使用Win32 API的XZip库创建zip文件


XZip库说要将XZip.h文件和XZip.cpp文件添加到项目中,所以我这样做了。我将#include "XZip.h"添加到我的项目文件中,然后使用XZip库中的CreateZipZ()函数,该函数用于创建zip归档文件(按名称):Ex:

CreateZipZ("c:\test.zip", 0, ZIP_FILENAME)


'initializing':无法从'initializer list'转换为'HZIP'

参数类型为" char *"与"DWORD">

#include "XZip.h"
HZIP CreateZipZ(void* z, unsigned int len, DWORD flags);
TCHAR filename[200];       // The directory is saved in this array: "C:\Users\ttyler\Desktop\Software\Folder2\NewFolder\"
CreateZipZ(L"C:\Users\ttyler\Desktop\Folder2", 0, filename_buff5);


CreateZipZ("c:\test.zip", 0, ZIP_FILENAME)

为什么要在代码中重新声明CreateZipZ() ?它已经在XZip.h中为您声明了。


关于第二个错误- CreateZipZ()的第三个参数是DWORD flags,它描述了如何解释第一个参数void *z(其中ZIP_FILENAMEXZip.h中被声明为2)。那么,为什么你试图传递一个文件名缓冲区,其中一个数字是预期的?

我认为你没有阅读XZip.h中的文档。如果您有,您将看到在您的任务中使用此库的正确方法是在第一个参数中使用destination zip文件名调用CreateZip()(没有后跟Z),然后为要添加到zip中的文件/文件夹调用ZipAdd()XZip.h中提供了CreateZip()ZipAdd()的文档和示例,例如:

