


import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np

#file_name = input("Please input a file to read. It should have a name like File.xlsmn")
file_name = "file.xlsm"
# maybe add a part where if it fails you ask the user again 

read_file = pd.read_excel(file_name, sheet_name = 0, header = 0, index_col = 0, usecols = [" Name", "Comment", "Price", "category", "data to change"], skiprows = 15) # sheet is equal to 0 by default os it will do the first one 


# search fe 
#Fruit Name | Comment | Price | Category | Aisle# / data  

#for index, row in read_file.iterrows():  trying to find if healthy or unhealthy or to remove row
#    if cell = Dgiit

#read_file["Fruit Name"] = read_file["Fruit Name"].str.lower() #broken. tring to get name in to paranthees and all lower case. APPLE -> "apple" 
#drop_val = #!digital / supply    
#read_file = read_file[~read_file['A'].isin(drop_val)] ! ( unhealty * | *Healthy )

# saving to a text file 
read_file.to_csv('input2.txt', sep = 't', line_terminator = ';n') # saves data frame to tab seperated text file. need to find out how to have semi colons at the end. 



下面是最终输出 的示例
HEALTHY "bannana" "Aisle#-storename" ; // the comment I need from the comment box //(the number comes from data that needs to be manipulated tab, it has some exess info and things i need to conver)
HEALTHY "orange" "Aisle#-storename"; // what came first the color or the fruit. is the fruit named after the color or the color after the fruit
UNHEALTHY "cupcake" "Aisle#-storename"; // not good for you but maybe for the sould 
UNHEALTHY "pizza" "Aisle#-storename";

Here is what I am getting 
Name      Comment   Price   Category    Data;
BANANNA    x           x         x        x ;
APPLE       x          x          x          x;
ORANGE       x          x          x        x       ;




对于需要更改的数据,我必须在一些IE SHELF323后读取第一个数字前3需要放在我知道的表中并转换为物理地址,23就像架子的行数。这些需要以某种格式打印到最终的TXT文件。




import pandas as pd

sheets_dict = pd.read_excel(r'C:my_file.xlsx', sheet_name=None)
ExcelSheet = pd.DataFrame()
for name, sheet in sheets_dict.items():   
sheet.to_csv (name+'.txt', '|', index = None, header=True)
