

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int cos(angle)
float rad = angle;
float radPh = 1;
float facto = 1;
float tOld = 1;
float tNew = 0;
float tPh = 1;
float tDiff = 1;
float cosAns;
precision = precision + 1;
float x = 10;
float finalPr = 1;
for (int counter = 0; counter < precision; ++counter)
finalPr /= x;
finalPr = 0.5 * finalPr;
while (tDiff > finalPr)
tOld = tPh;
tNew = ((-1)*tOld*rad*rad)/((facto+1)*(facto+2));
tPh = tNew;
radPh = tNew;
facto = facto + 2;
tDiff = tOld - tNew;
cosAns = radPh;
return cosAns;
int main()
int precision = 10;
int choice;
//Title and Menu
cout << endl << "==============" << endl << " TRIGONOMETRY " << endl << "==============";
cout << endl << endl << "Current Precision: " << precision;
cout << endl << "Select:";
cout << endl << "1. Change Decimal Precision";
cout << endl << "2. Calculate Cos and Sin";
cout << endl << "9. Exit";
while (true)
//User Prompt
cout << endl << endl << "Please enter your choice. => ";
cin >> choice;

if (choice == 1)
cout << endl << "Please enter a value between 2 and 10. => ";
cin >> precision;
cout << "Current precision is " << precision;
if (choice == 2)
float angle, anglePh;
float pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716;
char angleType;
cout << endl << "Please enter an angle. => ";
cin >> angle;
cout << endl << "Is the angle in degrees or in radian?";
cout << endl << "Input D if it's in degrees,";
cout << endl << "Input R if it's in radian. => ";
cin >> angleType;
if (angleType == 'D')
anglePh = angle;
angle = angle*pi/180;
cout << anglePh << " degrees = " << angle << " radian";

cout << endl << "Calculating Cos...";
cout << endl << "Calculating Sin...";

if (choice == 9)


我正在构建一个程序,从用户那里获得角度,然后在计算正弦和余弦值之前将其转换为弧度。当我运行这个代码时,它告诉我;int cos(角度(";没有定义,所以我尝试将它移到选项2的if循环中,但它没有解决问题。它还说,当我试图从if循环触发选项2时,cos(角度(不能用作函数。对此有什么想法吗?





int cos(浮动角度,int精度(

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int cos(float angle, int precision)
float rad = angle;
float radPh = 1;
float facto = 1;
float tOld = 1;
float tNew = 0;
float tPh = 1;
float tDiff = 1;
float cosAns;

precision = precision + 1;
float x = 10;
float finalPr = 1;
for (int counter = 0; counter < precision; ++counter)
finalPr /= x;
finalPr = 0.5 * finalPr;
while (tDiff > finalPr)
tOld = tPh;
tNew = ((-1)*tOld*rad*rad)/((facto+1)*(facto+2));
tPh = tNew;
radPh = tNew;
facto = facto + 2;
tDiff = tOld - tNew;
cosAns = radPh;
return cosAns;
int main()
int precision = 10;
int choice;
//Title and Menu
cout << endl << "==============" << endl << " TRIGONOMETRY " << endl << "==============";
cout << endl << endl << "Current Precision: " << precision;
cout << endl << "Select:";
cout << endl << "1. Change Decimal Precision";
cout << endl << "2. Calculate Cos and Sin";
cout << endl << "9. Exit";
while (true)
//User Prompt
cout << endl << endl << "Please enter your choice. => ";
cin >> choice;

if (choice == 1)
cout << endl << "Please enter a value between 2 and 10. => ";
cin >> precision;
cout << "Current precision is " << precision;
if (choice == 2)
float angle, anglePh;
float pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716;
char angleType;
cout << endl << "Please enter an angle. => ";
cin >> angle;
cout << endl << "Is the angle in degrees or in radian?";
cout << endl << "Input D if it's in degrees,";
cout << endl << "Input R if it's in radian. => ";
cin >> angleType;
if (angleType == 'D')
anglePh = angle;
angle = angle*pi/180;
cout << anglePh << " degrees = " << angle << " radian";

cout << endl << "Calculating Cos...";
cout <<cos(angle, precision);
cout << endl << "Calculating Sin...";

if (choice == 9)

