

normalizeData([person1, person2], {
byId: {
initialValue: {} as { [id: string]: Person },
reduce: (acc, model) => {
acc[model["id"]] = model
return acc
list: {
initialValue: [] as Person[],
reduce: (acc, model) => {
return acc


byId: {
1: {
id: 1,
name: "John",
2: {
id: 2,
name: "Jane",
list: [
id: 1,
name: "John",
id: 2,
name: "Jane",




// Same type as Array.reduce callback
type ReduceCallback<Value, Output> = (
previousValue: Output,
currentValue: Value,
currentIndex: number,
array: Value[],
) => Output
// Type for sample data
type Person = {
id: string
name: string
parentId?: string
age: number
// Function to run multiple reducers over an array of data
// This is the function I want to type properly
export function normalizeData<Model, ReducerKeys extends string, InitialValue>(
data: Model[],
reducers: {
[key in ReducerKeys]: {
reduce?: ReduceCallback<Model, InitialValue>
initialValue: InitialValue
) {
// Get keys of reducers to split them into two data structures, 
// one for initial values and the other for reduce callbacks
const reducerKeys = Object.keys(reducers) as Array<keyof typeof reducers>
// Get an object of { id: <initialValue> }
// In this case `{ byId: {}, list, [] }`
const initialValues = reducerKeys.reduce(
(obj, key) => ({
[key]: reducers[key].initialValue,
{} as { [key in ReducerKeys]: InitialValue },
// Get an array of reduce callbacks
const reduceCallbacks = reducerKeys.map((key) => ({ key, callback: reducers[key].reduce }))
// Reduce over the data, applying each reduceCallback to each datum
const normalizedData = data.reduce((acc, datum, index, array) => {
return reduceCallbacks.reduce((acc, { key, callback }) => {
const callbackWithDefault = callback || ((id) => id)
return {
[key]: callbackWithDefault(acc[key], datum, index, array),
}, acc)
}, initialValues)
return normalizedData
// Sample data
const parent: Person = {
id: "001",
name: "Dad",
parentId: undefined,
age: 53,
const son: Person = {
id: "002",
name: "Son",
parentId: "001",
age: 12,
// This is the test implementation.
// The types do not accept differing generic types of initialValue for each mapped type
// Whatever is listed first sets the InitialValue generic
// I want to be able to have the intialValue type for each mapped type 
// apply that same type to the `acc` value of the reduce callback.
normalizeData([parent, son], {
byId: {
initialValue: {} as {[key: string]: Person},
reduce: (acc, person) => {
acc[person.id] = person
return acc
list: {
initialValue: [] as Person[],
reduce: (acc, person) => {
return acc


export function normalizeData<Model, InitialValues>(
data: Model[],
reducers: {
[K in keyof InitialValues]: {
reduce?: ReduceCallback<Model, InitialValues[K]>
initialValue: InitialValues[K]
) { /* ... */ }




const initialValues = reducerKeys.reduce(
(obj, key) => ({
[key]: reducers[key].initialValue,
{} as { [K in keyof InitialValues]: InitialValues[K] },

