no such table: (Django)

当我运行我的代码(它用于一个项目)时,我得到这个错误:&;没有这样的表:encyclopedia_article&;。错误似乎来自9行 (obj = article.objects.get(id=1))。下面是代码:

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse
from . import util
import random
from .models import article
from .forms import ArticleForm
def index(request):
obj = article.objects.get(id=1)    #THIS IS WHAT APPERS TO CAUSE THE ERROR
context = {
'object': obj
entries = util.list_entries()
random_page = random.choice(entries)
return render(request, "encyclopedia/index.html", {
"entries": util.list_entries(),
"random_page": random_page,
def CSS(request):
return render(request, "encyclopedia/css_tem.html", {
"article_css": "css is slug and cat"
def Python(request):
return render(request, "encyclopedia/python_tem.html", {
"article_python": "python says repost if scav"
def HTML(request):
return render(request, "encyclopedia/HTML_tem.html", {
"article_HTML": "game theory: scavs are future humans"
def Git(request):
return render(request, "encyclopedia/Git_tem.html", {
"article_Git": "github is git"
def Django(request):
return render(request, "encyclopedia/Django_tem.html", {
"article_Django": "this is a framework"
def new_article(request):
form = ArticleForm(request.POST or None)
if form.is_valid():
context = {
'form': form
return render(request, "encyclopedia/new_article_tem.html", context)

class article(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length = 120)
description = models.TextField(blank=True, null = False)

from django import forms
from .models import article
class ArticleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = article
fields = [


from django.urls import path
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
path("", views.index, name="index"),
path("", views.CSS, name="CSS"),
path("", views.Python, name="Python"),
path("", views.HTML, name="HTML"),
path("", views.Git, name="Git"),
path("", views.Django, name="Django"),
path("", views.new_article, name="new_article")


"""wiki URL Configuration
The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see:
Function views
1. Add an import:  from my_app import views
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns:  path('', views.home, name='home')
Class-based views
1. Add an import:  from other_app.views import Home
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns:  path('', Home.as_view(), name='home')
Including another URLconf
1. Import the include() function: from django.urls import include, path
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns:  path('blog/', include('blog.urls'))
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import include, path
from encyclopedia import views
from encyclopedia.views import index
urlpatterns = [
path('', include("encyclopedia.urls")),
path('CSS/', views.CSS, name="CSS"),
path('Python/', views.Python, name="Python"),
path('HTML/', views.HTML, name="HTML"),
path('Git/', views.Git, name="Git"),
path('Django/', views.Django, name="Django"),
path('new_article/', views.new_article, name="new_article"),
path('main/', index)


{% extends "encyclopedia/layout.html" %}
{% block title %}
New Article
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>Create Article</h1>
<form method = 'POST' action = "{% url 'index' %}"> {% csrf_token %}

<input type = 'submit' value='Save'>
{% endblock %}
我不确定这是否有用,但我仍然把几乎所有的东西。index . html:
{% extends "encyclopedia/layout.html" %}
{% block title %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1 id="demo" onclick="add_article()">Add article</h1>

{% for entry in entries %}
<li><a href = /{{entry}}>{{ entry }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% for article_title in created_articles %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}


{% load static %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-Vkoo8x4CGsO3+Hhxv8T/Q5PaXtkKtu6ug5TOeNV6gBiFeWPGFN9MuhOf23Q9Ifjh" crossorigin="anonymous">
<link href="{% static 'encyclopedia/styles.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="row">
<div class="sidebar col-lg-2 col-md-3">
<input class="search" type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search Encyclopedia">
<a href="{% url 'index' %}">Home</a>
<a href = "/new_article" >Create New Article</a>
<a href = "{{random_page}}">Random Page</a>
{% block nav %}
{% endblock %}
<div class="main col-lg-10 col-md-9">
{% block body %}
{% endblock %}


python makemigrations

python migrate
