
我正在用Python为一个数据分析项目编写一个程序,该项目涉及与广告特征匹配的广告表现数据,旨在识别具有n个相似特征的高性能广告组。我使用的数据集将单个广告作为行,将特征、摘要和性能数据作为列。下面是我当前的代码-我使用的实际数据集有51列,其中4列被排除在外,因此它在外循环中运行47 C4,即178365次迭代。


import itertools
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Identify Clusters of Rows (Ads) that have a KPI value above a certain threshold
def set_groups(df, n):
"""This function takes a dataframe and a number n, and returns a list of lists. Each list is a group of n columns.
The list of lists will hold all size n combinations of the columns in the dataframe.
# Create a list of all relevant column names
columns = list(df.columns[4:]) # exclude first 4 summary columns
# Create a list of lists, where each list is a group of n columns
groups = []
vals_lst = list(map(list, itertools.product([True, False], repeat=n))) # Create a list of all possible combinations of 0s and 1s
for comb in itertools.combinations(columns, n): # itertools.combinations returns a list of tuples
groups.append([comb, vals_lst])
groups = np.array(groups,dtype=object)
return groups  # len(groups) = len(columns(df)) choose n
def identify_clusters(df, KPI, KPI_threshhold, max_size, min_size, groups):
This function takes in a dataframe, a KPI, a threshhold value, a max and min size, and a list of lists of groupings.
The function will identify groups of rows in the dataframe that have the same values for each column in each list of groupings.
The function will return a list of lists with each list of groups, the values list, and the ad_ids in the cluster.
# Create a dictionary to hold the results
output = []
# Iterate through each list of groups
for group in groups:
for vals_lst in group[1]:  # for each pair of groups and associated value matrices
# Create a temporary dataframe to hold the group of rows with matching values for columns in group
temp_df = df
for i in range(len(group[0])):
temp_df = temp_df[(temp_df[group[0][i]] == vals_lst[i])]  # reduce the temp_df to only rows that match the values in vals_lst for each combination of values
if temp_df[KPI].mean() > KPI_threshhold:  # if the mean of the KPI for the temp_df is above the threshhold
output.append([group, vals_lst, temp_df['ad_id'].values])  # append the group, vals_lst, and ad_ids to the output list
return output
## Main
df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx', sheet_name='name')
groups = set_groups(df, 4)
identify_clusters(df, 'KPI_var', 0.0015, 6, 4, groups)



temp_df = df
for i in range(len(group[0])):
temp_df = temp_df[(temp_df[group[0][i]] == vals_lst[i])]


mask = pd.Series(True, index=df.index)
for i in range(len(group[0])):
mask = mask & (temp_df[group[0][i]] == vals_lst[i])]


我还想稍微简化一下代码,例如,我相信vals_lst = list(map(list, itertools.product([True, False], repeat=n)))对每个组都是相同的,所以我可能会计算一次,并将其作为一个独立变量,而不是将其添加到每个组中;这将清除group[0]group[1]group[0][i]引用,这些引用在第一次读取代码时有点难以跟踪。


