0, 1, 2**l+1, endpoint = True)
old_nodes = np.linspace(0, 1, 2**(l-1)+1, endpoint = True)
new_nodes = [x for x in make_nodes(l) if x not in old_nodes]
return new_nodes

# Define basis functions
def make_basis(l, i):
if l == 0:
return lambda x: max(1 - abs(2**l * x - i), 0)
return lambda x: max(1 - abs(2**l * x - (2*i+1)), 0)
# Define coeff*basis functions
def make_scaled_basis(alpha, fn):
return lambda x: alpha * fn(x)
new_nodes_0 = make_new_nodes(0)
new_nodes_1 = make_new_nodes(1)
new_nodes_2 = make_new_nodes(2)
new_nodes_3 = make_new_nodes(3)
phi_0 = [make_basis(0, i) for i in range(len(new_nodes_0))]
phi_1 = [make_basis(1, i) for i in range(len(new_nodes_1))]
phi_2 = [make_basis(2, i) for i in range(len(new_nodes_2))]
phi_3 = [make_basis(3, i) for i in range(len(new_nodes_3))]
coeff_0 = [curve_func(n) for n in new_nodes_0]
coeff_phi_0 = [make_scaled_basis(alpha, fn) for alpha, fn in zip(coeff_0, phi_0)]
residual_func_0 = lambda x: curve_func(x) - sum(f(x) for f in coeff_phi_0)
coeff_1 = [residual_func_0(n) for n in new_nodes_1]
coeff_phi_1 = [make_scaled_basis(alpha, fn) for alpha, fn in zip(coeff_1, phi_1)]
residual_func_1 = lambda x: residual_func_0(x) - sum(f(x) for f in coeff_phi_1)
coeff_2 = [residual_func_1(n) for n in new_nodes_2]
coeff_phi_2 = [make_scaled_basis(alpha, fn) for alpha, fn in zip(coeff_2, phi_2)]
residual_func_2 = lambda x: residual_func_1(x) - sum(f(x) for f in coeff_phi_2)
coeff_3 = [residual_func_2(n) for n in new_nodes_3]
coeff_phi_3 = [make_scaled_basis(alpha, fn) for alpha, fn in zip(coeff_3, phi_3)]
residual_func_3 = lambda x: residual_func_2(x) - sum(f(x) for f in coeff_phi_3)



def make_basis(l, i):
if l == 0:
return lambda x: max(1 - abs(2**l * x - i), 0)
return lambda x: max(1 - abs(2**l * x - (2*i+1)), 0)
for l in range(lmax):
phi = [make_basis(l, i) for i in range(len(new_nodes))]