// CreateZip()
// Purpose:     Create a zip archive file
// Parameters:  z      - archive file name if flags is ZIP_FILENAME;  for other
//                       uses see below
//              len    - for memory (ZIP_MEMORY) should be the buffer size;
//                       for other uses, should be 0
//              flags  - indicates usage, see below;  for files, this will be
//                       ZIP_FILENAME
// Returns:     HZIP   - non-zero if zip archive created ok, otherwise 0
HZIP CreateZip(void *z, unsigned int len, DWORD flags);
// CreateZip - call this to start the creation of a zip file.
// As the zip is being created, it will be stored somewhere:
// to a pipe:              CreateZip(hpipe_write, 0,ZIP_HANDLE);
// in a file (by handle):  CreateZip(hfile, 0,ZIP_HANDLE);
// in a file (by name):    CreateZip("c:\test.zip", 0,ZIP_FILENAME);
// in memory:              CreateZip(buf, len,ZIP_MEMORY);
// or in pagefile memory:  CreateZip(0, len,ZIP_MEMORY);
// The final case stores it in memory backed by the system paging file,
// where the zip may not exceed len bytes. This is a bit friendlier than
// allocating memory with new[]: it won't lead to fragmentation, and the
// memory won't be touched unless needed.
// Note: because pipes don't allow random access, the structure of a zipfile
// created into a pipe is slightly different from that created into a file
// or memory. In particular, the compressed-size of the item cannot be
// stored in the zipfile until after the item itself. (Also, for an item added
// itself via a pipe, the uncompressed-size might not either be known until
// after.) This is not normally a problem. But if you try to unzip via a pipe
// as well, then the unzipper will not know these things about the item until
// after it has been unzipped. Therefore: for unzippers which don't just write
// each item to disk or to a pipe, but instead pre-allocate memory space into
// which to unzip them, then either you have to create the zip not to a pipe,
// or you have to add items not from a pipe, or at least when adding items
// from a pipe you have to specify the length.
// ZipAdd()
// Purpose:     Add a file to a zip archive
// Parameters:  hz      - handle to an open zip archive
//              dstzn   - name used inside the zip archive to identify the file
//              src     - for a file (ZIP_FILENAME) this specifies the filename
//                        to be added to the archive;  for other uses, see below
//              len     - for memory (ZIP_MEMORY) this specifies the buffer 
//                        length;  for other uses, this should be 0
//              flags   - indicates usage, see below;  for files, this will be
//                        ZIP_FILENAME
// Returns:     ZRESULT - ZR_OK if success, otherwise some other value
ZRESULT ZipAdd(HZIP hz, const TCHAR *dstzn, void *src, unsigned int len, DWORD flags);
// ZipAdd - call this for each file to be added to the zip.
// dstzn is the name that the file will be stored as in the zip file.
// The file to be added to the zip can come
// from a pipe:  ZipAdd(hz,"file.dat", hpipe_read,0,ZIP_HANDLE);
// from a file:  ZipAdd(hz,"file.dat", hfile,0,ZIP_HANDLE);
// from a fname: ZipAdd(hz,"file.dat", "c:\docs\origfile.dat",0,ZIP_FILENAME);
// from memory:  ZipAdd(hz,"subdir\file.dat", buf,len,ZIP_MEMORY);
// (folder):     ZipAdd(hz,"subdir",   0,0,ZIP_FOLDER);
// Note: if adding an item from a pipe, and if also creating the zip file itself
// to a pipe, then you might wish to pass a non-zero length to the ZipAdd
// function. This will let the zipfile store the items size ahead of the
// compressed item itself, which in turn makes it easier when unzipping the
// zipfile into a pipe.
// CloseZip()
// Purpose:     Close an open zip archive
// Parameters:  hz      - handle to an open zip archive
// Returns:     ZRESULT - ZR_OK if success, otherwise some other value
ZRESULT CloseZip(HZIP hz);
// CloseZip - the zip handle must be closed with this function.
// e.g.
// (1) Traditional use, creating a zipfile from existing files
//     HZIP hz = CreateZip("c:\temp.zip",0,ZIP_FILENAME);
//     ZipAdd(hz,"src1.txt",  "c:\src1.txt",0,ZIP_FILENAME);
//     ZipAdd(hz,"src2.bmp",  "c:\src2_origfn.bmp",0,ZIP_FILENAME);
//     CloseZip(hz);
// (2) Memory use, creating an auto-allocated mem-based zip file from various sources
//     HZIP hz = CreateZip(0,100000,ZIP_MEMORY);
//     // adding a conventional file...
//     ZipAdd(hz,"src1.txt",  "c:\src1.txt",0,ZIP_FILENAME);
//     // adding something from memory...
//     char buf[1000]; for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) buf[i]=(char)(i&0x7F);
//     ZipAdd(hz,"file.dat",  buf,1000,ZIP_MEMORY);
//     // adding something from a pipe...
//     HANDLE hread,hwrite; CreatePipe(&hread,&write,NULL,0);
//     HANDLE hthread = CreateThread(ThreadFunc,(void*)hwrite);
//     ZipAdd(hz,"unz3.dat",  hread,0,ZIP_HANDLE);
//     WaitForSingleObject(hthread,INFINITE);
//     CloseHandle(hthread); CloseHandle(hread);
//     ... meanwhile DWORD CALLBACK ThreadFunc(void *dat)
//                   { HANDLE hwrite = (HANDLE)dat;
//                     char buf[1000]={17};
//                     DWORD writ; WriteFile(hwrite,buf,1000,&writ,NULL);
//                     CloseHandle(hwrite);
//                     return 0;
//                   }
//     // and now that the zip is created, let's do something with it:
//     void *zbuf; unsigned long zlen; ZipGetMemory(hz,&zbuf,&zlen);
//     HANDLE hfz = CreateFile("test2.zip",GENERIC_WRITE,CREATE_ALWAYS);
//     DWORD writ; WriteFile(hfz,zbuf,zlen,&writ,NULL);
//     CloseHandle(hfz);
//     CloseZip(hz);
// (3) Handle use, for file handles and pipes
//     HANDLE hzread,hzwrite; CreatePipe(&hzread,&hzwrite);
//     HANDLE hthread = CreateThread(ZipReceiverThread,(void*)hread);
//     HZIP hz = ZipCreate(hzwrite,ZIP_HANDLE);
//     // ... add to it
//     CloseZip(hz);
//     CloseHandle(hzwrite);
//     WaitForSingleObject(hthread,INFINITE);
//     CloseHandle(hthread);
//     ... meanwhile DWORD CALLBACK ThreadFunc(void *dat)
//                   { HANDLE hread = (HANDLE)dat;
//                     char buf[1000];
//                     while (true)
//                     { DWORD red; ReadFile(hread,buf,1000,&red,NULL);
//                       // ... and do something with this zip data we're receiving
//                       if (red==0) break;
//                     }
//                     CloseHandle(hread);
//                     return 0;
//                   }


#include "XZip.h"
int main()
    TCHAR zipFilename[] = TEXT("C:\test.zip");
    TCHAR directoryPath[] = TEXT("C:\Users\ttyler\Desktop\Software\Folder2\NewFolder\");
    TCHAR entryName[] = TEXT("NewFolder");
    HZIP hz = CreateZip(zipFilename, 0, ZIP_FILENAME);
    if (hz == 0) {
        // error...
    ZRESULT res = ZipAdd(hz, entryName, directoryPath, 0, ZIP_FOLDER);
    if (res != ZR_OK) {
        // error...
