






'C:Program Files7-Zip7z.exe' l '.folder-with-zips*.zip' | select-string -pattern "1 files" | Foreach {$size=[long]"$(($_ -split 's+',4)[2])";$total+=$size;"$([math]::Round($total/1024/1024/1024,2))" + " GB"}



function getsizeofzip
$stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::startNew()
$username = "yayo"
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "yayo" -AsPlainText -Force
$Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $password)
$masina = "yayo"
Write-Host Gathering list of zip files to calculate extract size -ForeGroundColor yellow
$alabala = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {Invoke-Expression "&'C:Program Files7-Zip7z.exe' l -ba -slt Z:OracleOraDB19c3*.zip"} -Computer $masina -Credential $Credentials | Select-String "Size = "
Write-Host Saving output to file -ForegroundColor Yellow
$alabala >> vvv.txt
$total = 0
Write-Host Calculating extract size -ForeGroundColor yellow
for ( $index = 0; $index -lt $alabala.count; $index = $index + 2)
$temp = $alabala | Select-Object -Index $index
$size = $temp -replace "Size = " -replace ""
$total +=  ($size -as [int])
#Write-Host Current total $total
Write-Host Totalul este ($total/1024/1024/1024)GB


Gathering list of zip files to calculate extract size 
Saving output to file Calculating extract size
Totalul este 4.49708485417068 GB 
'C:Program Files7-Zip7z.exe' l -ba -slt Z:OracleOraDB19c3*.zip"

-ba -slt参数用于对命令输出进行排序,至少可以去掉头,我得到以下输出:

Path = 33808367filessqlpatch33808367
Folder = +
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Modified = 2022-05-02 11:51:38
Created = 
Accessed = 
Attributes = D drwxr-xr-x
Encrypted = -
Comment = 
CRC = 
Method = Store
Characteristics = UT 0x7875
Host OS = Unix
Version = 10
Volume Index = 0
Offset = 251558554
Path = 33808367filessqlpatch3380836724758240
Folder = +
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Modified = 2022-05-01 13:25:40
Created = 
Accessed = 
Attributes = D drwxr-xr-x
Encrypted = -
Comment = 
CRC = 
Method = Store
Characteristics = UT 0x7875
Host OS = Unix
Version = 10
Volume Index = 0
Offset = 251558645
Path = 33808367filessqlpatch3380836724758240rollback_files
Folder = +
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Modified = 2022-05-01 13:25:40
Created = 
Accessed = 
Attributes = D drwxr-xr-x
Encrypted = -
Comment = 
CRC = 
Method = Store
Characteristics = UT 0x7875
Host OS = Unix
Version = 10
Volume Index = 0
Offset = 251558745
Path = 33808367filessqlpatch3380836724758240rollback_files19.
Folder = +
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Modified = 2022-05-01 13:25:40
Created = 
Accessed = 
Attributes = D drwxr-xr-x
Encrypted = -
Comment = 
CRC = 
Method = Store
Characteristics = UT 0x7875
Host OS = Unix
Version = 10
Volume Index = 0
Offset = 251558860
Path = 33808367filessqlpatch3380836724758240rollback_files19.
Folder = +
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Modified = 2022-05-01 13:25:40
Created = 
Accessed = 
Attributes = D drwxr-xr-x
Encrypted = -
Comment = 
CRC = 
Method = Store
Characteristics = UT 0x7875
Host OS = Unix
Version = 10
Volume Index = 0
Offset = 251558986

因为我不知道如何格式化表(我尝试了一点),以便只选择大小列…我将输出通过管道传输到Select-String "Size ="现在输出:

Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Size = 86652
Packed Size = 13750
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Size = 92973512
Packed Size = 12818027
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Size = 205157781
Packed Size = 58369063
Size = 209589951
Packed Size = 59788028
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Size = 0
Packed Size = 0
Size = 205157781

现在我循环遍历this (index+2)以获得所有值并将它们相加。




试试这个,它消除了编写然后解析文本文件的要求,这可能是大部分时间花费的地方。该解决方案将7zip命令的输出流式传输到foreach对象。在foreach循环中,我们查找包含"Size = "然后处理任何匹配项。

#Configure variable to hold our result
$size = 0
#Call 7zip and stream the output to a foreach object
&'C:Program Files7-Zip7z.exe' l -bso0 -slt "C:Temporacle.zip" | %{
#Match the string "Size = anything" in 2 capture groups one of which will contain the filesize
if($_ -match "(^Sizes=s)(d+$)"){

#Add the uncompressed filesize to our result variable
$size += $matches[2] -as [int]
#Show the result in MB
$size / 1MB
