

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
#example DF with OHLC columns and 100 rows
gold = pd.DataFrame({'Open':[i for i in range(100)],'Close':[i for i in range(100)],'High':[i for i in range(100)],'Low':[i for i in range(100)]})
class Backtest:

def __init__(self, ticker, df):
self.ticker = ticker
self.df = df
self.levels = pivot_points(self.df)

def pivot_points(self,df,period=30):
highs = scipy.signal.argrelmax(df.High.values,order=period)
lows = scipy.signal.argrelmin(df.Low.values,order=period)
return list(df.High[highs[0]]) + list(df.Low[lows[0]])

inst = Backtest('gold',gold) #gold is a Pandas Dataframe with Open High Low Close columns and data
inst.levels # This give me the whole dataframe (inst.df) instead of the expected output of the pivot_point function (a list of integers)







class Backtest:
def __init__(self, ticker, df):
self.ticker = ticker
self.df = df
# no need to define a instance variable here, you can access the method directly
# self.levels = pivot_points(self.df)
def pivot_points(self):
period = 30
# period is a local variable to pivot_points so I can access it directly
print(f'period inside Backtest.pivot_points: {period}')
# df is an instance variable and can be accessed in any method of Backtest after it is instantiated
print(f'self.df inside Backtest.pivot_points(): {self.df}')
# to get any values out of pivot_points we return some calcualtions
return 1 + 1
# if you do need an attribute like level to access it by inst.level you could create a property
def level(self):
return self.pivot_points()

gold = 'some data'
inst = Backtest('gold', gold)  # gold is a Pandas Dataframe with Open High Low Close columns and data
print(f'inst.pivot_points() outside the class: {inst.pivot_points()}')
print(f'inst.level outside the class: {inst.level}')


period inside Backtest.pivot_points: 30
self.df inside Backtest.pivot_points(): some data
inst.pivot_points() outside the class: 2
period inside Backtest.pivot_points: 30
self.df inside Backtest.pivot_points(): some data
inst.level outside the class: 2

多亏了注释者Henry Ecker,我发现我在文件的其他地方定义了同名的函数,其中输出是df。修改后,我的原始代码按预期工作
