
Node * create(Node * root, int I, int J, string str)
if (I == J) { root -> data =str[I]; root -> left=NULL; root -> right=NULL; }
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;
//// to store the data of root
string val;
for (i = I; i < J; i++) {
if (str[i] == '(') break;

root -> data = stoi(val);
stack < char > st;
for (j = i; j < J; j++) {
if (str[j] == '(') st.push(str[j]);
else if (str[j] == ')') st.pop();
if (st.empty()) break;
for (l = j + 1; l < J; l++) {
if (str[l] == '(') st.push(str[l]);
else if (str[l] == ')') st.pop();
if (st.empty()) break;
k = j + 1;

if (j - i == 2) root -> left -> data = str[i + 1];
root -> left =  create(root -> left, i + 1, j - 1, str);
if (l == k) root -> right=NULL;
else if (l - k == 2) root -> right -> data = str[k + 1];
root -> right =  create(root -> right, k + 1, l - 1, str);
return root;
Node * treeFromString(string str){
Node * p = create(p, 0, str.size() - 1, str);
return p;

这里我初始化了变量I, j, k, l来跟踪字符串中的左子括号和右子括号。I, J是一个特定递归激活记录的节点范围。



expression:  |<symbol>| <integer> '(' <expression> ')' '('<expression>')'
symbol : any C++ `char` single byte character.
integer : any C++ valid int type value.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view> // C++17 std::string_view
#include <charconv>  // C++17  std::from_chars.
#include <cassert>
//simulate Node class
struct Node
Node *left, *right;
int data;
//1. use string_view  instead of triple I, J, std::string.
//2. First argument Node* root - needn't. It should be local variable.
Node * create(std::string_view str)

if (str.size() == 1) 
Node* root = new Node; //-> YOU should allocate a memory for root.
root -> data =str[0]; 
root -> left=nullptr;  // use nullptr instead of NULL for c++11 or later.
root -> right=nullptr; 

return root; // exit needed!

Node* root = new Node;
root->left = nullptr;
root->right = nullptr;
root->data = 0;

//// to store the data of root
//2. THERE NEED take an integer until first '(' symbol.
std::size_t i = 0;
while (i < str.size() && str[i] != '(' )
// str[0 .. i)  - interval is an integer.
int val = 0;
(void)std::from_chars(str.data(), str.data() + i, val); // FOR simplifity don't check validness of conversation.

root->data = val;
//3. SKIP balanced '(' and ')' 
/*stack < char > st;
for (j = i; j < J; j++) {
if (str[j] == '(') st.push(str[j]);
else if (str[j] == ')') st.pop();
if (st.empty()) break;
* */
/** we can implement it another way */
assert(!str.empty() && str[0] == '(' );
std::string_view within_bracket;
int balanced_brackets = 0;
std::size_t i = 0;
while (i < str.size())
if (str[i] == '(') ++ balanced_brackets;
else if (str[i] == ')' ) --balanced_brackets;
if (balanced_brackets == 0)
assert (i > 0 && str[ i - 1 ] == ')' );
//           0  1 2 3   
// str[0..i) - is  '(' ... ')'  symbols.
within_bracket = std::string_view(str.data() + 1, i - 2);

/****4. THIS second balanced bracket check */
std::string_view second_within_bracket;
for (l = j + 1; l < J; l++) {
if (str[l] == '(') st.push(str[l]);
else if (str[l] == ')') st.pop();
if (st.empty()) break;
k = j + 1;
assert(!str.empty() && str[0] == '(' );
// ========== second balanced brackets check ==========
std::size_t i = 0;
int balanced_brackets = 0;
while (i < str.size())
if (str[i] == '(') ++ balanced_brackets;
else if (str[i] == ')' ) --balanced_brackets;
if (balanced_brackets == 0)
//           0  1 2 3   
// str[0..i) - is  '(' ... ')'  symbols.
second_within_bracket = std::string_view(str.data() + 1, i - 2);


if (j - i == 2) root -> left -> data = str[i + 1];
root -> left =  create(i + 1, j - 1, str);
if (l == k) root -> right=NULL;
else if (l - k == 2) root -> right -> data = str[k + 1];
root -> right =  create(root -> right, k + 1, l - 1, str);
root->left = create(within_bracket);
root->right = create(second_within_bracket);

return root;
Node * treeFromString(std::string_view str){
Node * p = create(str);
return p;
void printTree(Node* root, int level = 0)
if (root==nullptr) return;
for (int i= 0; i < level; ++i) std::cout << "--";
std::cout << " data = " << root->data << std::endl;
printTree(root->left, level + 1);
printTree(root->right, level + 1);
int main(){

std::string str = "12(8(7)(5))(9(3)(2(1)(8)))";
Node * expr = treeFromString(str);


Program returned: 0
data = 12
-- data = 8
---- data = 55
---- data = 53
-- data = 9
---- data = 51
---- data = 2
------ data = 49
------ data = 56


我从Khurshid Normuradov的回答中重用了main()和PrintTree()函数。我希望他不会介意。


#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
struct Node {
std::unique_ptr<Node> left = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Node> right = nullptr;
int value = 0;
std::unique_ptr<Node> treeFromString(std::string_view str) {
std::cout << "treeFromString("" << str << "")n";
if (str.empty()) return {};
auto node = std::make_unique<Node>();
//  extract an int
auto pos = str.find_first_not_of("0123456789");
auto val = str.substr(0, pos);
// optional: std::stoi() would throw anyway in this case
if (val.empty())
throw std::runtime_error("invalid value in expression");
node->value = std::stoi(std::string{val});
if (val.length() == str.length()) return node;
str = str.substr(val.length());
// Both left/right parsing are similar and use this 
// common subroutine.
// expects parens delimited string as input.
// param  str   in: str string to parse from
//              out: whatever's left to parse
// returns  string content within parens, parens not included.
auto extract_parens_contents = [](std::string_view& str) {

// right here would be the perfect place to insert code to skip 
// whitespace if you ever needed to do that.
// find parens extent       
int parens = 0;
auto parens_end =
std::find_if(str.begin(), str.end(), [&parens](char c) {
parens += (c == '(') - (c == ')');
return (parens == 0);
if (parens_end == str.end())
throw std::runtime_error("unbalanced parens in expression");
// extract result
auto result = std::string_view(
str.begin() + 1, std::distance(str.begin() + 1, parens_end));
// remove spent bytes from input stream
str = std::string_view(
parens_end + 1,
str.length() - std::distance(str.begin(), parens_end + 1));
return result;
node->left = treeFromString(extract_parens_contents(str));
node->right = treeFromString(extract_parens_contents(str));
return node;
// special thanks to user Khurshid Normuradov, who originally wrote the two functions below.
// it would be difficult to writing something that would be any better for the 
// intended purpose.
void printTree(Node* root, int level = 0) {
if (root == nullptr) return;
for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) std::cout << "--";
std::cout << " data = " << root->value << std::endl;
printTree(root->left.get(), level + 1);
printTree(root->right.get(), level + 1);
int main() {
std::string str = "12(8(7)(5))(9(3)(2(1)(8)))";
auto expr = treeFromString(str);

