




hours = [6, 5, 5, 4, 3]
com_a = 8
com_b = 9
def get_max(hours, com_a, com_b):
if len(hours) == 0: return 0
max_cars_produced = 0
# the order of hours matters, so we check which order provides the highest number
for i in range(len(hours)):
h = hours[i]
child_1 = 0
child_2 = 0

# the order by which the companies are filled also matters
# case I: where first company is filled first
if h <= com_a: child_1 = get_max(hours[i+1:], com_a - h, com_b)
elif h <= com_b: child_1 = get_max(hours[i+1:], com_a, com_b -h)

# case 2: where second company is filled first
if h <= com_b: child_2 = get_max(hours[i+1:], com_a, com_b -h)
elif h <= com_a: child_2 = get_max(hours[i+1:], com_a - h, com_b)

if h <= com_a or  h <= com_b:
# if this satisfy this condition, it means that at least one car has been manufactured
num_cars = max(child_1, child_2) + 1 
if num_cars > max_cars_produced: max_cars_produced = num_cars
return max_cars_produced   
get_max(hours, com_a, com_b)

