



需要用# eg标记第3,4,5,7,10个字符:AB###1#23# using regex.


"1234567890".replaceAll("(.{2})(.{3})(.{1})(.{1})(.{2})(.{1})", "$1###$3#$5#")



String pan = "ABCDE1234F";
String newPAN = maskString(pan, 0, "??###?#??#");
// Displays in Console:  AB###1#34#


String pan = "Account Number: ABCDE1234F";
String newPAN = maskString(pan, 16, "??###?#??#");
// Displays in Console:  Account Number: AB###1#34#


String pan = "Account Number: ABCDE1234F (Listed).";
String newPAN = maskString(pan, pan.indexOf("ABC"), "??###?#??#");
// Displays in Console:  Account Number: AB###1#34# (Listed).


* This method allows you to mask a string in whichever format you like by
* simply supplying a format string.<br><br>
* <p>
* Once the input string is masked, it can not be Unmasked. Your code will
* need to keep track of what the original string was if this is a
* requirement.<br><br>
* @param inputString (string) The string to mask.<br>
* @param startIndex  (int) Normally you would most likely use this method<pre>
*            on a single string entity and therefore the Start
*            Index would be 0, at the first character of the
*            string. This however may not always be the case. There
*            can be times when you want to mask a substring within
*            the supplied input string located at a specific index.
*            You can supply that specific index value here.</pre>
* @param maskFormat  (Optional - String) Default (if nothing is supplied)<pre>
*            is to mask all characters in string as Asterisks (*).
*            The question mark character (?) is used within the
*            format string to indicate that an original string
*            character is to take that character position. Any other
*            characters are considered mask characters, for example, 
*            if we have a phone number string like:
*                        <b>"624-344-1212"</b>
*            and we want to mask all numbers with asterisks (*) but keep 
*            the dashes as they are then we would use a format string that 
*            looks like this: 
*                         <b>"***?***?****"</b>
*            The returned string would contain: 
*                         <b>"***-***-****"</b>
*            Since the Question mark character has special meaning within 
*            this method's format string, you would need to escape () that 
*            character if you wanted to use it as a mask character, for 
*            example:
*                     <b>"\?\?\??\?\?\??\?\?\?\?"</b>
*            will tell this method to return the following string:
*                           <b>"???-???-????"</b></pre>
* @return (String) The masked String.
public static String maskString(String inputString, int startIndex, String... maskFormat) {
String startString = "";
if (startIndex > 0) {
startString = inputString.substring(0, startIndex);
inputString = inputString.substring(startIndex);
String maskFmt = inputString.replaceAll(".*", "*");
if (maskFormat.length > 0) {
if (!maskFormat[0].isEmpty()) {
/* ASCII 22 is used to replace escaped Question marks so 
that the regular Question marks can be processed properly. */
maskFormat[0] = maskFormat[0].replace("\?", Character.toString((char) 22));
maskFmt = maskFormat[0];
if (inputString.length() > maskFmt.length()) {
for (int i = maskFmt.length(); i < inputString.length(); i++) {
maskFmt += "?";
else if (inputString.length() < maskFmt.length()) {
maskFmt = maskFmt.substring(0, maskFmt.length()
- (maskFmt.length() - inputString.length()));
String maskedString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < maskFmt.length(); i++) {
maskedString += maskFmt.substring(i, i + 1).equals("?")
? inputString.substring(i, i + 1) : maskFmt.substring(i, i + 1);
if (!startString.isEmpty()) {
maskedString = startString + maskedString;
/* Return the masked String but first convert any ASCII 22 (which 
would be escaped Question marks if any) characters to Question 
mark characters. */
return maskedString.replace(Character.toString((char) 22), "?");
